Scams » Scam And Its Types » Mobile Phone Scams

Mobile Phone Scams

As technology had rooted deeply in the people's life, the scammers too find a similar way to steal money using the same technology. One of the popular methods that have been countered by the scammers on a large scale is the mobile phone scam which is popularly known as "Smishing". This type of scam is considered as most efficient as every normal person hold a mobile phone through which one could easily gain access to one's personal information and banking credentials. Mobile phone scams exploit smartphones for fraudulent activities. Phishing texts and robocalls trick users into divulging personal information. Malicious apps and SIM card swapping compromise device security. Smishing uses SMS for phishing attempts, while the Wangiri scam encourages costly call-backs. Mobile malware poses a threat, stealing sensitive data. Protect against scams by being skeptical of unexpected messages, installing security apps, avoiding suspicious links, verifying requests, and enabling two-factor authentication. Vigilance and security measures are essential to thwart the various mobile phone scams targeting users.
Mobile Phone Scam

The various types of mobile phone scams are listed below:

Subscriber scam :

Subscriber Scams

Scammers call claiming to be from service center to get your personal details. On knowing your personal details they manage to trick people using your name and details.

Cloning method :

cloning method Scams

Here, the scammer tries to get your mobile identity of cloning your phone number and unique identity number and call others to play indecent tricks on them.

Lost cell phones :

lost cell phone Scams

This is the most crucial method where the scammers use the authorized accounts of your number to call others. They play by elaborating out some sad stories and ask to credit money immediately to their notified account details.

Informal text messages :

Mobile Phone Scams

You get an informal messages claiming that your bank account is been suspended. Scammers wrap the message as it if the pop up alert is from associated legitimate bank that hold your bank details. They give some number to be the call center digits where you need to register your complete bank details.

International call routing :

International call Scams

In this type of scam you will get a call from some mysterious number. On attending to that call you may get a computer recorded voice which actually routes the call to international network that costs you 20 dollars per minute. This could highly reflect back in your mobile payment bills.

Buying second hand phones :

Buying second hand phone Scams

Many people tend to buy second hand phones as they could get it for a cheaper price. Here, some illegal software will be installed without the buyer's knowledge that could track various users' information. By this, the scammers could listen to your conversation, text messages and they even track their movement. This is most dangerous as they could get you in control very easily without your knowledge.

How ripandscam help you in this process

Once you feel you got scammed, register your complaint on the website portal which will get back to you with necessary effective solutions. If you track the ongoing process of getting scammed simultaneously bring the complaint to our knowledge as it can be in parallel taken steps by authenticated privacy members. We will process and take your complaint seriously in getting back the justice. We keenly create awareness on people to defend them in getting scammed.

Informal text messages

Try to get your contacts

Mobile phone fraud

Phone scams

Spot a fake mobile app

How to stay away from getting scammed

  • Protect your phone by installing anti-virus software that could block access to malware messages.
  • Check your mobile bill every month does it remains in line with your usage.
  • Don't give your number to register for any services especially for something that is free.
  • Block your number by contacting to your mobile service center once immediately got theft or lost somewhere.

mobile phone scam call

mobile phone scam theft

mobile phone unfamilier

mobile phone subscriber

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