Joann Fabrics Scam Report

Joann Fabrics Scam Report

Description :

They pretend they are Joann's big clearance sale because of their bankruptcy, they got me they are using all Joann's website stuff, even have a picture of a store with "Doors closing sign up" the website really looks Legit! They only use a e-Mail no phone numbers. I e-mailed them they DID read my E-Mail. They are LIVE RIGHT NOW I just found their website stealing propbably hundreds of thousands of dollars from American citizens!! They are targeting USA and I did a search investigation on the information I did have available and if I remember right because this was about a month ago, it did come up China or Japan, but they are from overseas. I do know that get them off the Internet someone they're ripping people off and they are not gonna stop.


Scammer Name: Joann
Phone Number:
Address: United States,,
Did the targeted person lose their personal information?: No
Did the targeted person lose money?: Yes
Amount Lost: $70
Contact Method: Social Media
Payment made through: Card