Female Scammer Alena Pikusova
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Alena |
Location [Address]: | Kostroma |
Age: | |
Birth Date: | |
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Reports :
OK, I cannot seem to figure out how to start a new thread with her name in it. I have spent 3 days looking at scam sights for this girl, finally found a couple! Kind of a bummer, she is a hottie, but not unexpected. Goes by the name of Alena Pikusova and she says she if from Kostroma, Russia. I have been talking to her for about 2 weeks, says she works for an advertising agency. Initial contact was from her on Match.com and her profile (was gone before I could look at it, responded to her at her 'prefered' address out of match, and it went from there. Oh, and all of her emails to me from the .ru address were replies and she would toss a new heading after the Re: . Seems she is a newer one, I have not seen her on the other sites yet, she will be though! Ill toss in a few of her emails, usual stuff really, lots of fluff about me being what she wants, yadda yadda yadda. I was tired last night when I last wrote her, she was about to set the hook and was 'going to moscow to work on getting visa' I may have tipped my hat that I was on to her. I should know by Monday if she will write again. Enjoy Intro letter from match.com Hello! I would like to get acquainted with you; you have seemed to me very interesting by the man, and I hope, that you want to learn me too. First of all, let me to be represented. My name - Alena. You will be, probably, are surprised to receive this letter. I want to tell to you about the purposes of my life and a little about myself. I - the educated and cheerful woman. It will be very good, if you look at my picture. It will be the best way to judge my appearance. I have some photos, and I shall be, is pleased to send you some from photos so that you could see me better. My e-mail is AlenaPikusova@rambler.ru, I always dreamed to find my love. I search for my soul mate! My second half in my life!!! I want to tell to you, that I do not search for an easy life. I search for my happiness in a life. You understand? I like to work; I like to have a fair life. I dream to create family and to care about my loved. I want the person who loves me and also to care of me. I love tenderness and kindness in the person. Also I want to find the decent and fair person. I am young, and I want to think of my family. I want to create healthy and strong family in a plenty of good statuses for a life! I shall wait, and I hope, that you will not ignore my letter. Thanks! Sincerely yours, Alena. P. S. I have search to you which you have written to me on this address of e-mail: AlenaPikusova@rambler.ru And it would be more convenient for me because I cannot pay completely my membership in the given site. I shall look forward to hearing from you impatiently!!! Second Letter, first one from the rambler.ru address, headers added for those that know how to decipher them, I could not make heads or tails of it. I thought I heard that a 'reply' somehow messes up a DNS or whois search somehow so thought the info was bogus anyway. I also know that the use of the bat! mailer program is a bad sign. I googled her last name and I got alot of hits for Slovakian (.sk) websites, came up empty adding her first name to it though. Tried to find a white pages for Kostroma, Russia after I stumbled across a yellow pages directory with no luck. I also sent her a photo from google earth of the city and asked her to point out about where she lives but she said she could not. 2 rivers join in the middle of the city, how hard could it be to reference of those and the bridges across them to figure out about where you live? From Alena Pikusova Wed Sep 13 08:14:22 2006 X-Apparently-To: xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com via; Wed, 13 Sep 2006 08:29:41 -0700 X-Originating-IP: [] Return-Path: Authentication-Results: mta108.mail.re4.yahoo.com from=rambler.ru; domainkeys=neutral (no sig) Received: from (EHLO mxb.rambler.ru) ( by mta108.mail.re4.yahoo.com with SMTP; Wed, 13 Sep 2006 08:29:40 -0700 Received: from mailc.rambler.ru (mailc.rambler.ru []) by mxb.rambler.ru (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5E26441AD5 for ; Wed, 13 Sep 2006 19:29:30 +0400 (MSD) Received: from localhost ([]) (authenticated bits=0) by mailc.rambler.ru (8.13.6/8.13.6) with ESMTP id k8DFHFrY020326 for ; Wed, 13 Sep 2006 19:28:34 +0400 (MSD) Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:14:22 -0500 From: 'Alena Pikusova' View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional Reply-to: Alena Pikusova X-Priority: 3 (Normal) Message-ID: <1876778681.20060913101422@rambler.ru> To: 'D V' Subject: Re: Hello Dave!!! In-Reply-To: <20060912235324.19745.qmail@web53709.mail.yahoo.com> References: <20060912235324.19745.qmail@web53709.mail.yahoo.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary='----------DF17A9B137D507E' X-Auth-User: AlenaPikusova, whoson: (null) Content-Length: 1363388 Hello Dave, I am glad to receive today your letter. Thank you very much that you found time to write a letter to me. I waited for it from you very much. You have made today my day especially happy, you have decorated it with this letter. I want to say, that I am a cheerful girl. Usually I dont hesitate by dialogue with people, but now I am excited. I hardly can get hands on keys of the keyboard. My heart is beaten more rapidly! First of all, I I worry that you will have a problem in understanding of my English language. I studied the English language at school, and then at university. Probably my English, differs from yours colloquial one. Can you understand what I speak you? If something will be not clear for you, do not hesitate to ask about it. I do not want, that there will be the essential barrier of language between us. I really live in Russia, I live in city Kostroma. Many kilometers divide us, but I hope, that it will not be a problem for our communication. I want to tell to you, that I dont like the Russian men and there is for a reason for it if for you it is interesting, I can tell to you in the following letter. I have solved to look for the love outside Russia, I do not know why, but I like United Kingdom. I have addressed to agency of acquaintances, which is to be in our city. I filled in various questionnaires, answered some questions, and they sad me that in the first day will be uneasy to find men who fully match me. They advised me to come to agency in some days. Yesterday I come to the agency of acquaintances and some profiles of men who mostly match me were presented to me. Also I was informed that, that match rate in some cases reached 95 percent. It is a pity, that on my profile it was not possible to place a photo on my profile, agency informed, that it will be difficult. I shall send the photo to you today. Dave, I hope you like my photo. Please, send to me your photos too! Now, probably I should tell you about myself. I am 29 old year, my Birthday is on July, 10, 1977. I am 173, my weight is 55kg, I try now to transfer them into your metric system. My growth 5 ' 8, my weight of 121 feet. You better judge my appearance on my photo. I care about my appearance very much, I attend courses of aerobics and fitness, it helps me to keep my body and elegance top-level. It is very important for me because I am a girl and I must be beautiful. Probably it will be interesting for you to know about my work. I work as a advertisment agent. I am engaged in designing of advertising famous trade marks in Russia. Various orders come to us. I have higher education on the speciality ' Marketing and Advertising Business '. I like my work very much. I like it because it helps me to communicate with different people and we have a rallied group of workers. In our group the success of one employee depends on the previous success of other employees. Our friendship and unity are connected just with it. Work allows me to express myself and my individuality. My work helps me to be well-being. I live to work and I work to live. I live an independent life, and I liked, I do not like to need something. I live with my sister in two room apartment. The majority of the population in Russia lives in apartments. My parents live separately from us in a country house, they like silence and fresh air. Our family lives friendly. I love and respect my parents, because they have presented me the most valuable thing that I have - my life. Also, parents raised me, brought me up very well, and give me good education. I am grateful to my parents for everything, that they have made for me. Dave, please tell me about your family. Dave, I also want to tell you, that my purposes are very serious. I want to find the man of my love. I want to have serious relationship and have a good family in which relations will be formed upon love, mutual understanding, respect, friendship and trust. These traits are very important for me. I want to find the man, who will be happy together with me and will support me in despair. Please, tell me about yours ambitions in your live. It is interesting to me to know about it. I am really interested in communicating with you. I had never had communicated with a man from in another country. I shall be glad to hear about you, about your family, your life. It is also interesting for me where you work. Dave, please tell me, does the city where you live have places which are worth to see - theatres, exhibitions, museums? I like to visit such a kind of establishments in our city. In last weekend I have visited a planetarium with my friends. It was great, we had possibility to observe the star sky, also we observed planets. I liked it very much. Ok, Dave, I have to finish my the letter. I hope, you take my letter seriously. I want you take my letter with gravity and responsibility. I hope, it was interesting for you to know about me, and I hope it takes not much time for you to read my letter. Please, write to me. I wait with impatience for your letter. Have a nice day! Sincerely, Alena Keywords: blonde white jacket sunglasses at night