Scammer Healthy coon kitten 

Pet Scammer Maine Coon Kitten 


Title Name: Healthy coon kitten
Main Breed: Maine Coon Kitten
Email: Nill
Phone No: 0
Address: Nill
Breed Varieties:

Description :

Healthy coon kitten scammer is not a kitten breeders website and this is not a review of This is a warning.They claims to sell kittens but the domain was actually created by criminals in order to defraud people wanting to buy a maine coon.
Once you express interest in buying one of the kittens the scammer will send you a template email telling you a lot of details about the kitten as well as information on the best kitten food to use, and how you should take care of your new kitten.They will even send you ?proof? by showing you pictures they have stolen off the internet of maine coon will claim to deliver the kitten using a Fraudulent Delivery company.
The ?delivery company? is actually another scam website they set up in order to steal your money by charging for non existent delivery, an air conditioned travel crate, medical insurance for your kitten as well as multiple other fees.To see more scam websites involving maine coon kitten have a look at Maine Coon Kitten Scams.Healthycoonkitten is a scam website that claims to offer purebred kittens for sale. It claims to be a legitimate website but is actually a scam.

The website offers exotic cats such as Ragdolls, Maine Coons, and British Shorthairs for sale at high prices ranging from $900 to $1200. The website also claims to have a number of other breeds of kittens available, including Persians, Himalayans, and Siamese.

Once customers have made a purchase, they report that they never receive the kitten they paid for, and they are unable to get in touch with anyone from the website. The website uses a number of tactics to make it difficult to get in touch with their customer service.

The website also uses deceptive tactics to make it difficult to determine if the website is legitimate or a scam. For example, they use images of kittens that are not the same as the ones they are offering for sale. They also use stock photos and pictures taken from other websites.

The website also uses fake customer testimonials and reviews to make it appear as if their services are legitimate. In reality, these are all fake and are used to deceive customers.

The website also makes use of fake social media accounts and pages to increase the credibility of their website.

Overall, Healthycoonkitten is a scam website and should be avoided at all costs. Customers should never purchase anything from this website, as they will likely never receive the product they paid for. It is best to buy kittens from a trusted breeder or pet store.

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