Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Mobile spam SMS has no End

By ScamRipper Aug 3, 2010 #spam #spam types

Now a days SMS cost very less, so many of the advertisers are using this to promote their business strategy. Most of the mobile users can get various junk messes from Builders, insurance and loan related companies, and many manufacturers.

According to these business people sending repeated SMS may make people to listen to it at least once. But in the people view it’s a big headache and those repeated messages are making them to get irritate.

In the latest survey the daily junk SMS count across the country reaches 100 million and according to the TRAI the number of wireless subscribers in India is increasing in a rapid rate. The business giants are spending less money to spread their business but most of the people are considering those messages as SPAM. Whatever the result may be, these type of Spam messages have no end.


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