Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

March 23 – Daily News Scam

By ScamRipper Mar 23, 2023

Scam news 1

Sister City Scam in Newark

Sister city scam
Sister city scam

It’s a textbook case of an overseas scam — except the victim was an American city.

Officials in Newark, New Jersey, were initially thrilled to partner with the Hindu nation of the United States of Kailasa.

The only problem? The country doesn’t exist.

After hosting “delegates” from the made-up country at a formal ceremony in January, City Hall has admitted that the whole thing was a scam led by notorious Indian fugitive Swami Nithyananda.Read more

Scam news 2

Stolen Image Scam

Stolen image scam
Stolen image scam

Almost every day, Vanessa gets messages from men who believe they are in a relationship with her – some even think she’s their wife. They are angry, confused and some want their money back – which they say they sent her to pay for daily expenses, hospital bills, or to help relatives.

But it is all a lie. Vanessa doesn’t know these men. Instead, her pictures and videos – lifted from her past life in adult entertainment – have been used as the bait in online romance scams dating back to the mid-2000s.Read more

Scam news 3

Scams Run High During Tax Time

Tax time scam
Tax time scam

Ahead of tax season, Avast, a leading digital security and privacy brand of Gen™ (NASDAQ: GEN), is warning New Zealanders of increased scam activity as cybercriminals prey on taxpayers’ vulnerability during a time when they are expecting their tax returns. Netsafe, New Zealand’s independent, non-profit online safety organisation, reports scams year-round, and sees spikes between March and July, when an old tax year ends, and a new begins, and when individual tax refunds become available.Read more

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