Female Scammer Olga Ivanova
E-mail: nadezhdkrylova@yandex.ru
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Olga |
Location [Address]: | Kazan |
Age: | 32 |
Birth Date: | 3/3/1983 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1Romanian scammer from Bucuresti, self-named ""Maria Manolescu"" (it could be a false name). In order to visit you in Italy, she asks you money for air-tickets, but she only wants to scam you. Moreover, she asks for financial help in order to pay her ""debts"" to (fictionals) loan-sharks.I'm reporting to you some of the the e-mails MARIA MANOLESCU (this is her self-declared name) wrote to me during the last year. Usually, she writes her mails in capital letters. All the letters are written in Italian language, as I'm from Milano and she knows after all Italian language quite well. Namely, her ""victims"" (actual or potential ones) are Italian men looking for their twin soul. Anyway, for every original Maria's e-mail, I'll provide a translation in English to you (also because she made language mistakes). Unfortunately, I only stored three of her e-mails. Reasonably, she chose the nick ""leone"", which also put in her mail domain, due to her (self-declared) birth date (14.08.1978). As an attachment, I'm sending you all her photos I have stored in my PC. The photo ""PAR[1]"" seems to have been made in Parcul Herastrau (it's a big park located in the northern area of Bucuresti). As regards the web link reported in this photo (annunci69.it), I've to remark that last year she published a lesbo announcement on this site (which of course I discovered too late). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST STORED E-MAIL (this is the first e-mail I received from her) From: ""maria leone"" leone2005maria14@yahoo.com Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2006, 17.03 Subject: CIAO! CARO MIO MI PIACI MOLTO DI COME SEI FATO ANCHE DI COME PENSSI, MI SEMBRI O PERSONA COMPATIBILE PER ME. HO LAVORO SONO ASISTENTE VETERINARIA.HO CELLO POCHE AMICHE ANCHE QUESTE SONO GIA SPOSATE,CIVEDIAMO IN POCHE VOLTE PER CHE LORO ANNO POCO TEMPO LIBERO. DI SOLITO SONO SOLA E MI SONO STANCATO,DESIDERO AVERE VICINO UN UOMO DOLCE SERIO,UN AMORE QUALE GUARDA A ME IN TUTO NON SOLO BELEZZA EXTERIRE. MI DISPIACE PERO QUA A INTERNET CHE E VICINO DI CASA MIA NON AVERE QUELA MSM,CISONO QOMPIUTARI VECHI E SI USA CON MOLTO DIFICULTA. SPERO PRESTO RIUSIAMO INCONTRARE, VOGLIO CONOSERTI E MI PIACERBE VISITARE TUA CITTA MILANO. UN DOLCE E PASIONAL BACIO DA MARIA. Translation: Hi dear, I like you very much, both as regards your appearance and your personality. I think we can match together as a couple. I've a job: I'm veterinary surgeon assistant. I've only a few friends, who are already married. Thus, we meet quite rarely, since they don't have so much free time. Usually, I'm single and I can't stand such situation anymore. I wish to stay with a sweet, honest and reliable man, who can appreciate my not only for my nice look, but even for my soul. I'm sorry, but the Internet-point near to my home-address here has no MSN Messenger connection. Moreover, PCs here are old and you use them with difficulties. I hope we can meet soon, as I wish to know you better and to visit your city, Milano. Sweet and passional kisses, Maria -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND STORED E-MAIL From: ""maria leone"" leone2005maria14@yahoo.com Sent: Monday, 6 March 2006, 16.17 Subject: ciao! CARO MIO O ASPETATO UN PO DI GIORNI PER VEDERE SE TROVO QUALCHE BIGLIETO CHE COSTA DI MENO PERO NON O RIUSITO. BIGLIETO ANDANTE RITORNO E OBLIGATORIO PER DOGANA RUMENA ANCHE PER DOGANA ITALIANA,NOI NON SIAMO IN COMUNITA EUROPEANA ANCHE AVIAMO DA UNIUNE UN PO DI CONDITIONI FATE PER USIRE DA LA ROMANIA E PER EN TRARE IN UN PAESE STRANIERO. FERMATI E VIENI TU QUA TI PROMETO CHE QUESTI GIORNI CHE PASI CON ME SONO DI PIU BELLI DA LA TUA VITA.UN PASIONALE BACIO Translation: My dear, I've been waiting for a few days to get cheaper air-tickets to come to Italy, but I didn't find them. You know, round trip ticket is obligatory under provisions made by Romanian and Italian customs. We don't belong to European Community, therefore we've to fulfill some constraints in order to leave Romania and visit foreign countries. So, please come to me (i.e. to Bucuresti), and I promise you that you'll spend here the most beautiful days in your life. Passional kisses! (REMARKS: First, in the very beginning of our ""virtual relationship"" (incredibly she... ""fell in love"" with me very soon), she told me she could travel to Italy, as she really wished to visit me in Milano. Obviously, all such ""declarations"" were totally false: she just wanted me to come to Bucuresti (and I went there in June 2006) in order to ask me money (I didn't give it to her - let's say, I ""got the opportunity"" to visit a foreign country), pretending she had to pay unscrupulous moneylenders. Namely, she asked me exactly 200 EUROS in Bucuresti, telling me: ""If you're really interested in me, if you really feel something for me, you've to give me this money, because if I don't pay these cruel loan-sharks, then something very bad will occur to me"". Higly impressive and touching situation, isn't it? Did she deem to breach my weak heart this way? Seems yes... The only reason why she didn't ask me money directly in her e-mails is that she guessed I was not so ingenuous to send it to her via Western Union or MoneyGram). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIRD STORED E-MAIL From: ""maria leone"" leone2005maria14@yahoo.com Sent: Sunday, 12 March 2006, 14.47 Subject: ciao! CARO TU PENSSI CHE HO NON VOGLIO O DICO BUGIA?A DOGANA RUMENA NON SI PUO USIRE SENTA AVERE BIGLIETO FATO ANDANTE RITORNO ANCHE A DOGANA ITALIANA NON SI PO ENTRARE SENTA AVERE BIGLIETO FATO ANDANTE RITORNO.E LEGE DI COMUNITA EUROPEANA FATA PER EUMENI DI QUANDO E LIBERA USIRE DA LA ROMANIA.NOI NON SIAMO IN COMUNITA EUROPEANA.INFORMATI ANCHE TU TI PREGO,E VEDI CHE E TUTO VERO,TANTI BACI Translation: Dear, you think either that I don't want (to come to Milano) or that I'm a liar. Remember that you can't leave Romania without having a round trip ticket: neither Romanian nor Italian customs will make you travel without this ticket, in compliance with EC regulations and laws. These laws apply since we're not members of the EU. Please, keep informations about this, and you'll discover that all I'm telling you is true. Many kisses! (REMARKS: I had my first doubts about her ""honest"" behaviour and I showed these doubts to her via e-mail. References to EC regulations were generally true. But what is incredible, is that she ""discovered"" the real price of round trip tickets only a few time before sending me this e-mail, whereas till then she told me she could come to Milan without any problem! In which ""world"" did she live till then? Moreover, ther are air-companies such as MyAir, that apply cheapest tariffs to Rom. citizens to travel abroad) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL REMARK: As the ""best"" scammers commonly do (I suppose), she uses, or used in the recent past, A LOT of e-mail addresses and mobile phone numbers to better ""hide"" her identity on the Net. You can still find many of them through the Google search engine. Unfortunaely, I discovered them on the Internet after coming back to Italy from Bucuresti! It's a pity, because otherwise I wouldn't have wasted my time (and been highly disappointed as well) by travelling to her. Some of her e-mails are: leone2005maria14@yahoo.com (namely she wrote to me using this e-mail) tigruta2044@yahoo.it ragazza_solla@yahoo.com fiorelina24@yahoo.it my23mu@yahoo.com donna_mariana2005@yahoo.com luna2006mariana@yahoo.com maria_stelina@yahoo.it (she actually uses this e-mail to publish job-search announcements online, but I recently wrote to the webmasters of these sites, informing them about her real intentions. And some of her announcements have already been deleted by them. So, as you can see, this scammer is still active...). felix_amg@yahoo.com Some of her phone numbers are: 0040726605624 (she gave me this number in order to phone her) 0040729731325 0040720579703 0040746349957 0040745846124 0040746488989 At the most recent time I tried to reach these numbers (some weeks ago), all of them were ""suitably"" not reachable but the last one. I suppose they don't work anymore (anyway you can ""find"" these numbers by editing them in the Google search field). Some of her home-addresses are: Serban Voda 43 Bucuresti Calea Grivitei 168 Bucuresti Via Albertini 11 Roma (yes yes, nothing less than the city of Rome!) Via Albertini 24 Roma These addresses are all false but Calea Grivitei, which I couldn't personally verify. However, in Serban Voda 43 (the home-address she told me) no Maria Manolescu was currently living, as I visited this address in June 2006. Last remark about the e-mail address: felix_amg@yahoo.com. This was used (or is still used, who knows) by her boyfriend (or brother?) ""Gabriel"" in order to publish announcements where he offered himself as gygolo... I think there's nothing to add about! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My deep wish is that this scammer doesn't hurt other people and exploit their feelings anymore.