"investment" Scam Report

"investment" Scam Report

Description :

Subject began by being friend on Facebook, then describing her investing success. She then agreed to demonstrate how she made a certain kind of trade. At my request, I went through the trading process in parallel during some of her trades, but with small amounts. She would tell me each small step to take in making the trade. I supposedly made small gains on these trades, but never saw the proceeds. After. several of these trades, she asked me if I could invest more, as then I would make more. She then instructed me on how and where to wire transfer my IRA funds from Schwab to the Hong Kong banks, saying that was necessary. Having difficulty getting my funds returned, and her no longer communicating with me, I then found her as a scam artist on this site. The amount of money involved is at least $27,000.


Scammer Name: Irina Perogova
Phone Number: none
Email: none
Website: none except Facebook Messenger
Address: United States,Miami,
Did the targeted person lose their personal information?: yes
Did the targeted person lose money?: yes
Amount Lost: $27,000.00
Contact Method: social
Payment made through: wiretransfer
Comments: The money involved constitutes nearly all the money I had in savings for my future. I have no other source other than Social Security, and continuing to work at age 79.