Scammer Forever puppies home 

Pet Scammer Boxer breed 


Title Name: Forever puppies home
Main Breed: Boxer breed
Phone No: 0
Address: Nil
Breed Varieties:

Description :

Forever puppies home

The trouble with a purchase like a puppy is that the internet is the most common place to look. No-one wants to support cruel breeding farms, and most legitimate Boxer breeders have websites and also advertise online.
Criminals take advantage of this by creating their own websites like Home | Forever Home Puppies by using stolen images and videos from genuine breeders and even of peoples pets.
When a criminal creates a scam website like Home | Forever Home Puppies they will also create fake reviews on their actual website. It is not uncommon for them to have a page devoted to these fake reviews. If you search for the text of the review you will often find identical reviews on other scam websites.

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