Female Scammer Rosa Bakarova

Rosa Bakarova

Female Scammer Rosa Bakarova

E-mail: Rosabakarova97678@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Rosa
Location [Address]: Canada
Age: 30
Birth Date: 17.09.1987
Rosa Bakarova

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Rosa Bakarova

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Reports :

---Original Message---

Letter 1

Hello, Barry! :)
How are you today? What are your plans? I have this warm, almost childlike joy from our communication – it brings me so much happiness! What about you? How do you feel?
First of all, I want to wish you a wonderful day and a great mood! :) You know, Barry, there’s something romantic about our conversations. It reminds me of one of the many books I’ve read. Life can move so fast, and I’ve always tried to be a good daughter, a good student, and a good worker. But there was one thing I missed: love. And now, I truly hope I can find it.
Because without love, without someone special, life can’t truly be happy. Don’t you agree?
In the future, I dream of having a strong, loving family. I believe having a family that’s full of support and love is incredibly important. When you know that people love and need you, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. Do you agree with me on that?
Today, I have quite a bit of work, but after that, I’m going grocery shopping. I’m planning to make pizza tonight. Do you like pizza? I really enjoy cooking – it’s one of my passions.
What type of cuisine do you prefer? What are some of your favorite dishes? Perhaps you even have some interesting recipes to share? I’d love to try cooking something new!
Also, I think it would be nice to share more photos so we can get even more comfortable with each other. Maybe we could even exchange video greetings – it could bring us closer! What do you think?
I believe we’re starting to understand each other well, and I truly feel I need someone close to me, someone who will support me through life, love, and respect. You seem like a kind-hearted person, and I really hope I’m not mistaken.
Unfortunately, I have to finish this letter now because work is calling, but I’ll be eagerly waiting for your response!
Your Rosa Bakarova

Letter 2

Hello, my dear Barry! :)
How are you doing today? How’s your mood? What are your plans for the day? My day started on a positive note, and honestly, I’ve been feeling really good lately – all thanks to you! :) Every time we talk, I feel confident in you. I sense that you’re honest and sincere with me, and I really appreciate that.
I want our connection to be built on trust. I believe that trust is one of the most important foundations for a strong, long-lasting relationship between a man and a woman. Relationships can only grow strong if they’re built on mutual trust and respect. What do you think?
I also think that it’s vital to respect each other in a relationship. You have to accept your partner for who they are, not try to change them, because every person is unique, with their strengths and weaknesses. But it’s also important to look for compromises. When you can find a compromise in a relationship, communication becomes easy, and there’s always honesty and trust – that’s when you know the relationship will be happy. What are your thoughts on this?
I told you yesterday that I was going shopping to buy groceries and cook something special. Well, I did go shopping, but this time, I went with a friend and colleague. I enjoy shopping with her because it’s a great chance to chat and take a break from daily tasks. It was such a pleasant and positive experience. I couldn’t help but mention you! I told her about you, that we’ve been talking for a few days now, and how much I enjoy our conversations. She was surprised and happy for me, joking around, but in the end, she wished me the best of luck with our budding relationship.
Have you talked about me with anyone?
By the way, I’m still thinking about exchanging some of our favorite recipes! I love cooking, and I think it would be fun to share culinary experiences. What do you think?
Now, my dear, I’d like to talk about something a little more serious – family. How do you feel about building a family? What do you expect from our connection in the future? I want to understand how serious you are about all of this.
Please understand that I’m just trying to make sure we’re on the same page. I hope you can assure me that you’re serious and that you want to take this connection to a deeper level. I’ll do my best to make a new video for you soon, hopefully in a few days.
I wish you a lovely day and evening, and I’ll be waiting for your letter tomorrow! :)
Your Rosa Bakarova

Letter 3

Hi, my dear Barry!
Nothing makes me happier than seeing your message! :) Your letters bring me so much positivity, and they give me the energy I need for the entire day! There’s something about it that feels so unique and special.
We’ve only known each other for a few days, but it feels like I’ve known you for much longer. It’s such an amazing feeling! It makes me believe that maybe we’re two halves of one whole. Do you think that’s possible?
It may sound a bit silly, but I’ve always believed in being honest and sincere, and that’s what I’m sharing with you now.
I want to be open with you about something – not long ago, I experienced a tragedy. I lost all my relatives in Ukraine due to the war. I don’t want to dwell on the sadness, but I want you to know about it.
On a brighter note, today is one of the best days of the week for me because I have an unplanned day off! :) I have so many plans for today, and I’m really looking forward to relaxing because it’s been a while since I had a proper weekend. I want to visit the library and pick up a few books, then later, I’m going to the theater to see the play The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov. Have you read any works by Chekhov?
It would be so lovely to spend the day with you! What do you think about that?
I can’t stop thinking about you – it’s nice to know that you’re thinking about me too.
My dear, I want you to know that I take you very seriously, and I’m so happy with how our communication is going. I’m lucky to have met you, and I’m hopeful that we’ll have a beautiful future together.
Remember, everything is in our hands, and it’s a miracle that we found each other among millions of people online. Maybe this is destiny.
I look forward to your letter, my love!
With all my love,
Your Rosa Bakarova



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