Female Scammer Alevtina Krylova
E-mail: charmantalyne@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 10 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Alevtina |
Location [Address]: | Russia, 425450, Republik Mari- Sernur (Russia) |
Age: | 27 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Alechka, Alya, Maha, Marija, M |
Reports :
Letter 1
She contacts through match.com then gives you a "better" email address to continue correspondence. Scam: she is coming to the USA as a live in nanny and piano teacher to escape the lousy economy of Belarus. Her letters are very detailed! A few weeks before she is due to arrive she gets into a car accident, she hits a lot of BMW's,or her former boss won't pay her and she asks for money, usually $800. She is clever, convincing and speaks English very well. The photo being used is actually that of a Russian celebrity, Ekaterina Guseva. If you go to this URL, http://anti-scam.org/celebrities-photos.html, and scroll down the page. http://www.ekaterinaguseva.ru/ is the official website for her. Most people in the world don't know who Ekaterina Guseva is, and there are Russians who don't know who she is either, making her vulnerable to this type of crime. Jan 12 07Hello **** . How are you? It is Tatsy from Match.com. Do you still remember me? I attached my profile picture in this letter. I hope you did not forget about me!:) I canceled my subscription for the next month, maybe I did something wrong and that is why you could not open my "portrait", I will check it. First of all I want say that I am very glad that you replied me. I am very sorry for delay with my reply, but I was very busy with my work past days. Ok, now I want to introduce myself to you. I will write in this letter about myself and about my life, about some simple things, and I think it will help you to understand who I am. My full name is Tatsy Krylova. I am 37 years old. My birthday is 29 of November and my astrological sign is Sagittarius. I am 170 cm tall and my weight is 54-55kg. I have never been married and I do not have children. I was born and grew up in Europe, in Belarus. Do you know where is Belarus? Do you heard about it before? It is small country near Poland and Lithuania. Now I am in Belarus, but in February I will move to New York City. I will live and work in New York City, and very soon US will become my new home.:) I decided to move to New York City, because political and social situation is not good in Belarus, and it seem to me that it will become worse in future, if you heard about situation in Belarus you will understand what I am talking about. I traveled a lot and I have been in many countries, but I decided to move to US because I think that it is best place to live. And I am sure that I made good choice. I will write about my move to New York in details in the end of this letter. At this time I live and work in Minsk, it is capitol of Belarus and it is very beautiful city with great history. Do you heard about Minsk? I am musician. I finished Minsk Music Academy and I am professianal pianist. I work in music agency as private music teacher, I teach children to play piano. I love my job very much and I am sure that I was born to become musician and piano teacher. Music is important part of my life and I cant imagine my life without music. Ok, now I will write what I like, and what I do not like... Music...I like music very much and I am sure that you already understood it.:) Most of all I like jazz music and rock music. But to say true I like all styles of music...for example I like U2 and Madonna, Anastasia and Miles Davis, BB King and Beatles. Also I like classical music and classical music is part of my work. Most of all I like Chopin and Mozart, they are my favorite composers. I have very big collection of Music, more then 500 Cd's. As pianist I like to play jazz very much. And also I like to compose my own music, people who listened my music told me that it is good and that they like my music, but maybe they told me it only because they did not want to upset me... But I hope they told me truth.:) Films...I like good humor and I like to laugh, that is why most of all I like good comedy films. When I feel myself sad I prefer to watch comedy film and it always helps me. Also I like history films and different dramatical films. I cant say wich film is my favorite, because there are many great films and I cant choose one. My favorite actors are: Tom Hanks, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Anthony Hopkins and Harrison Ford. As about actresses, my favorite actresses are: Nickole Kidman, Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz. Also I like theatre very much and I think that it is great art. It is a pity that there are no good theatres in Belarus, but I visited many great theatres in Europe. I like to read very much. Most of all I like to read history novels, different mystical detective books and classical literature. My favorite writer is M.Bulghakov and most of all I like his book "Master and Margarita", I read it many times, it is very interesting book. Did you read "Master and Margarita"? I have a lot of books in my colection. Sport...I like sport! All sport games are good, but my favorite kind of sport is tennis, I like to watch it on TV and also I like to play tennis too, I am not very good tennis player and I need more practice. I visit gym 1-2 times in a week, because I like to be in a good form. My favorite colors are blue and white. Also I like flowers very much. Most of all I like roses, I think that red roses are most beautiful flowers in the world. I like to travel very much...I have been in many countries. I worked in Germany, France and England. I have been in Japan (in Tokio), I visited Turkey and Cyprus. I am very curious woman and I like to visit new places. I have never been in US before, but I know that there are many interesting places in US. I do not smoke and I do not drink alcohole drinks, only on great holidays I can drink glas of red wine, but not more. As I wrote in the begining of my letter , I have never been married and I do not have children. All people who know me always ask me why I am still alone and always I do not know what to answer...sometimes life is very difficult to explain...but I think that I still did not meet "man of my life", that is why I am still alone. I am little bit shy person, but not too much. And I am very romatic woman and I still belive in true love. I am looking for serious relationship. I think that all good relationships begins from good friendships... Also I am sure that there are 3 most important things in relationship - honesty, trust and communication, I think it is key to good relationship. And I am sure that two people must respect each other, it is very important in relationship (How two people can be together without respect? No respect - no relationship.). Ok, now more details about my move to New York City. I will move to New York City in the end of February, now I do not know date of my arrival, but on Monday I will find out exact date and time of my arrival to New York City. In New York City I will work as music teacher in family, I will look for children and will teach them to play piano. It will be my work for first time and after 6-8 months I will find better job for me. I am planing to live in US, I know that it will be not easy for me to start new life in new place, but I am very hardworking woman and I am ready to all difficulties. I know myself and I know what I can, I am great optimist and I am sure that all will be good. And I am sure that I made good choice when I chose US. Ok, I need to end my letter at this time, it seem to me that it was longest letter in my life. I hope you did not fall asleep during reading!:) I am sure that I forgot to write about many things, but I will continue to write about myself in my next letter and in my next letter I will send you more pictures of me, I hope you will like them. And also I will send you my phone number, I think it will be nice to talk. Please write me all about you, write me about you life, work, about things you like and things you do not like, all this will be interesting for me. And please send me as many pictures as you can, ok? If you have any questions, ask me and I will be glad to answer on all your questions. And ofcourse I will have many questions too. Again, thank you for your reply! I will be waiting for your letter. Write me soon! Best regards. Tatsy P.S. I sent this letter from my regular email adress, only my friends and people from my work know this email adress, please use this email adress in future. Feb 13, 2007 Hello Nick! How are you? It is Tatsy from Belarus.:) I am sure you were wondering why I "disappeared"...but I stoped write to you not because I lost my interest, I stoped write because last 4 weeks I was in hospital, and that is why I could not check my email box. Sad story. I sent my last letter to you on Friday 12 of January and at that time I already felt myself not good, but I thought that it was simple cold and that is why I did worry about it. But on next day, on Saturday, I began to feel myself much worse...and as a result on Sunday 14 of January I appeared in hospital with "pneumonia".:( That is why I disappeared for long time. I leaved hospital only yesterday and now I feel myslef very good, but I am very sad because I lost a lot of time...but anyway I am happy that I am in good condition now and I do not have any complications after my illness. Today is Tuesday and today I checked my email box first time after hospital...and I was very happy to see letter from you! Thank you for picture, I like it! And I am very glad that now we can continue to know about each other and I hope that you are still intersting in it.:) I hope you still remember my first long letter with picture that I sent you on 12 of January. In that letter I forgot to write about many things, that is why now I will continue to write about me. Ok, let me think...I did not write you about my family. My family is very small, I have only one very close human in my life, it is my grandma. Her name is Alexandra, she is 82 years old. My parents died in car acident when I was 4 years old, and after that tragedy I lived with my grandma Alexandra. She was my father and my mother in one face. I love her very much and she is very important person in my life. I respect her very much and I trust her on 100%, I know that she will be always on my side. She live in Brest, it is not big town in the west part of Belarus (near Poland). All her life she worked as school music teacher in Brest. By the way, Brest is my "native town", I was born in Brest and I lived there till 18, that is why Brest is my "second home". My grandma Alexandra gave me my first piano lesson when I was 5 years old, she understood that music was very interesting for me and when I was 7 years old she gave me to music school. I finished music school when I was 16 years old. After that I thought a lot, I thought about what I want to do in my life in future, and I decided to become proffesional musician, it was very important and very difficult part of my life. And now I am very happy about my decision, because now I know that I made right choice. In 18 years I leaved Brest and moved to Minsk, where I entered to Minsk Music Academy. I finished my study in Minsk Music Academy when I was 25 years old, and after that I decided to stay in Minsk, because I found good job in Minsk. So, now I am very grateful to my grandma Alexandra, because she gave me my first music lesson, she showed me what is music and all my childhood she helped me in all ways, she played very important role in my life. She is very special person in my life and every weekend I go to Brest from Minsk to visit her. By the way, grandma Alexandra is mother of my mother. Also I have second grandma. Her name is Liudmila, she is 87 years old. She is mother of my father. She live in Russia near St.Petersburg in small vilage Gorbunki. She is very good and kind woman, I love her too, but we see each other not often because she live very far from me and that is why I visit her only 1-2 times in a year. I dont have any brothers or sisiters, I was only one child of my parents. So, now you can see that my family is very small. What else I can tell you about myself...hmmm...Food! My favorite food is - ice cream. Most of all I like ice cream with chockolate, sometimes it seem to me that I can eat it every day and every hour, but of course I do not do it, because I do not want to become an elephant.:) Most of all I like French cuisine, Italian cusine, different sea food and spicy food. And I like pizza very much. By the way, do you know that I am very good cook?:) Yes, I am good cook. I like to cook and it is like sport for me, I can cook a lot of dishes and most of all I like to cook belorussian and ukranian cuisine. And I like to bake cakes, I can bake more then 30 kinds of cakes and I always looking for new recipes. I like to drive car and I have drive license, but I do not have my own car. Nick you asked me why I decided to write you at match.com? Why I chose your profile? It is simple question. I saw your profile picture in a search result and I liked you at your profile picture, that is why I opened your profile and read all...and after that I decided to send that sort message to you, because I wanted to start communication and to know you better. As you can see, all is very simple.:) I hope you do not have problems with my english. I learned english in school and in academy, and also I took private english lessons, but I know that my english is not perfect and I still need more practice. By the way, my native language is Belorussian language, but I can speak Ukranian and Russian languages, and I understand Polish language. Ok, now more details about my move to New York City and more details about my work in New York City. To move to New York I use special job-service, this service helps me with all documents and papers, and also this service helps me to find job in New York City. It is very good service, I know it because I aleardy used it two times, in past this job-service helped me to find job in Germany and France. As I told you in my previous letter, in New York City I will work as "music teacher + nanny" in family. I will live with family and will have my own room in their house. I will work 5 days in a week, 8 hours per day. And I will have free weekends. It will be easy and interesting work for me, because I like children and I love to teach children. I will not be simple nanny, my primary work will be to teach children to play piano. It is a pity, but now I do not know in which family I will work. It is a rule, because people will not let me to stay in their house and with their children if they never saw me, they need to see me in person at first and to talk with me. When I will arrive to New York City I will meet with 5 families and I will have serious interviews with each family. And only after interviews I will decide in which family I will stay to work, after interviews if famly will like me and if I will like family - I will stay to work in this family. Now I only know that all this families live in New York City and in nearest areas to New York City. I will move to US with job visa. Today at morning I visited job-service, we talked and discussed a lot of things about my move to New York City and my future work. When I got to hospital job service "freezed" my contract and they put off my trip to New York City from February on March. They still did not decide about date of my trip (I will arrive to New York City on 24 or 25 of March). But on Monday 19 of February I will visit job-service again and they will tell me final date of my arrival to New York City and all fligh details. Now I am little bit sad because of my illness job service put off my trip to New York from February on March, I lost whole month, but it is life and sometimes not good things happens with us. By the way, here is my adress in Minsk: yl.Syharevskaya, d.32, kv.10 Minsk, Belarus. If you want you can send me post card or real letter.:) I did not write my phone number now, because I do not sure about international code for Belarus, I need to check it at first. I will find out international code tomorrow and will send my full phone number in my next letter. I think it will be wonderful to talk by phone, because it will help us to know each other much better. Also in my next letter I will send you many of my pictures, ok? Well, my time in internet cafe is over and I need to end my letter on this words. I do not have my own computer, that is why I need to go to internet cafe when I need to use internet or check my email box. I have alot of things to write, but I need to stop now. I will be waiting for your next letter and will check my mail tomorrow. Best regards. Tatsy Feb 16, 2007 Hello Nick. How are you? I am fine. Today is Friday and I feel myself very good. The weather is good here today, it is not very cold and there are a lot of snow. I was very happy when I saw that you answered me! To say true, I thought that maybe you forgot me after 4 weeks of my silence.:) That is why I became very happy when I saw letter from you in my email box!:) On Wednesday I got back to my work. I was very happy to see my "small students" again and it was very nice to understand that they was missing me all the time. I love my work very much. Let me tell you a little bit more about my work, I think it may be interesting for you. As I wrote in my first letter in January, I work in music agency. My primary work is to teach children to play piano. I have 12 students, and many of them are very talented children. Their ages are very different, from 7 years to 14 years. I love my work very much and that is why I work very hard, I try to teach them as good as I can, because I want to give them all what I know. It is very easy for me to work with children and it seem to me that all my students like me as a teacher very much. I hope my lessons will help them to become good musicians. Also in past I played with other musicians in good restaurants, we usually played classical music and jazz. But to say true, I did not like to play in restaurants, because it seem to me that most of people in restaurants did not listen our music...That is why past time I focused only on teaching job. There are many different musicians work in music agency and most of them are very good people. But we all have one "big problem", it is our boss.:) He is very greedy and egoistical person, he is very far from music and he think only about money, sometimes it seem to me that "money" is his god. He is very rude and he do not respect other people, that is why most of musicians do not like him, but most inetersting is that he know about it, but it do not care him. But he is our boss, and boss is boss - we can't change him. I am very glad that very soon I will end my work in his agency and will never see him again in my life. He know that I will leave Belarus soon, and on next week I will talk with him about my last day of work in his agency. You know, I have serious question to you. Do you have a dream? Can you tell me about your dream? Of course if it is not a secret. As about me, I had "big dream" when I was young girl. My dream was to become great and famous pianist. I worked very hard, I lerned a lot, I learned and learned... but my dream did not come true and I did not become great and famous pianist... but I became very good pianist, I became good teacher, I love my work and I am very happy with it. Of course it is not what I dreamed about when I was young girl, but it is enough for me to be happy. I asked you about you dream, because I read in one book that : "good way to know someone is to know his dream". My grandma Alexandra told me interesting story when I was little girl