Scammer Henry 

Fraudster Henry 


Name: Henry
Other Name:
Born: 12.08.1967
whether Dead or Alive:
Age: 55
Criminal / Fraud / Scam Charges:
Criminal / Fraud / Scam Penalty:
Known For:

Description :

---Original Message---
He needed money after getting robbed in Germany he was starting a company in Germany also he had money coming in from Dubai from the bank and they wouldn't let him have access to it so he switched all the monies into my name supposedly and so I have that I have papers that shows that he was transferring money to me or the accounts but it never came to fruition the lawyer we had hired which is in Dubai as well he just said they have not signed it they haven't signed it is your phone behind finally I just realized it was a scam he took me for almost $200,000

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