Female Scammer Alina P.
E-mail: nesalin7210@yahoo.com.au
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Alina |
Location [Address]: | unknown Yoshkar-Ola (Russia) |
Age: | 21 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Alinka, Alya, Alyna, Alynka |
Reports :
Letter 1These are her letters: #1 Hello dear ...! I am very glad, that you have answered my message and have not disregarded me. I want to inform you that I never got acquainted with the man through the Internet earlier. My girlfriend Christina has advised me it and I have decided to try. When me have registered on a site, to me have offered 20 profiles of men from all world, but you have liked me very much and I have chosen yours profile. In first I want to inform you that I do not live in San Diego and I do not live in USA, I live in Russia. I do not know why, but when the manager of agency of acquaintances created mine profile under my questionnaire, he could not specify my place a residence because the site did not accept my post code. Brad, please excuse me for my small deceit, but I am not guilty. I very hope that now when you know that I live in Russia it is not a problem for you and you do not stop to write to me. Brad, you have liked me and I hope for continuation of our relations. I very much want to find out you better because I think that you are interesting person. I shall be fair with you and I want that you were fair with me too. Brad, I want that you have considered my letter with all gravity as I have serious intentions, and I want that our relations developed to the best! I think that we are searching for the same qualities in a partner. I want to fall in love, to be in love, and I want the man in my life to be in love with me as much as I am with him. I want the happy family, I want the compassion, the honesty, and the undying love that we would share together. Ok dear, I want tell you about myself. My name is Alina, my last name is Tumanova. I was born and I live in Belgorod city. I was born in this city and all my life proceeded here. I am 25 years old, my birthday July, 25. Brad, I think that the difference in the age of has no value if people like each other. My religion the Christian. My growth of 168 sm, is 5,5 and my weight of 55 kg is 120 lbs. I am the blonde with blue eyes. I do not smoke, and almost I do not drink alcohol, never used drugs. I the orphan, I have no parents, and I have no brothers and sisters. My mum has died in when to me was 15 years, she has got in autoaccident. I do not know my father, he go from us with mum when to me was 1 year. But I have aunt she is the sister of my mum and my favourite grandmother. But the grandmother lives in a village near to my city. My aunt name is Svetlana, and my grandmother name is Tatyana. Now I am alone have try to survive in this difficult life. I work as designing and tailoring of lady's wear in a small private concern. Well. that to you still to tell about me. I was never married, and naturally I have no any children, but I have dream to find the loving man, and to create a family. I'll give this person all my love and tenderness. So I want to have a whole family, my husband I can trust in everything and he also can trust me. A very important to have a the Person we can trust. You agree with me? I have really many interests: music, reading, books, movies, good conversations, sports and many other things which make the life wonderful. I am creative and curious by nature. I am very cheerful, kind, vigorous and in a measure modest. I easily find common language with strangers and simply I like to communicate on interesting themes! Brad, probably it is interesting to you, why I was solved on searches of the partner by abroad? Probably I shall answer rudely, but I do not want to live in this smelly and poor country In Russia is not any prospect, there is no normally paid work, there are no worthy men, there is not future. Therefore I do not want to live my years in this country. I want to ask you some questions, I hope that it will not complicate you: 1. What is your religion? 2. What is your favorite color? 3. What is your favorite food? 4. Do you like music? What kind? 5. Do you like to dance? 6. What do you like in a partner? 7. What is your favorite season?? 8. Do you like animals? Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions, I shall try to answer all your questions, Ok? I think that now I shall finish the letter and I shall wait your answer. Brad, I sincerely hope, that you will answer this letter. I send you some my photos and I shall wait your new photos too. Brad, I really want to continue our acquaintance. I just wish we were a lot closer to each other. Kisses for you! Alina Letter #2 Hello my dear ...! I am grateful to you for the answer to my letter. I waited for it with disturbing and exciting trembling in soul. Brad, I have serious intentions to you, and I think at us much in common with you. I am very glad to see your photos, you beautiful the man and you like me very much. For me not problems that you has the son. Brandon very beautiful boy and he is similar to you! I love children very much and I hope that I shall be for Brandon the good friend. Please speak to your son Hi from me. Ok! First I want to reply on questions, which I asked you and to tell to you about my city. Belgorod the centre of the Belgorod area. My city located in 700 km to the south from Moscow. Belgorod one of old Russian cities. Long time the city carried out functions on protection of southern borders of the Russia. My city is the city-hero, in July and August 1943 here passed fierce fights with german-fascist armies. Now it is very beautiful city with the population 340 000 person. Also my city is a monument of architecture of a history of Russia. Here many ancient churches, monasteries, theatres and many other things. Well, now I shall tell to you more about myself. As I already wrote earlier, I am christian, I not the fan, but I believe in the God and I visit church My favourite colors is dark blue, red, black and white. I prefer Russian and Italian kitchen, but I have no special whim to the certain meal I love various music, basically I listen to classical, dancing and new music. Dances are my weakness, I very much like to dance, and I think, that I could learn you to this. The most important values, which should have my men, it is a sincerity, honesty, kindness, trust and respect I do not like hypocrites and people who take advantage of a person just because they can do it. And I am always honest with people. The age and appearance is not of great importance for me if heart and soul are full of love and tendernesses, about the rest it is not necessary to worry I have never thought that age, distance or anything else can matter when it comes to true and serious relationship. And I have to confess that I am getting excited about our correspondence because you seem to be a nice, kind, experienced and smart men I have been looking for. Short of, that in Russia very severe winter I love all seasons I love animals, is especial dogs, cats, parrots and horses. I have a cat of a house his name is Boris. Dear ..., I know, that I should not make hasty decisions after exchanging only a couple of e-mails, but I seem to like you. I do not know what is going to happen to us in future and how our relationship will develop but I hope with all my heart everything is going to be really wonderful between you and me. I understand that it is quite complicated to get to know each other via e-mails, but still in our situation, when we are far from each other, correspondence is a good way to start and to see if we can be a good match or not. I do not think, that to writing each other for months will be a good way for us, but we can tell each other in our e-mails as much as possible and if we feel something really special about each other we'll meet in person and hopefully it'll be a really wonderful love story. What do you think, ...? I am not that type of person who does not know what to do, I prefer action as I believe it is better, instead of doing nothing at all, even if those actions are somehow related to taking a risk, even a minor one. I do not care because I think who does not risk, does not get a bigger reward. If you agree with me on this viewpoint, then, I think that at us is more common I hope this my letter will help you to know more about me. Though frankly speaking it seems to me it does not matter what your interests or hobbies are, there are so many things you can do and enjoy doing them, but the most important thing is that you can share the things you really enjoy with the person who will enjoy them also just because he enjoys everything sharing together with you. Do you share my opinion, ...? Well, I think I'd better stop writing now and wait for your reply. What is your job and what do you prefer to do during your spare time? Are you close to your family? Do you love children? And would you like to have them? What is your city like? Is it a big one or a small one? Do you like living there? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Kiss you! Yours Alina Letter#3 Hi my dear ...! I am glad very much that you have written to me again. I with impatience wait each letter from you. It is a pity, that I can not frequently write letters to you. I have not a computer and I write you from a computer of my girlfriend Christina. But unfortunately tomorrow she leaves to Ukraine to relatives and I think that to me will come to go in the Internet cafe of agency of acquaintances to write to you. Well. How you? How has passed your day? ..., when I reading your letters, I forget my past, and I start to think of the future. I am sure, that we are waited the fine future. Probably I speak about it early. You see we know about each other a little. And the further acquaintance is necessary for us. I want to tell to you about my work and my interests. Two years back I have finished university on a speciality the fashion Designer the designer of lady's wear. I like my work and now I work in a small firm. I model and I sew clothes for women. My favourite song is Hotel California of group Eagles, my favourite writer Paulo Koelio. My liked films it is Gladiator, Green Mile and Got Mail, is film about the big love when it was finished I very strongly cried. I like to fish but I already for a long time did not do it. But when I was younger and lived at the grandmother in village then I fished. My favourite Russian dish golubtsi (it is fried, stewed meat of pork and a beef wrapped up in a cabbage sheet), and my favourite Italian dish is a pizza. I love a pizza very much and I can eat it much. ..., I like to travel but I never was abroad. I almost did not leave my city and in Russia I was only in Moscow and in Nizhni Novgorod. Well! ..., I am tired to live alone, 25 years is a quarter of century. I do not want, that my life has passed senselessly, and when my time will come to die, I could not recollect anything good and useful that I making in this life! You understand me? So has developed, that I have not met worthy men. Certainly I had relations with men, but in anybody from them I was not sure. I am a very romantic woman, and I want, and I try do my life a more interesting! I am a sensitive, a kind-hearted, a kind, jolly, clever and intelligent, purposeful, sociable. Sometimes, when I come home with good mood, I want to talk with my close person and to share the mood and impressions about past day, to have fun, but my flat is empty and I have to be in full solitude. And my good mood evaporates. Simply I want a beloved person to be near me, with whom I could spend evenings, to meet morning, to speak about yesterday and to dream about tomorrow day. I want to walk and to feel a strong man arm holds me. I don't want to cook meals only for myself. I want somebody to appreciate it. Of course, the world of dreams is an illusive world, but we live in a real life, so we can't to sink into the world of dreams and phantasies for long. When a dream becomes obsession, it can bring only pain and disappointment. I lost my dear parents early. I had to overcome very difficult situations in my life. I had to be strong. I had but I so tired of it. I think that deserved to be happy. I am tired to suffer. Everybody wants to be happy and everybody has the right on it that is why once upon a time I decided to change all my life and to try to find my happiness. Don't think that this choice was easy. But I decided and. I am not sorry for it - I found you! You inhaled the life in me, thank you. I want to feel that you are real. I want to feel that my happiness is real. I am worry that you don't feel something like my feelings. I am afraid that you are not serious in your feelings for me. I am sure that everybody feels something like, because everybody is afraid to lose dear man. It is very-very important for me what do you think about it. Please, write something about it. I don't know what will be with us in the future, but I am sure I will not to be sorry for the acquaintance with you. Maybe we can meet with you? You want to meet with me? Well, I don't want to tire you from reading of my letter, so i am going to finish my letter. Take care of yourself. Write me as soon as possible, ok? ..., I send you my new photos. On the first photo I and my cat Boris, on the second photo I and flowers, on the third photo I on work. Tell me more about yourself. What hobby at you? Many kisses for you! Your Alina XOXOXOX Letter#4 Hi my dear ...! Sorry that I did not write to you earlier but I was at the grandmother in this weekend. How are you? How your mood? My dear, unfortunately I have not telephone at home and my mobile phone was stolen July, 17. Therefore unfortunately I can not give you a phone number but if you will give me your number then I shall call necessarily to you. Today wonderful weather, the sun shines so brightly what to look without solar glasses it is impossible! I like such weather, I am glad to the sun, I am glad to summer, I am glad lifes! Brad, it is all due to you, I feel the happy!!! Honey, I do not write other men, in my first letter I wrote to you that from 20 men which has given me agency of acquaintances I has chosen you and I paid money to write to you. I want to inform you that I think of you each minute and it is not surprising, you most remarkable male with which I ever met the in life. I am very happy to have an opportunity to correspond with you! But to parallel for my happy feelings, there are alternative feelings. I can't see you, hear you, I can't touch you. It is so pity that we aren't the birds. We haven't got wings and we haven't got an opportunity to fly towards each other. The distance wouldn't mean anything for us. We can meet in any point in the world. And to fly together to the stars. I think you want to meet me not less than I. I trust you my feelings, you can trust me all feelings, dreams and thoughts about me. I want to feel you, your gentle sight, your a smile, your hands. Always when I read your letters, I think you sitting near to me and speaking all these words. Probably I have rich imagination! I can imagine all your gestures and all your emotions with which you state your ideas. ..., I want to talk to you about my English. I studied it 6 years at school and then I studied it 4 years at university. But it was not my specialist subject, but I gave due attention to this. I never dialogue with the person for which English language would be the native language, therefore I dont know as far as clearly I express. Tell me as far as you understand my words and as far as you would estimate my English? I think a lot about us and about our future. My desire to see you in reality is becoming greater and greater with time. I'm crazy about it. I need you how I need the air. My heart begins to beat quickly, when I read your letter. My dear Brad, I wait your letters with great impatience. When I am sitting at home or work, I am waiting to see your new letter. I tell my girlfriends about you whole days, they isn't vexed of it, because they understand me, understand my feelings. They knows how it is important for me. There was the emptiness in my heart, which couldn't be filled of something. It seemed to me that my life was finished. A lot of things in my life have changed since I got acquainted to you. My girlfriends to tell me that I have changed, began to smile more often, in my eyes are more passion and desire to live future. Who could think that our destinies will be crossed. ..., you ever thought what would be if we live in one country? I don't realize what would I do in this moment of the life if I didn't get acquainted to you but I am sure that I wouldn't meet man as you in Russia. I know that a GOD has granted me one of his best angels and I have found you!!! I want to see your pleasure and share it with you. I want to know what make you happy? I think about you and, how it would be wonderful to wake up near to you, kiss and tell you " Good morning, ...! " I want to be your only woman, please tell me more about what you dream of us doing together. I would love to know about it. I shall finish this letter, I want to wish you good mood and not forget me:) I shall think of you each minute. I shall wait with impatience your letter and miss you! KISS FOR YOUR LIPS! Your Alina XOXOXOX Letter#5 Hi honey! Many thanks for your letter. It was the long-awaited letter. I am really madly glad to receive your letter. I am glad that now I have your phone number and I shall call to you soon. ..., I am really glad that I have found you. I should tell to you that I have ocean of emotions and sensations which I had no in my heart before. And on this, my reason and my heart say me that I should answer by sincerity your constant sincerity. My heart and my reason says me that I should tell what I feel now because it is a part of our friendship and I should share it with you. I should tell that it was required more time to write and think over this letter, because I wanted to say just the right things to you. I didn't want to offend or upset you in anyway, and it really bothered me that saying something wrong may do that. I normally speak directly from my heart, and I am right now, but sometimes, words must be carefully chosen. I feel somewhat lost when I have no opportunity to use a computer to read your letter. In my soul, I feel contentment and joy when I think of you. I do not know if my word and thoughts make sense to you, and I try very hard to put them in typed words that you will feel and understand. I believe in God, and I believe that I have been put through trials to prepare me for meeting a man with whom I will spend the rest of my life loving, to better appreciate him, respect him and cherish the love, that he would give; only asking that I return the same. I hope that my words and letters are not boring to you, but they are much more than mere words, they are my thoughts and feelings, and I send them out to you. I very much desire that you find it in your heart and are comfortable with sharing your personal feelings with me, I wish to know you on a more intimate level. ..., I would like you to share your dreams, your hopes, your feelings of the heart with me, I truly wish to connect with you on a level that goes way beyond mere friendship. I really believe that dreams do come true for people which dare to believe in dreams, because if they believe in them hard enough, dreams could become in reality. I guess that you are shocked that I feel this way, but here, where I was raised, the gift of true love from a man is something that is more similar to a mirage or self-deception, rather than mutual feeling which two enamored people can give each other. I hope that I am not rambling on with my words. I have so much that I wish to share with you, and each time I write to you, I feel there is never enough time to say everything that I want to say, and I always feel that I have forgotten something important that I wanted to share with you.