Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

One of the things which had continued during one moment in the arena of Domain Name is a company which sends the postal sending to replace your Domain Name. The problem is, they are not the company which you currently recorded your Domain Name with.

While somebody called this a swindle, they supposed to say that it is not a swindle in the true direction of the word, supposing they provide really the services of renewal which they offer, but the sending is incredibly misleading, and to resemble an invoice to replace the Domain Name of owners. If the proprietor of the domain doesn’t read the letter carefully and just sends in the payment, they get committed to a new provider when they didn’t intentionally do so. In the way these lettering presented are meant to do just that, mislead the owner of the domain in to switching to their service, at what is usually a much-magnified cost over what the domain name proprietor is presently paying. A similar thing took place a number of years ago in the telephone industry and was subsequently made illegal. This was known as slamming in the phone industry.

More number of people has received a number of mailings like this, being that they own quite a few domain names. They come with different company names in the top of the letter, but they all are strikingly similar in format, and they all have a similar or even exactly the same return address in New York State. Some common names they use are Domain Registry of America, Liberty Names of America, and Domain Renewal Group.

The fingerprint does say “THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE”, but it’s buried in so much other text you can easily scan over it. In fact, it’s not yet bolded or in capital letters like the phrase put here. They are even “nice” enough to offer to register other extensions of your domain name for you; at four to five times the price you can register it yourself through most places.

If you receive any of these, our advice is to throw them in the trash immediately. While you can certainly renew or transmit your domain names to any provider you wish, it should be your choice on your own initiation, not a scam mailing like this trying to trap you in to switching for a higher price. (Ambien)

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