Female Scammer Mary Waldrop

Mary Waldrop

Female Scammer Mary Waldrop

E-mail: marywaldrop1979@gmail.com, mavisbrown2013@yahoo.com , mavisbrown2014@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Mary
Location [Address]:
Age: 23
Birth Date: 6/3/1988
Mary Waldrop

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Mary Waldrop

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Mary Waldrop

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Mary Waldrop

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Mary Waldrop

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Mary Waldrop

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Mary Waldrop

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Listen rumpling silly you *******. You that think have frightened me? Yes in general without a difference that you write to me. You the idiot who was conducted and all that I wrote to you. You a ram, I will **** you. To you there will arrive Russian mafia and will **** you! =)Today I have found the photos and as which I wrote letters to you in the Internet. To me very much it is not pleasant that you profane my name and spread my letters. I don't understand for what you it do? For what you have laid out my photos. If you don't clean my photos from a site I will simply complain of you in embassy of your country and as I will as spread your photos. To me it is not pleasant that you cause to me so much a pain. I hope that you will understand easy my letter and will clean my questionnaire from a site. For what you have made it? I at all didn't ask from you any money and you have suggested me to send the laptop. I ask you to clean immediately my questionnaire as it is slander. If you don't fulfill my requirements I as will arrive with you. I hope that you understand me!



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