Scams » Scam And Its Types » OLX Scammer ASHISH DEBBARMA India


Scam Images

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Scammer Phone Numbers

phone number1 : +44 7418 323368

phone number2 : +234 904 508 4881

Scammer Bank Details

megabiz116@ybl 6303684514

phone pay number; 6303684514

Scammer Chat Details

11/12/2020, 07:10 - Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them. Tap to learn more
11/12/2020, 07:10 - +44 7418 323368: greetings bro
11/12/2020, 07:10 - +44 7418 323368: IMG-20201211-WA0000.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 07:11 - +44 7418 323368: Welcome sir and thanks for your patronage you just gave me your WhatsApp number not quite long now on olx
11/12/2020, 09:01 - Amazing Models: Ok where are you in Chennai
11/12/2020, 09:01 - +44 7418 323368: Sir we are online shopping company store and we make delivery worldwide to all our customers customers
11/12/2020, 09:02 - Amazing Models: Wow ok
11/12/2020, 09:02 - Amazing Models: How do you accept payment ?
11/12/2020, 09:07 - +44 7418 323368: Sir we accept payment via phone pay transfer,Google pay transfer, Online bank to bank transfer
11/12/2020, 09:08 - Amazing Models: But I have cash only,
11/12/2020, 09:08 - Amazing Models: Do you have any one I can give cash
11/12/2020, 09:09 - +44 7418 323368: VID-20201211-WA0001.mp4 (file attached)
11/12/2020, 09:09 - +44 7418 323368: Below are some of our delivery document video we recently made delivery today and we hope to receive a payment of 2,000RS for delivery charges

I assure you and promise you that you will never regret dealing with us,I swear that everything will be alright after payment confirmation. We are really interested in dealing with you because i know you will bring us more customer and buy more from us after this.You will NEVER get disappointed and i will not let you down my friend,All you need is trust and we will both smile at last.

11/12/2020, 09:10 - Amazing Models: That's good
11/12/2020, 09:11 - Amazing Models: But I have cash only
11/12/2020, 09:11 - Amazing Models: How to pay cash
11/12/2020, 09:11 - +44 7418 323368: Sir you can get a friend or go to a shop to send the amount
11/12/2020, 09:11 - +44 7418 323368: Via google pay
11/12/2020, 09:11 - +44 7418 323368: Phone pay
11/12/2020, 09:11 - +44 7418 323368: Paytm
11/12/2020, 09:11 - Amazing Models: I don't want to do that
11/12/2020, 09:11 - Amazing Models: I pay 40000 cash
11/12/2020, 09:12 - Amazing Models: Then you deliver
11/12/2020, 09:12 - +44 7418 323368: I assure you and promise you that you will never regret dealing with us,I swear that everything will be alright after payment confirmation. We are really interested in dealing with you because i know you will bring us more customer and buy more from us after this.You will NEVER get disappointed and i will not let you down my friend,All you need is trust and we will both smile at last.

11/12/2020, 09:12 - +44 7418 323368: IMG-20201211-WA0002.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 09:12 - +44 7418 323368: IMG-20201211-WA0003.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 09:12 - +44 7418 323368: IMG-20201211-WA0004.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 09:12 - +44 7418 323368: IMG-20201211-WA0005.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 09:12 - +44 7418 323368: This is my ID card to know am genius ....We are registered company licensed and approved by the government, and everything we do is been monitored by the government. So you are 100% sure of receiving the items within 30hours after payment confirmation, don't be scared you are dealing with the right company.

11/12/2020, 09:13 - +44 7418 323368: Sir without the payment confirmation we canbt process the shipment or any delivery of the mobile phone to send payment confirmation

11/12/2020, 09:13 - Amazing Models: I never said I am scared
11/12/2020, 09:13 - Amazing Models: But have cash only
11/12/2020, 09:13 - Amazing Models: I trust you
11/12/2020, 09:15 - +44 7418 323368: I have a poor connection
11/12/2020, 09:15 - Amazing Models: Make normal call
11/12/2020, 09:16 - Amazing Models: How to pay cash
11/12/2020, 09:16 - +44 7418 323368: You can make payment via google pay or phone pa y transfer
11/12/2020, 09:16 - Amazing Models: I want to use cash
11/12/2020, 09:16 - Amazing Models: Don't know Google pay
11/12/2020, 09:17 - +44 7418 323368: Below is the upi for you to make transfer sir and send us screen shot

megabiz116@ybl 6303684514
and phone pay number; 6303684514

And kindly forward me the payment screen shot for confirmation
11/12/2020, 09:18 - Amazing Models: Lol
11/12/2020, 09:18 - Amazing Models: You don't understand
11/12/2020, 09:18 - Amazing Models: I want to use cash
11/12/2020, 09:18 - +44 7418 323368: Meaning
11/12/2020, 09:18 - +44 7418 323368: How much cash
11/12/2020, 09:18 - Amazing Models: 40000
11/12/2020, 09:18 - +44 7418 323368: Okay
11/12/2020, 09:19 - +44 7418 323368: How do we make the deal
11/12/2020, 09:19 - Amazing Models: You send someone I'll pay cash
11/12/2020, 09:19 - Amazing Models: Then you ship product
11/12/2020, 09:20 - +44 7418 323368: Okay forward me the cash amount
11/12/2020, 09:20 - +44 7418 323368: To my o pay account bro
11/12/2020, 09:20 - Amazing Models: No
11/12/2020, 09:20 - Amazing Models: I want to give to the person
11/12/2020, 09:20 - Amazing Models: Send your friend
11/12/2020, 09:21 - +44 7418 323368: Wait let make a deal just make the transfer and once it is done b I will send tracking
11/12/2020, 09:21 - +44 7418 323368: He will come to your location
11/12/2020, 09:21 - Amazing Models: Yes I transfer cash
11/12/2020, 09:21 - Amazing Models: Send him
11/12/2020, 09:21 - +44 7418 323368: Ok
11/12/2020, 09:22 - Amazing Models: p
11/12/2020, 09:25 - +44 7418 323368: Send me me payment screen shot
11/12/2020, 09:26 - +44 7418 323368: Now I mean payment phot
11/12/2020, 09:26 - Amazing Models: What payment photo ?
11/12/2020, 09:26 - Amazing Models: I want to give you directly
11/12/2020, 09:27 - +44 7418 323368: Okay by what time ??
11/12/2020, 09:27 - Amazing Models: 12 ok for you ?
11/12/2020, 09:27 - +44 7418 323368: Cause am a bit shock I wonbt get fraud also
11/12/2020, 09:27 - Amazing Models: p
11/12/2020, 09:27 - Amazing Models: Why fraud
11/12/2020, 09:27 - Amazing Models: You give product later
11/12/2020, 09:28 - +44 7418 323368: Okay brother
11/12/2020, 09:28 - +44 7418 323368: Nice doing transactions with you
11/12/2020, 09:28 - Amazing Models: p
11/12/2020, 09:29 - +44 7418 323368: p
11/12/2020, 09:29 - Amazing Models: Give your local number
11/12/2020, 09:29 - Amazing Models: So that we can arrange meeting
11/12/2020, 09:29 - +44 7418 323368: +234 904 508 4881
11/12/2020, 09:30 - Amazing Models: But that is Nigeria number
11/12/2020, 09:30 - +44 7418 323368: My local number for transfer processing
11/12/2020, 09:30 - +44 7418 323368: Webre is your meeting form
11/12/2020, 09:30 - Amazing Models: Chennai
11/12/2020, 09:30 - +44 7418 323368: Good
11/12/2020, 09:30 - +44 7418 323368: pp
11/12/2020, 09:30 - Amazing Models: p
11/12/2020, 09:31 - +44 7418 323368: PTT-20201211-WA0006.opus (file attached)
11/12/2020, 09:31 - +44 7418 323368: pp1p
11/12/2020, 09:31 - Amazing Models: Yes I pay cash
11/12/2020, 09:32 - +44 7418 323368: Okay at sad road off aboki crescent moon way 12:00pm
11/12/2020, 09:32 - Amazing Models: Where is it ?
11/12/2020, 09:33 - +44 7418 323368: u S a
11/12/2020, 09:33 - +44 7418 323368: p pp.p3b
11/12/2020, 09:33 - Amazing Models: Send Chennai rep
11/12/2020, 09:34 - +44 7418 323368: IMG-20201211-WA0007.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 09:34 - +44 7418 323368: Lolz mistake
11/12/2020, 09:34 - Amazing Models: Very clean document
11/12/2020, 09:34 - +44 7418 323368: Good
11/12/2020, 09:34 - Amazing Models: You give jobs too ?
11/12/2020, 09:34 - +44 7418 323368: What jobs
11/12/2020, 09:35 - +44 7418 323368: C A S P
11/12/2020, 09:35 - Amazing Models: Okp
11/12/2020, 09:35 - +44 7418 323368: Are you done b??
11/12/2020, 09:36 - Amazing Models: Yes ready to meet
11/12/2020, 09:36 - +44 7418 323368: Cause I send u my local number and location
11/12/2020, 09:36 - Amazing Models: Yes
11/12/2020, 09:37 - Amazing Models: Send Chennai location
11/12/2020, 09:39 - +44 7418 323368: Went
11/12/2020, 09:40 - Amazing Models: Went where ?
11/12/2020, 09:41 - +44 7418 323368: To meet correctly meet with my sister
11/12/2020, 09:42 - Amazing Models: Ok will do
11/12/2020, 09:43 - +44 7418 323368: When done let me knowp'p7
11/12/2020, 09:43 - Amazing Models: Yes cash ready
11/12/2020, 09:43 - +44 7418 323368: Send picture
11/12/2020, 09:43 - +44 7418 323368: For proof
11/12/2020, 09:44 - Amazing Models: Why proof
11/12/2020, 09:44 - Amazing Models: I meet you
11/12/2020, 09:44 - Amazing Models: I give you
11/12/2020, 09:44 - Amazing Models: After 30 hours you send
11/12/2020, 09:45 - +44 7418 323368: Okay
11/12/2020, 09:45 - +44 7418 323368: Show baller Danny nu
11/12/2020, 09:45 - Amazing Models: Who is danny
11/12/2020, 09:46 - +44 7418 323368: Sho
11/12/2020, 09:46 - Amazing Models: p
11/12/2020, 09:47 - +44 7418 323368: Are you deef and dump
11/12/2020, 09:48 - Amazing Models: Signal problem
11/12/2020, 09:48 - Amazing Models: Why you are angry I like you
11/12/2020, 09:48 - +44 7418 323368: Zyk not angry was only heckling with my health
11/12/2020, 09:48 - Amazing Models: Ok
11/12/2020, 09:48 - +44 7418 323368: p p b:o8b:o8b:o8b:o8
11/12/2020, 09:49 - +44 7418 323368: So what do you need exactly
11/12/2020, 09:49 - Amazing Models: I want this product
11/12/2020, 09:49 - +44 7418 323368: Okay sir
11/12/2020, 09:50 - +44 7418 323368: Below is the upi for you to make transfer sir and send us screen shot

megabiz116@ybl 6303684514

Google pay and phone pay number; 6303684514

And kindly forward me the payment screen shot for confirmation
11/12/2020, 09:50 - +44 7418 323368: Madam are you still proper in dealing and sending these amount
11/12/2020, 09:50 - Amazing Models: Yes
11/12/2020, 09:50 - Amazing Models: But I pay cash
11/12/2020, 09:50 - Amazing Models: Btw I am male
11/12/2020, 09:51 - +44 7418 323368: Pappy Nale
11/12/2020, 09:51 - +44 7418 323368: Right ??
11/12/2020, 09:51 - Amazing Models: I am not from Nigeria
11/12/2020, 09:52 - +44 7418 323368: I know sir
11/12/2020, 09:52 - +44 7418 323368: From were
11/12/2020, 09:52 - Amazing Models: India
11/12/2020, 09:52 - +44 7418 323368: City
11/12/2020, 09:53 - +44 7418 323368: INDUSLND BANK
ACCOUNT NO:100-117-702-108
IFSC INDB0000140
11/12/2020, 09:53 - +44 7418 323368: Once the payment is done kindly send me the payment screen shot for us to continue your payment confirmation and proceed immediately
11/12/2020, 09:54 - Amazing Models: Cash please
11/12/2020, 09:54 - +44 7418 323368: INDUSLND BANK
ACCOUNT NO:100-117-702-108
IFSC INDB0000140
11/12/2020, 09:54 - +44 7418 323368: Once the payment is done kindly send me the payment screen shot for us to continue your payment confirmation and proceed immediately
11/12/2020, 09:54 - Amazing Models: Cash
11/12/2020, 09:57 - +44 7418 323368: Send cash
11/12/2020, 09:57 - +44 7418 323368: Via shop now
11/12/2020, 09:57 - +44 7418 323368: And send only receipt
11/12/2020, 09:57 - +44 7418 323368: ATM transfer
11/12/2020, 09:58 - Amazing Models: No please
11/12/2020, 09:58 - Amazing Models: I can pay full if you meet
11/12/2020, 09:58 - +44 7418 323368: How much total amount t in meeting
11/12/2020, 09:59 - Amazing Models: 40000
11/12/2020, 10:00 - +44 7418 323368: Ok
11/12/2020, 10:00 - +44 7418 323368: Phot
11/12/2020, 10:00 - +44 7418 323368: By 12
11/12/2020, 10:00 - Amazing Models: Ok where
11/12/2020, 10:02 - +44 7418 323368: Plot 10
11/12/2020, 10:04 - Amazing Models: STK-20201211-WA0008.webp (file attached)
11/12/2020, 10:04 - +44 7418 323368: p'"
11/12/2020, 10:59 - +44 7418 323368: Hello sir have you arrange your amount
11/12/2020, 11:00 - Amazing Models: Yes what time you are coming ?
11/12/2020, 11:16 - +44 7418 323368: Am coming by evening lastest once the amount is been paid
11/12/2020, 11:16 - +44 7418 323368: Missed voice call
11/12/2020, 11:17 - +44 7418 323368: So now transfer 10,000 first
11/12/2020, 11:17 - +44 7418 323368: And when am there with you you transfer rest amount
11/12/2020, 11:33 - +44 7418 323368: Hello
11/12/2020, 11:34 - +44 7418 323368: Sir
11/12/2020, 11:51 - +44 7418 323368: Bro
11/12/2020, 11:52 - +44 7418 323368: Delivery will come to your doorstep India
11/12/2020, 11:52 - +44 7418 323368: Within 2 days
11/12/2020, 12:17 - Amazing Models: Cash?
11/12/2020, 12:18 - +44 7418 323368: IMG-20201211-WA0009.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 12:18 - +44 7418 323368: Sir below are some of our chat one transfer receipt for delivery
11/12/2020, 12:19 - Amazing Models: What time can I pay you?
11/12/2020, 12:22 - +44 7418 323368: Sir you can make the transfer now
11/12/2020, 12:22 - +44 7418 323368: INDUSLND BANK
ACCOUNT NO:100-117-702-108
IFSC INDB0000140
11/12/2020, 12:22 - +44 7418 323368: Once the payment is done kindly send me the payment screen shot for us to continue your payment confirmation and proceed immediately
11/12/2020, 12:23 - +44 7418 323368: Do you understand me she
11/12/2020, 12:23 - +44 7418 323368: Sir ??
11/12/2020, 12:23 - +44 7418 323368: Missed voice call
11/12/2020, 12:24 - Amazing Models: Cash only
11/12/2020, 12:24 - +44 7418 323368: Sir deposit at a wall small pay shop
11/12/2020, 12:24 - +44 7418 323368: And send me the payment receipt
11/12/2020, 12:25 - Amazing Models: I don't know go to the shop
11/12/2020, 12:28 - +44 7418 323368: Snap the cash
11/12/2020, 12:29 - Amazing Models: Why
11/12/2020, 12:35 - +44 7418 323368: IMG-20201211-WA0010.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 12:35 - +44 7418 323368: Below are some of our delivery document video we recently made delivery today and we hope to receive a payment of 2,000RS for delivery charges

I assure you and promise you that you will never regret dealing with us,I swear that everything will be alright after payment confirmation. We are really interested in dealing with you because i know you will bring us more customer and buy more from us after this.You will NEVER get disappointed and i will not let you down my friend,All you need is trust and we will both smile at last.
11/12/2020, 12:35 - Amazing Models: How to snap my cash
11/12/2020, 12:36 - +44 7418 323368: Send via Paytm
11/12/2020, 12:36 - +44 7418 323368: Or transfer from a friend bank
11/12/2020, 12:36 - Amazing Models: I don't have paytm, goat etc..
11/12/2020, 12:37 - +44 7418 323368: VID-20201211-WA0011.mp4 (file attached)
11/12/2020, 12:37 - +44 7418 323368: Okay cash
11/12/2020, 12:37 - Amazing Models: Yes I have only cash
11/12/2020, 12:37 - +44 7418 323368: Send me the payment proof
11/12/2020, 12:37 - Amazing Models: What payment
11/12/2020, 12:39 - +44 7418 323368: I mean online Payment for shipment delivery charges
11/12/2020, 12:40 - Amazing Models: I have pay only COD
11/12/2020, 12:41 - +44 7418 323368: No cod payment sir
11/12/2020, 12:42 - Amazing Models: So sad
11/12/2020, 12:43 - +44 7418 323368: INDUSLND BANK
ACCOUNT NO:100-117-702-108
IFSC INDB0000140
11/12/2020, 12:43 - Amazing Models: But I have only cash what can I do
11/12/2020, 12:44 - +44 7418 323368: ??
11/12/2020, 12:44 - +44 7418 323368: Give anyone to help you process the transfer
11/12/2020, 12:44 - Amazing Models: I have to pay only COD
11/12/2020, 12:45 - Amazing Models: Come and collect
11/12/2020, 12:45 - +44 7418 323368: Ok
11/12/2020, 12:46 - Amazing Models: When will you come
11/12/2020, 12:46 - +44 7418 323368: After you do the payment of 2000 I will show up
11/12/2020, 12:47 - Amazing Models: When will you come
11/12/2020, 12:47 - +44 7418 323368: After I see the photo
11/12/2020, 12:48 - +44 7418 323368: At which address
11/12/2020, 12:53 - Amazing Models: live location shared

11/12/2020, 12:55 - +44 7418 323368: location:,3.2784194946289062
11/12/2020, 12:55 - +44 7418 323368: Can you see my current location
11/12/2020, 12:57 - +44 7418 323368: So make the payment now and I will move ahead to your location
11/12/2020, 13:09 - Amazing Models: Cash only
11/12/2020, 13:09 - +44 7418 323368: Sir no accept cash
11/12/2020, 13:09 - Amazing Models: Sorry I pay cash
11/12/2020, 13:10 - +44 7418 323368: Okay are you outside
11/12/2020, 13:11 - Amazing Models: I am in location
11/12/2020, 13:12 - +44 7418 323368: Am in the location
11/12/2020, 13:12 - Amazing Models: I can't see you
11/12/2020, 13:13 - Amazing Models: I am near window
11/12/2020, 13:13 - +44 7418 323368: Am in route
11/12/2020, 13:13 - +44 7418 323368: On black
11/12/2020, 13:13 - +44 7418 323368: ??
11/12/2020, 13:13 - Amazing Models: What black
11/12/2020, 13:14 - Amazing Models: I can't see you
11/12/2020, 13:14 - +44 7418 323368: I gave the agent the product
11/12/2020, 13:16 - +44 7418 323368: Join this Messenger room to video chat (no account needed):
11/12/2020, 13:23 - Amazing Models: Great p
11/12/2020, 13:26 - +44 7418 323368: Are you sending amount now ??
11/12/2020, 14:47 - Amazing Models: Yes where to come
11/12/2020, 14:49 - +44 7418 323368: Send the payme receipt first
11/12/2020, 14:50 - Amazing Models: Cash
11/12/2020, 14:52 - +44 7418 323368: Go to the bank p&
11/12/2020, 14:58 - Amazing Models: I hav cash
11/12/2020, 14:59 - Amazing Models: No bank account
11/12/2020, 14:59 - +44 7418 323368: Amazon pay
11/12/2020, 15:16 - Amazing Models: Amazon pay cash ?
11/12/2020, 15:31 - +44 7418 323368: Yes sir
11/12/2020, 15:32 - +44 7418 323368: Send me the photo for confirmation.pb
11/12/2020, 15:44 - +44 7418 323368: Bro
11/12/2020, 16:28 - Amazing Models: How to pay Amazon cash
11/12/2020, 20:44 - Amazing Models: Sister your ad is gone from OLX , what happened ?
11/12/2020, 21:40 - +44 7418 323368: Make the payment via bank to bank transfer and we make via online bank transfer
11/12/2020, 22:30 - Amazing Models: I don't have bank account
12/12/2020, 22:42 - +44 7418 323368: Then how do you want to make the transfer to us ???
12/12/2020, 23:22 - Amazing Models: Cash
13/12/2020, 01:51 - +44 7418 323368: Okay sir I already heard you
13/12/2020, 01:53 - Amazing Models: Thank you
13/12/2020, 01:53 - Amazing Models: I like your TV offer
13/12/2020, 01:58 - +44 7418 323368: How much do you want to buy from us sir???
13/12/2020, 01:59 - Amazing Models: 2 pieces
13/12/2020, 15:39 - +44 7418 323368: Okay sir
13/12/2020, 15:39 - +44 7418 323368: You will have to pay for shipping yore
13/12/2020, 15:41 - Amazing Models: Yes
13/12/2020, 15:41 - Amazing Models: I'll pay shopping and product
13/12/2020, 15:42 - +44 7418 323368: Okay sir
13/12/2020, 15:42 - +44 7418 323368: You will have to make the payment
13/12/2020, 15:42 - +44 7418 323368: Now via phone pay
13/12/2020, 15:42 - Amazing Models: I pay cash
13/12/2020, 15:42 - Amazing Models: I told you
13/12/2020, 15:43 - +44 7418 323368: Then give to my agent cash
13/12/2020, 15:43 - +44 7418 323368: At hand
13/12/2020, 15:43 - Amazing Models: Yes p
13/12/2020, 15:43 - Amazing Models: I will
13/12/2020, 15:44 - Amazing Models: Can he come now ?
13/12/2020, 15:45 - +44 7418 323368: Yes
13/12/2020, 15:45 - +44 7418 323368: Meet at junction
13/12/2020, 15:45 - Amazing Models: Which junction?
13/12/2020, 15:46 - +44 7418 323368: Our junction crescent
13/12/2020, 15:46 - Amazing Models: No Cresent here
13/12/2020, 15:46 - +44 7418 323368: Sdk
13/12/2020, 15:47 - Amazing Models: Byk
13/12/2020, 15:47 - Amazing Models: I come by bike
13/12/2020, 15:47 - +44 7418 323368: p
13/12/2020, 15:47 - Amazing Models: p
13/12/2020, 15:47 - +44 7418 323368: b
13/12/2020, 15:48 - Amazing Models: Do you have any other bank account ?
13/12/2020, 15:48 - Amazing Models: Other than yes Bank ?
13/12/2020, 15:48 - +44 7418 323368: Yes
13/12/2020, 15:49 - +44 7418 323368: Bank
13/12/2020, 15:49 - Amazing Models: Other bank ?
13/12/2020, 15:49 - +44 7418 323368: I should send
13/12/2020, 15:49 - +44 7418 323368: ??
13/12/2020, 15:49 - Amazing Models: Yes
13/12/2020, 15:49 - +44 7418 323368: Like pay bank?
13/12/2020, 15:49 - Amazing Models: Yes
13/12/2020, 15:50 - +44 7418 323368: 904B 508B 4881
13/12/2020, 15:50 - Amazing Models: Same
13/12/2020, 15:51 - +44 7418 323368: Wait
13/12/2020, 15:51 - +44 7418 323368: Yes same
13/12/2020, 15:51 - +44 7418 323368: Tell me when is done
13/12/2020, 15:51 - Amazing Models: Can I see you r photo
13/12/2020, 15:51 - +44 7418 323368: 40mm
13/12/2020, 15:51 - Amazing Models: So I know how to meet you in cresaint
13/12/2020, 15:51 - +44 7418 323368: This message was deleted
13/12/2020, 15:52 - Amazing Models: What offer letter ?
13/12/2020, 15:53 - Amazing Models: Do you have agent in Chennai ?
13/12/2020, 15:55 - +44 7418 323368: No sir you just have to make a tansfer we process a delivery from
Our company
13/12/2020, 16:34 - Amazing Models: But I have cash
13/12/2020, 16:34 - Amazing Models: Can I use cash to deliver

11/12/2020, 09:22 - Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them. Tap to learn more.
11/12/2020, 09:22 - +234 904 508 4881: Hey
11/12/2020, 09:22 - This chat is with a business account. Tap to learn more.
11/12/2020, 09:23 - +234 904 508 4881: Am mr Thruq friend
11/12/2020, 09:23 - Amazing Models: Ok p
11/12/2020, 09:23 - Amazing Models: When can we meet
11/12/2020, 09:25 - +234 904 508 4881: Sir you have to send the amount first
11/12/2020, 09:25 - +234 904 508 4881: Before we can pick a location
11/12/2020, 09:25 - Amazing Models: Not possible sister
11/12/2020, 09:25 - Amazing Models: I want to give in person
11/12/2020, 09:40 - +234 904 508 4881: Okay
11/12/2020, 09:40 - +234 904 508 4881: Give mown
11/12/2020, 09:41 - Amazing Models: What ?
11/12/2020, 09:41 - +234 904 508 4881: sister 904B 508B 4881
11/12/2020, 09:41 - +234 904 508 4881: pp;p
11/12/2020, 09:42 - Amazing Models: Ok
11/12/2020, 09:46 - +234 904 508 4881: Are you done ?
11/12/2020, 10:00 - +234 904 508 4881: I
OPay went amok t
11/12/2020, 10:01 - Amazing Models: No
11/12/2020, 10:02 - +234 904 508 4881: K
11/12/2020, 10:02 - +234 904 508 4881: p
11/12/2020, 11:01 - +234 904 508 4881: Google pay phone pay
11/12/2020, 11:36 - +234 904 508 4881: Hello
11/12/2020, 11:36 - +234 904 508 4881: Bro you
11/12/2020, 11:36 - +234 904 508 4881: Provide me the receipt
11/12/2020, 11:36 - +234 904 508 4881: Missed voice call
11/12/2020, 12:20 - +234 904 508 4881: Are you ready
11/12/2020, 12:20 - +234 904 508 4881: ???
11/12/2020, 12:20 - Amazing Models: Yes
11/12/2020, 12:20 - Amazing Models: can I start now?
11/12/2020, 12:24 - +234 904 508 4881: Yes sir
11/12/2020, 12:25 - Amazing Models: K I am going to start my car
11/12/2020, 12:31 - +234 904 508 4881: I INDUSLND BANK
ACCOUNT NO:100-117-702-108
IFSC INDB0000140
11/12/2020, 12:32 - Amazing Models: Cash
11/12/2020, 12:33 - +234 904 508 4881: Transfer
11/12/2020, 12:33 - +234 904 508 4881: And make Athens payment phone pay
11/12/2020, 12:33 - +234 904 508 4881: And end me your payment photo
11/12/2020, 12:33 - Amazing Models: I don't have phone pay
11/12/2020, 12:33 - +234 904 508 4881: Okay go to the atmsjr with your brother
11/12/2020, 12:33 - +234 904 508 4881: And process the transfer
11/12/2020, 12:34 - Amazing Models: I don't have brother
11/12/2020, 12:37 - +234 904 508 4881: Try and get a way to make the transfer
11/12/2020, 12:37 - +234 904 508 4881: A Kobe open transfer shop
11/12/2020, 12:38 - +234 904 508 4881: Amazon shop
11/12/2020, 12:38 - +234 904 508 4881: Transfer
11/12/2020, 12:38 - Amazing Models: I don't know how to transfer the money from Amazon shop
11/12/2020, 12:39 - +234 904 508 4881: Go to the shop or atm machine
11/12/2020, 12:39 - +234 904 508 4881: Done now
11/12/2020, 12:39 - +234 904 508 4881: IMG-20201211-WA0012.jpg (file attached)
11/12/2020, 12:41 - Amazing Models: Here ATMs are not available
11/12/2020, 12:42 - +234 904 508 4881: Okay tell a friend
11/12/2020, 12:42 - Amazing Models: I don't have any friends
11/12/2020, 12:42 - +234 904 508 4881: Ok
11/12/2020, 13:11 - +234 904 508 4881: Ok
11/12/2020, 13:11 - +234 904 508 4881: Get a home store
11/12/2020, 13:12 - Amazing Models: No store
11/12/2020, 13:12 - Amazing Models: I hate stores
11/12/2020, 13:20 - +234 904 508 4881: Okay sir
11/12/2020, 13:58 - +234 904 508 4881: Okay sir then will you process the transfer
11/12/2020, 14:50 - +234 904 508 4881: ????
13/12/2020, 15:53 - Amazing Models: Can I pay cash
13/12/2020, 15:54 - +234 904 508 4881: No sir
13/12/2020, 15:55 - +234 904 508 4881: You will only have to make transfer