Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

An Overview on 2009 Top 10 Scams

By ScamRipper Jan 6, 2010
    1. Lottery checks – letters are being sent to customers in a mail format in a form of mail seemed to sent from supposed lotteries like “Publisher’s Clearing House” informing them they’ve won a cash prize of millions, and should wire hundreds of dollars back to the scammers to cover up taxes or a few other false charges.
    2. Mortgage foreclosure rescue/debt assistance – Unethical companies aiming on families who are struggling or having a bad period in the present economy and offering to help out them and to save their home or lessen out debts; victims shell out hundreds of dollars straight for support but they in no way they get.
    3. Rob calls – Phone numbers-some of which are on the do-not-call list-receive troublesome automated telemarketing call, which frequently mistakenly claim that the consumer’s auto guarantee is going to terminate or put forward to help decrease balance due and credit card interest charges. The issue provoked the FTC’s ban on rob calls. (Modafinil)
    4. Job hunter scams – As being without a job in the U.S. hit double digits for the foremost time in over 25 years, scammers had a huge pool of out-of-work people to aim on, and taking advantage of job hunter: fake work-at-home opportunity and refund dealing out schemes abound.
    5. Mystery shopping – The work asks customers to top secret shop some stores, calculate consumer service and then transfer cash back to their company via Western Union or Money Gram. The scam parties send a genuine-looking check to cover up the expenses. After cabling finances, victims find out it’s a bogus check and are out hundreds or thousands of dollars.

  1. Google work-from-home scams – numerous Web sites state “you be able to be trained how to build money from house using Google or Twitter.” plotter tempt in customers who imagine they’re being paid a job with Google or Twitter-with false trial offers, first course kits and software.
  2. Phishing emails/H1N1 spam – bogus Web sites and Phishing or spam e-mails promising to put off the spread of the H1N1 virus which were out of control in 2009.
  3. Weight loss pill free trial offers – Online ads for weight loss pills use fake endorsement from believed national news association, Oprah, Rachel Ray or Doctor Oz with the intention of selling a “free product trial” with a small shipping charge; supposedly, credit cards are automatically charged month after month, with no permission.
  4. Memorabilia – With the selection of the first African American President and the passing away of Michael Jackson, 2009 made available immense opportunities for scammers to put up for sale memorabilia, collectibles and remembrance things at extravagant prices, which may possibly have just sentimental worth.
  5. Friend/family in distress – Also recognized as the “Grandparent Scam,” the victim get a call or online letter from a “friend” or “family member” claiming to be caught in an urgent situation, automobile accident or taken into custody. The victim wires the money, finding it out later it was a scam artist pretending to be a friend or family member.

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