Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Arrest Warrant Scam – Missing Jury Duty Scam.

a person receiving a phone call from the 'Hawaii State Judiciary,' with a gavel, scales, and a warning sign in the background. The image emphasizes the importance of being cautious with unsolicited emails or calls claiming to be from the Judiciary.a person receiving a phone call from the 'Hawaii State Judiciary,' with a gavel, scales, and a warning sign in the background. The image emphasizes the importance of being cautious with unsolicited emails or calls claiming to be from the Judiciary.

The Hawaii State Judiciary is warning the public of an ongoing scam where those targeted are told there is a warrant for their arrest for failing to show up for jury duty.

Officials said the scammers are continuing to pose as police officers, sheriffs and Judiciary employees.

The Judiciary said if you receive an email that looks to be from the Judiciary, but you did not email them first, do not click on any link or attachments, and do not reply.

If you receive a call or email seeking information, hang up or delete the message immediately.

The Judiciary said court staff and law enforcement will never call or email to inform of an outstanding warrant or summons.

They added that all communication from the Judiciary regarding jury service is handled through the U.S. mail, unless you called or emailed the Judiciary first with a specific question.

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