Female Scammer Alisa lisa

Alisa lisa

Female Scammer Alisa lisa

E-mail: burlakovaalisa@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Alisa
Location [Address]:
Age: 21
Birth Date: 08-06-1991

Reports :

-Original Message-
I very much love you and very much I want, that we with you were absolutely nearby that we could will touch to each other, I am glad, that I have you, my favourite person and I want, that between us there was a minimum distance. I very much like to read your letters as they are filled by love and warmth. To me it becomes very good, when I read your letters and when I understand, that I am not lonely in this world, that I have such fine man without whom I cannot live which is necessary for me. It is all about you, the darling. I very much love you and I want, that we with you were together. I wish to wake up with you, is near to you, all time cares of you, but while we I am far also I can not make all it in reality. We with you correspond long enough, and in due course ours with you feelings have become stronger also I has started to understand, that you that man without whom I cannot exist. I very much love you, I have understood it already from first our letters, I felt heart, that you and are that man whom I searched... I am very glad, that we could find each other despite huge distance between us. I very much am glad to it.



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