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Casting Call Scams
This is not as broad as some different tricks; however it appears to have truly been on the increment lately, on account of the prominence of TV ability shows like "American Idol" and "Venture Runway."
Scammers act like operators or ability scouts searching for performing artists, vocalists, models, reality show candidates, and so forth, and they utilize imposter trial notices to trick yearning entertainers into paying to go for parts that don't exist.

There are a few ways this plays out. It can just be a deceitful approach to offer acting lessons, photography administrations, and so on, or it can be an inside and out trick for things like charges for online "applications" or approaching "throwing calls." Even more awful, the data gave on an online application could be everything a trickster requirements for fraud.
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We have compiled a list of several reliable online Casting call scam references and its types.
All that you need to know about Casting Call Scam :
Dreaming of an opportunity that makes you an actor, a singer, a model, an ever famous personality overnight?
There are companies and agencies out there, that takes advantage of this dream of yours and knocks your door with an appearing to be legitimate opportunity. Human emotions are taken advantage of by these scammers that are looking for ways to cheat.

Scammers have left no stone unturned in order to scam the innocent users who are waiting for legitimate opportunities down the lane. They reach all the doors that appear to open opportunities to innocent and unaware users. Casting call is another niche in which users are getting scammed by these hucksters. Casting call scam is on the rise in the recent few months, and scammers are finding alternate ways in order to swindle money from the prospective users. A rare and unique example is the Debra Zane casting call scam that was promoted in order to host a fake event. Scammers try to swindle small amounts from huge number of candidates in the name of "pay to audition" and "register to join" schemes that reap no benefit to the user in the end.

Social media platforms are highly exploited by these scammers, in order to create fake ads and opportunities that innocent users fall prey to. The ads and offers may appear to be so real that the users who are applying for these do not look for legitimacy. It is always good to be educated about different ways in which scammers approach the users.
The following tips will help you spot and avoid casting call scams.
Top 5 Ways to spot a Casting Call Scam:
Casting call without audition :
Most of the scam companies tend to call the candidate without any audition. This is the most common way to spot a casting call scam. They insist the candidate to join immediately without audition. The scammer thinks that this is the easiest way to trap the candidate, but the user should be aware that no company or agency has such an urgent requirement to select the candidate without even auditioning.

Address requests :
Any casting company that insists on address request of the candidate is to be put on doubt. The casting agency should be interested in the profile of the candidate and not the address.
No wire transfers :
If a casting call company/agency is not involved in any wire transfers, then there is a suspicion that should arise. Companies that are looking for easier ways to hide money transactions are the ones that scam the users.
No proper information:
When no proper information about the casting company or agency is available, then it is time for users to stop and think. Legitimate companies and agencies will disclose all the necessary information to the candidate whom they are casting.
Prepayment :
Companies that are legitimate do not offer prepayment to the candidates for doing nothing. It is the tactic of the scammers to attain confidence from the users in order to plan a greater scam in the long run.

Ways to avoid being a subject to casting call scam:
? Any company or agency that involves payment for auditions alone is a scam. Do not agree to pay for auditions, legitimate companies do not charge anything in the name of special fee for auditions.
? Many casting call scam companies promise to refund the registration fee that you need to pay in the start. Never agree to such companies as they will never return the amount once taken
? Agencies that insist on "urgent casting calls" and "immediate joining" are more likely to be scam.
? Legitimate advertisements are made through social media. It is highly risky to be casting call agents who call and convince you to join their agency.
? Users need to beware of casting call advertisements that appear on craigslist. Statistics reveal that most of the phony ads were from craigslist.
? Beware of ads that say "All types, ages, and ethnicities wanted." Specific roles generally require a specific look, age and type. Such ads are more prone to be scams.
? It is advisable for users to do a thorough home work about the company that they are applying to.
Other ways to beware of casting call scams

Real Time Examples of Casting Call Scams
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The below mentioned screenshot is a story from the company casting 360. This company is involved in scamming innocent users in the name of casting calls. They charge very minimal amount to post your resume in their website and call you on a daily basis giving you fake promises that you can become an actor or actress and earn up to $300 to $500 per day. The company makes false claims by giving the candidate guaranteed roles in commercials and small parts in movies. Users who are constantly looking for chances to get into the modeling industry are moved by the false claims that this company gives, and are carried away to pay the small amounts that becomes big of the scammer in the end.

The most Unique Casting Call Scam Alert: Promoting real casting director for a scam event!
Another story of an casting agency that runs a fake workshop in the name of Debra Zane, casting director of movies twilight, the hunger games etc. The scammer is involved in promoting a half day workshop at the cost of $149. This is one of the unique casting call scam that involves promoting a real casting director for a fake event. The scammer was caught at a very short notice, when Debra Zane found out that some agency was running a workshop in her name. Such cases bring to light that scammers can go to any extent in order to cheat the users.

The promotion of the event appeared to be so legitimate that many users registered for it and many of the credit card payments went through to the scammers account. Below mentioned is the fake event details that were created by the scammer in order to host the so called legitimate workshop event. will always keep you updated about all the phony ways that scammers adopt in order to cheat the innocent users.
If you are a victim of Ghana fraud submit the scammer's details here.