Bonet Related Scams

Botnets that are related to phones and text messages are also gaining huge popularity. Scammers those who operate from distant land will also send text messages to the target group requesting the recipients to open the messages. When the recipients unknowingly open the message along with the attachment the information that is stored in the android phone will get infected and damaged. Scams that are very popular in online websites are botnet infections. Public should delete phishing mails or the messages that come from Estonia and Russia since it might be from scammers. 'Operation Ghost Click' was a famous scam which made the FBI tizzy and active. It is a Trojan that, once installed on a system, will steal the important data or corrupt it within no time. When this Trojan software is installed the Estonian company will control the system and steal the data quickly. Scammers will follow different unique methods to swindle the data from the computer and the public should handle these types of people very carefully.
This Trojan will quickly damage or steal crucial data after it has been installed on a machine. The Estonian business will take control of the machine and immediately grab the data after installing this Trojan software. The public should treat scammers with extreme caution since they will use a variety of original techniques to steal data from computers.

- Take immediate actions when the computer terminals or servers are extremely slow since the hackers may attack the system and steal the data.
- Install the most advanced antivirus software in all the important computer systems.
- Update all the computer then and there and stay educated on the latest tactics that hackers use.
- Do not preserve important data such as credit card numbers, expiry date, passwords and bank account details since the hackers may steal these data.
- Escalate these types of peculiar scams to the cyber police or the authorities concerned.