Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Scaminformer.com extortion arm of ripoff report

By ScamRipper Dec 21, 2011

Ripoff report looks like a genuine complaint site but if you research more Rip off report is a known extortion Business. Their corporate advocacy program is a rip off. Charging 2000$ to repair a report looks funny and weird right?

They flash this on their homepage ” other sites will charge money to remove report but we at ripoffreport.com never charge anything and will not remove reports too” This is false because they charge much more than other sites to remove reports. A whopping 2000$ to remove or fix reports.

There are 1000s of valid complaints on ripoffreport being an extortion Business. Now Ed magedson as started a new site scaminformer.com which is an extortion arm of ripoffreport.com. He started this to intimidate people so when someone searches for a company there will be 2 complaints now one from ripoffreport and other from scam informer. (Alprazolam) So that will be two complaints in 1st of Google. Both are duplicates of ripoffreport. if the complaint is removed from ripoffreport.com automatically it is removed from scaminformer.com since scam informer uses ripoffreport data. This is one more great way to scam people of their hard earned money.

Submitted by our website user

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2 thoughts on “Scaminformer.com extortion arm of ripoff report”
  1. The owner takes pictures of himself in London England in front of a store named after himself.

    I can’t Imagine anything more lame, and I collect radioactive rocks for fun if that is any indication about my vast knowledge of lameness.

    Silicon Valley Recovery Inc.
    1162 Suncast Ln. #1000El Dorado Hills California 95762United States of America
    Phone: 9167303335

    Unaware that convincing someone to make good on a debt makes them a debt collector in the eyes of the U.S. District Court. This triggers the FDCPA to apply to any activities taken by this company in regards to this account. It opens them up to liability stemming from each and every call.

    They use autodialers/predictive dialers to call cell phone numbers not provided to original creditor without prior consent. (TCPA violation $1500 per call statutory damages)

    They spoof caller ID’s to send unsolicited text messages to pre-paid cell phones at a cost per text pretending to be a guy named Chad asking where you are.

    They call multiple time in a row in an attempt to cause the phone to ring continuously

    They intentionally use voice inflection, the title of “investigator” and case #…… to convey that they are in fact law enforcement trying to locate someone that they have a case on.

    They do this to elderly cancer patients with heart conditions as they did to my father.

    They call many times in a row hanging up on said elderly folks with their predictive dialer calling multiple numbers and routing the calls that answer first to the case worker.

    They lie about who they are, who owns them, their address and tell you they do not have a fax number.

    They intentionally and willfully cause the debt to be disclosed to third parties by the nature of their intimidating calls to seniors.

    They open their clients up to class action lawsuits by running their entire portfolios in this fashion.

    This is what I endured at the hands of SVR Inc..

    The client did not recover anything.

    The client had to deal with repeated calls due to their actions.

    The client wasted hours of time and had to run the entire file by it’s general counsel.

    The client’s contact who recommended this vendor was embarrassed and forced to apologize to the debtor’s 75 year old father.

    This client was or still may be Ally Financial Inc.

    These companies owned by John Lewis and Perla Lewis, are not operating within the law despite the perception that the owner through his blog “Masterqueue” tries to propagate.

    If you assign your portfolio to this company for collections, you are doing so forewarned.

    Besides failure to identify, fake spoofed caller ID’s and the illegal use of predictive dialers to call cell phones and land lines, including people they know are not the debtor, they duck all responsibility for their actions. The time is coming for this company and have put three hours in so far today to make that happen. They will be held to account. Here is my story.

    Abusive skip tracing/ debt
    collector (Silicon Valley Recovery, Inc.) working for Ally Financial Inc.,
    called my 75 year old Dad pretending to be a detective. Using voice inflection
    to sound like a cop and the name investigator Brad Martini, working case number….
    trying to locate……. My Dad worried that the police were looking for me and
    feared his grandson, whom I have sole custody over, would be orphaned as his mother
    is not in the picture. He couldn’t reach me. He freaked out and called my eight
    brothers and sisters telling them the police were searching for me. I was
    reached by my brother and called my Dad. I told him the truth. I had to explain
    the details of my debt to my whole entire family because of this. I contacted
    S.V.R. Inc. and told them to cease and desist at the end of the call. They then
    immediately called my Dad. They thanked him for getting the message to me. Brad
    Martini told my Dad ” you need to convince him to be the son you raised
    him to be”. They tried to shame this proud parent of nine. He was upset.
    They called two of my cell phones hanging up on me for several days. Then they
    called my Dad 3 times in a row hanging up on him 10-22-2012 then on the third call after a
    pause the call was transferred to Brad Martini. My Dad stated to him that he
    was on the other line reporting them to the Attorney’s General’s Department of
    consumer protection. He then hung up. My Dad called me very upset. He had
    cancer surgery this past year and has heart issues and was forced to keep
    getting up and walking all the way across the house to the only phone to answer
    then being hung up on and then doing it all over again meanwhile getting all
    upset. I called Silicon Valley Recovery, Inc. and they refused to give
    identifying information. They hung up on me two different times. Once with Brad
    and once with the office manager Katherine. I got their resident agent
    information and address from the secretary of state with what the name they
    reluctantly provided. I then called back and they denied the address, the name
    of the resident agent and the name of the owner John Lewis. They then
    transferred me to the people I owe, Ally Financial Inc.. They were nice. They
    were honest. They put me in touch with the guy who runs the collections
    department John Sullivan. I explained all we had been through with all the
    calls and two fake texts to one of my cell phones pretending to be Chad trying
    to find out where I was. He apologized and stated that sometimes the Vendors do
    not operate the way they should and sometimes violate the law without knowledge
    or consent of the original creditor which was Ally Financial. Basically they
    hire these guys and they are acting in bad faith while violating the TCPA and
    the FDCPA. Ally Financial represented by John Sullivan immediately recognized how bad this situation is and personally called my Dad to apologize which really helped my father calm down.
    Ally Financial Should not be in the business of apology calls on behalf of their vendors. These people were sued in Illinois last year for similar violations.

    I have an appointment with one of the best TCPA, FDCPA attorneys on November 26th 2012.

    I have notified every single regulatory agency that handles these complaints.

    I will go further in lobbying my elected officials to enact legislation to provide tougher sanctions and enforcement against such practices. I used to ignore these types of calls. These guys went way over the line and then some.

    Is this who you want working your portfolio????

    Update: Robert Coudray’s Office only takes your complaints seriously if it’s about a bank or financial istitution so make sure you write it correctly so you don’t have to have your congressman’s office liaze with his office just to get someone to actually act on your report. Don’t bother with the FTC. Way to laid back over there.

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