Scam news 1
Do 99 out of 100 Scam Texts

It’s the worst-kept secret in the industry, discussed in high-level anti-scam meetings at Britain’s biggest banks and telecoms companies.=According to insiders, one major phone network provider is shamefully lagging behind its peers in the fight against fraudsters — O2.
Today, a group representing all the big UK banks and tech giants Microsoft, Meta and Google accuses O2 of allowing far more scam text messages to reach its customers than other networks do. Read more
Scam news 2
Scammers have a New trick to make Old Utility Scam

MESA (3TV/CBS 5) – Chet Hopper is busy driving for Uber and Lyft. He’s racking up more trips than usual, trying to make up for $1,300 he lost to a scammer. It started with a phone call from someone claiming to be from SRP. “They said [my electricity] was scheduled for shut off that day and I needed to get it taken care of right away,” Hopper told On Your Side. Read more
Scam news 3
‘Family Emergency’ Scam

Wedding Photographer Accused of Pulling ‘Family Emergency’ Scam;
A wedding photographer from Kansas stands accused of “scamming” couples and robbing them of memories of their big day by faking a family emergency. She has, allegedly, done this multiple time.
According to KAKE News, Nick and Kirstie Steffen hired Caitlin Payne as the photographer for their wedding in February. Read more