Scams » Scam Phone Numbers Sitemap » Scam Phone Number

Scam Phone Number

0800 072 0161 - As reported to us it is a Scammer's Telephone number. This telephone number has been used by scammers, be safe and Do not try to contact this number again. If you receive a call from this number again, report the case to your local authorities.
If you do not think it's a scammer's telephone number, please contact us And we shall cross check and remove from our scammer's telephone number list.

 2 ratings

0800 072 0161 - Looks like DWP. I called back and a voice recording said “we tried to call you, no need to return the call we will try again tomorrow” then a text came through saying the same (missed call but will try again tomorrow) I think this is genuine as the text came through on an ongoing message I receive from DWP. Haven’t actually spoken to anyone to verify but seems legit. Please be careful though as others have said some people can clone a reliable number It’s without doubt a spammer and the people saying it’s legitimate must be part of that spam it’s a Pakistani lady who talks to you when you call this no message says dwp never give your bank numbers to this person they are very plausible and clever spammers beware

THANK YOU! for using

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