1. Lowball Pricing: One of the most common home inspection scams is called lowball pricing. This occurs when an inspector offers a quote that is far lower than the industry standard. The inspector may not have any credentials, and may not properly inspect the home, giving the buyer a false sense of security.
2. Limited Inspection: Another scam involves an inspector offering a limited service. Often, the inspection itself may be performed by an inexperienced or unlicensed individual, or the inspector may inaccurately report home issues.
3. Fake Certifications: Fake certifications are also an issue. Home inspectors can qualify for a number of certifications, and a lack of certifications can often indicate a lack of experience. It is important to ensure that an inspector has the right qualifications, and to avoid hiring individuals that claim to have certifications without any proof.

4. Faked Inspections: There have also been instances of inspectors faking home inspection reports. This is often done to purposely underreport the amount of damage to a home, allowing the sale to go through without the necessary repairs being made.
5. Upfront Payment: One of the most important steps when it comes to hiring an inspector is to only pay after the inspection is complete. Many inspectors may require an upfront payment, which should be avoided as it is possible the individual may not be a legitimate inspector, or may not complete the job to standards.
The best way to avoid these scams is to do the research before hiring a home inspector. Ensure that the individual is properly licensed and qualified, and that the fees are in line with industry standards. Always read reviews from previous customers, and ensure that any certifications are legitimate. Lastly, do not pay for services before they are performed, as this may be a sign of a scam. With the right research and preparation, home buyers can avoid these common home inspection scams.