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PIN Entry Device Scams

Scammers use special techniques and modern methods to swindle the money from the public. Though people are well aware about the tactics used by the scammers they are unable to stop their criminal activities. Smart individuals those who get mails from the scamming world never reciprocate to these criminals and delete the contents after reading it. Only few innocent people those are new to internet operations fall prey to these types of scammers. Safeguarding the financial and personal details is very important since the scammers will target only these sensitive details from the public.

Beware of Pin Entry Device Scams
If they unknowingly share these details to the scammers they will siphon off the money in a wink of time. Public those who purchase various products using smartcards and other types of credit cards should be very careful since scams related to PIN entry device are in the raise. It is imperative to note that PEDs operate in uncontrollable environment such as shops, banks, ATMs and other open places. Scammers will walk past the customers those are making the payment in the shops and jot down their smart card PIN when they are punching it in the PED machine. After collecting all the details such as smartcard number, pin and security numbers they will happily siphon off the balance amount in the credit card quickly.
Pin enter device scam

Scammers will also act in connivance with the third parties who will be none other than the employees of the shop and steal the card details and PIN number of the customers from the machine. In these types of scams the employee of the shop will remove the original PED machine and replace it with a tampered one. Customers will start swiping the card in the tampered machine and will unknowingly share all the card details with the company. Scammers will loot the data and siphon of the balance amount immediately. Shopkeepers should follow the below guidelines for transacting the business without difficulties.
  • They have to check the PED machines daily and should see that they are free of damages, defects and tampering.
  • They should not allow any third parties to touch the PED machines. Scammers may pose themselves as repairers and enter the premises. Shove them away even if they pose as service technicians or engineers.
  • They should keep the terminal out of sight.
  • They should understand the functioning of the PEDs as far as possible.
  • Report any phishing mails or scamming activities immediately to the concerned authorities.
  • Never share the passwords of the PED machines to anyone including one who is very close. Make it a point to share any information about PED with employees, cashiers and other staff members.
  • Never use the damaged machines during business hours or even after closing the business operations.
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Scams related to PIN Entry Devices, visa pci pin security and pci security requirements are growing and the criminals are using latest technologies to record the transactions made by the customers in the point of sales. Numerous people have lost their money after using their smartcards in the public and are crying for help. Customers should never allow trespassers when they are operating their cards and should be extremely careful when they are using PINs in the POS machine.
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