Ellie Chen telegram scammer Scam Report

Ellie Chen telegram scammer Scam Report

Description :

Was anyone scammed by the girl named Ellie Chen? She contacted my brother via text message that was directed to someone else. they started chatting and she convinced him to invest in Bitforex precious metals. She scammed him for thousands of dollars in a matter of 5 months. She is 35, originally from Singapore, " lives" in Los Angeles and "works" in motherswork. If anyone knows anything about her or saw her pictures anywhere else on the web, please let me know (I assume she is just a pawn in a huge scam scene)


Scammer Name: Ellie Chen
Phone Number: 3104471438
Address: United States,Los Angeles,
Did the targeted person lose their personal information?: no
Did the targeted person lose money?: yes
Amount Lost: a lot
Contact Method: text
Payment made through: crypto