Female scammer Sandra Cris
Scam Danger: 60%

Rosa Bakarova is a notorious female scammer known for her involvement in fraudulent activities and scams. She has an extensive criminal record and has been involved in various types of fraud, including online scams, identity theft, and Ponzi schemes.Bakarova utilizes different tactics to deceive her victims and gain their trust, often pretending to be a reputable businessperson or offering lucrative investment opportunities. She is skilled in manipulating people and using persuasive techniques to convince them to hand over their money or personal information.
One of her most common scams involves promising high returns on investments or offering exclusive opportunities to invest in a particular venture. She convinces individuals to invest large sums of money, but instead of using it for legitimate purposes, she embezzles the funds for personal gain.Bakarova has also been known to target vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly or those in financial distress. She takes advantage of their desperation and offers false promises of financial assistance or debt relief programs, only to disappear after receiving payment or personal information.
Furthermore, she has been involved in identity theft schemes, where she steals personal information and uses it for various illegal activities, such as applying for loans, credit cards, or making unauthorized purchases. Read more
Still active on dating sites attempting to gain more victims through Romance crypto scams. Research Pig slaughter scam method.