Olympic Scams
Illegal and scamming activities take place regularly on the websites and most often the target group will be innocent public. The scammers will work out their strategies well in advance and swindle the money intelligently from the public by adopting various sophisticated methods such as sending mails, making calls and writing letters.
Intelligence agencies and government authorities always warn the public not to encourage these perpetrators in any manners like sending reply mails or chatting with them. But the public somehow falls prey to the sweet and tricky words of the scamming world and lose their money quickly. Scams related to Olympic lottery is becoming a hot debate and interesting topic in the society. Though the corporate houses and other individuals exercises maximum caution while transacting their business through mails they fall into scammers trap unknowingly.
Scams related to Olympic lottery ticket is becoming very famous these days since this is Olympic season. Hundreds of honest official draws will take place this season throughout the world and inform the winners through proper methods. The scammers will act intelligently during this Olympic season and send hundreds of mails to the public informing them that their mail ids have won millions of dollars in the latest Olympic draw which took place in so and so country.
The details of the messages and other information will look honest and meaningful. They will also send SMS to hundreds of people and kindle their interest to reply. When the public replies to the scammers they will get further details such as bank account number, password and other such financial details. When the public imparts their financial details they will instantly siphon-off the money and run away to different places. Hundreds of people have lost several hundred dollars to these types of scammers.
Commoners should show extreme caution when they receive mails related to Olympic lottery since it may be from scammers. The common words these perpetrators use to cheat the innocent people are "You have won spectacular prize money of so and so dollars and also a proud winner of trip to Olympic village with your family. Your mail id was selected as the winner from 10 million mails randomly". When the commoners receive these types of mails or messages they will be prompted to give their financial details. Once they give their banking details the perpetrators will act swiftly and swindle large amount of money from the banks.
Individuals or business houses those who receive these types of scamming mails should act like a judge and follow the below guidelines.
These types of scamming activities will generally take place during popular gaming seasons like Olympics.
- Check whether the mail is from the third parties or scamming world. If it is from scamming world inform the cyber security immediately or publish the mail that you received in scamming websites.
- Never reply to these types of mails since the scammers will prompt you to perform other tasks to swindle your money.
- Dial the number that is shown in the mail and try to contact the person who has sent these types of mails. If the telephone line is dead or is engaged decide not to communicate any more to these types of people.
- Beware when the announced prize money is exorbitant. It may be from scamming world. Escalate the matter to cyber wing.
The commoners should protect themselves by asking a question – whether they have entered in the lottery in the first place.