Female Scammer albina krasnova

albina krasnova

Female Scammer albina krasnova

E-mail: albinakrassnova@gm2j1.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: albina
Location [Address]: Salsk
Age: 31
Birth Date: 21/10/1988
albina krasnova

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albina krasnova

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albina krasnova

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albina krasnova

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albina krasnova

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Reports :

-Original Message-
I contacted her at date Me Free. I was hoping this one was different. She started hinting about using a translation agency in her third letter. If you read the second letter, you will see that she gave me 2 diffent birthdates. She claims to be 26, but if you go by the birthdates, she is 28 or 34. I told her to write to me in Russian from an internet cafE. She said the cost would be the same, $5 per letter. I know this is a lie because an internet cafE in Ukraine costs about $1 per hour. She did provide contact information but avoided all direct questions. She claims to live in Kharkov but her e-mails are coming from Lugansk. Today I received the money letter from her agency, the same agency that I have gotten letters from for 3 other ladies.



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