How it works verfication scam?
Are you continuously receiving recorded messages or voice calls from PayPal requesting you to submit personal details like SSN, credit card number and expiring date, PayPal user id, and password, and so on?
Beware of such phone calls or text messages since these types of communications are not sent by representatives working at PayPal. Scammers are the ones who disguise themselves as PayPal representatives and sent such messages or make phone calls to your number.
PayPal never sends messages, emails, or verification messages and extracts sensitive information like credit card details, CVV, PayPal user id, and PW, and so from anyone.
Scammers distract the innocent PayPal account holders and extract such sensitive details.

They will feed the user id and password provided by the PayPal account holders and swindle the money kept inside their PayPal account within minutes.
No one can trace the illegal activities of scammers since they operate using different IP addresses and unregistered mobile numbers. The online economic bulletin and news extracted from leading online News channels provide startling information that scammers have siphoned off money worth 6 billion dollars during the previous financial year.
Where to register such complaints:-
It is imperative to note that credit card numbers, CVV, PayPal user id and PW, SSN, and addresses are sensitive information, and PayPal users should safely store it.
The PayPal user should never share personal information with scammers or third parties. They should memorize the password or write it on a piece of paper for future purposes.

You should never store credit card details, CVV, banking, and PayPal PW inside your computer or laptop since cybercriminals will steal your data in no time and run away with your money to an unknown world.
If you get verification calls or texts from scammers, you need to forward the same to the cybersecurity force.
Reputed organizations that offer PayPal verification scams are listed below:
- The Federal Trade Commission:
The Federal Trade Commission is a registered organization headquartered in the USA that accepts scam-related complaints. The PayPal users can register their complaints at and request the authorities to take action against the scammers. You can also report the scams at and wait for a quick resolution.

- The USA government official website:
PayPal takes stringent actions against scammers and books them under various criminal acts. But PayPal never compensates the account holders when they lose money to scammers.
The PayPal users should exercise caution while using the website or sharing their passwords with others. Restrain from sharing passwords or sensitive information with family members, friends, and all others.
If you have lost money to scammers or received a background verification phone call from unknown destinations, then you should act quickly and report the issue to It is an official website of the US government.
The internet crime complaint center (IC3):
It is a legitimate website for registering complaints related to online and offline scams. PayPal members should not hesitate your PayPal-related complaints with IC3 that handles all the scamming complaints professionally. Explore the website thoroughly before registering your complaint.

- The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
It is also a government organization that handles complaints related to online scams. The PayPal users can get contact details and emails of executives who handle complaints related to scamming on this website.
- The US Department of Justice:
You can register verification scam-related complaints at It is a statutory body that accepts PayPal verification scam-related complaints and takes action based on merits.
How to identify the scammers:-
The cybercrooks operate from undeveloped or developed countries and steal your PayPal account details without signs or signals. The criminals will try to fool you in many ways and loot your money if you provide them the PayPal account details.
If you receive voice mails or messages from new numbers, you should listen to the voice messages carefully and check whether there are grammatical mistakes or errors in them. The sentences will not be complete, or there will be pauses in-between if they come from scammers.
PayPal users should immediately call the customer support associate and confirm with him whether the messages received by them are honest or not. After raising a complaint with PayPal and getting the complaint number, you should escalate the issue to the cybersecurity force.
How to protect your data from online scams:-
PayPal users should never explore illegitimate websites or online social networking websites that promote free money, lottery, and casino deals. You will fall into the scammers' trap once you fill the online application form and provide the PayPal user details.
Unlike before, scammers use advanced technologies to loot the money of PayPal users. PayPal members should not reciprocate to scammers emails, voice mails, or text messages, since these acts are done by scammers to loot your money.
The PayPal account holders must update their mobile and run the security patch regularly to avoid cyber-attacks.
They should always choose SSL encrypted websites for making payments. You should change your PayPal password at regular intervals and sign in.
If you see any unusual activities in your PayPal account, you should escalate the same to the PayPal complaint redressal team. Never sit back and relax when you receive PayPal verification emails or phone calls.
Business professionals and merchants who use the PayPal website regularly for digital payments should also run their mobile security software patch at frequent intervals. PayPal shoots Newsletters, promotional emails, and marketing brochures regularly to the registered members, but they never extract CVV or passwords from them.
Stop communicating with scammers since they will chat with you for hours and extract all
your details. Stay alert while feeding the PayPal password and take notice whether others behind you are observing your activities closely.
Never open YouTube, downloads, attachments or other links shared through text messages since these activities are done to extract your password details.