Tue. Mar 11th, 2025
  • If you get a voice mail or message from your credit card company that asks you to call back, only call back using the number listed on the back side of your card. Never call directly to the contact number offered in the message.
  • Sign your credit and debit cards with “See ID.” This will compel you to show your signature sample off your ID.  Some scammer can duplicate your sign on his or her ID.
  • Websites with doubtful content will sometimes inquire your credit or debit card number. Don’t fall in! Unless you are really making a purchase, there is no need to share your credit card information with them.
  • Don’t be destroyed by a phish. Be cautious of any emails from a bank or credit card company asking your account information. Contact the company directly (and not through the unknown email) to confirm the request.
  • Regularly perform periodic privacy checks. On a regular basis, verify your Internet browser and social media site privacy settings to be sure they match your wants. After visiting secure sites, delete the cache of your browser so that no one can view your confidential information.
  • Do not click on any ‘unsubscribe’ links in any unknown email, or reply with an unsubscribe message. Doing both will just confirm that the spammer/scammer is reaching a live address and they will continue to keep you on their contact lists. So, simply delete the email.
  • There are two signs to denote that security while shopping online. One is the “padlock” icon located at the bottom of your browser window, and the other is “https” instead of “http” in the address bar. These will confirm that the page you are shopping is secure.
  •  Avoid common passwords like birthdays, addresses or phone numbers – these are just easy to guess, they’re easy to get with simple searches. Most sites suggested a minimum of eight characters and a mix of numbers, Capital letters, small letters, and symbols.
  • Don’t use repeat passwords for anything involving sensitive personal information. Fraudsters will run compromised email accounts against financial institutions in case there is a repeat that will grant them access.
  • Change your passwords regularly. Many sites require periodic password changes.

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