Female Scammer Allison SarahDavies

Allison SarahDavies

Female Scammer Allison SarahDavies

 10 ratings     

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First Name: Allison
Location [Address]: USA
Age: 32
Birth Date: 04.05.1989
Allison SarahDavies

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Reports :

---Original Message---

Letter 1

Hello Charles,
As always, I’m so happy to see your letter! The internet is not always reliable here, and it makes me anxious, but I’m glad to finally be able to write to you. How are you? Anything new in your life? I hope all is well. How do you spend your days, and how do you like to spend your evenings? I find myself wanting to know every little detail about you. Each day, I take you more seriously, and I feel we are getting closer. I hope that one day, we’ll have the chance to get even closer. In you, I see a man who will protect and support me. Can I rely on you?
Thank you so much for sharing your phone number with me. I’ve written it down, and I’ll try to contact you if my internet goes out. What time is best for me to call you?
When I wake up, the first thing I think about is whether you’ve written to me. It means so much to me. Despite the circumstances, the fact that we connected online gives me hope that a real relationship is possible between us, no matter the distance. Distance can always be overcome, don’t you agree?
In these difficult times, I am limited in who I can talk to, and you are the person I can share my thoughts with. Every time I see or read the news, it’s all about the war, and it’s terrifying to think about how it could escalate. I just want to feel safe, to live somewhere peaceful where there’s love and respect. My country is in turmoil, and it’s difficult to see a clear future.
I also want to tell you how much I trust you. Trust is so important to me now, and I want our relationship to be built on mutual trust. Even though we’re communicating online, I feel like I already know you personally in a way. It’s a strange but wonderful feeling. What do you think about our communication so far?
I truly value our correspondence, and it’s become one of the most important things in my life right now. I want to express my respect and gratitude for the chance to connect with you. It’s given me a lot of positive feelings. Sometimes, I feel a bit embarrassed to express how much you mean to me, but I want to tell you now that I am ready to talk about the next steps. Do you feel the same way?
I think this moment, this time we are sharing, is so precious. Our future together is in our hands, and I believe we can make it work. A man and a woman should support and inspire each other. Do you agree? What kinds of films do you enjoy? What music do you like to listen to? Do you have a car?
I’ll end my letter here for now. It’s been a joy to write to you today, and I look forward to your next letter.
Allison Sarahdavies

Letter 2

Hello Charles,
How are you today? Thank you so much for your letter. Your words brighten my day, and I feel a warmth inside whenever I read them. I can honestly say that I feel like my world has changed since we started talking. It’s amazing how someone’s words can bring so much light into your life. I’m happy that we found each other, and I hope that we can only grow closer from here.
I believe that everything is in our hands. We don’t need to rush, we just need to take our time getting to know each other. I feel like we’re building something important, something real. And the best part is, we’re doing it together. Isn’t that amazing? I believe we’re working towards a long-lasting relationship, and I truly hope that we’ll make decisions together moving forward.
I trust you completely, Charles. I don’t have any secrets from you, and I’m ready to give you my heart. I think trust is the most important part of a relationship, especially when communicating online. I feel confident in the bond we’re building, and I know we’re making something special.
Sometimes, I reflect on how fate works in strange ways. For instance, I lost my job, but then I found you, Charles. I feel like we’ve been brought together at just the right time, and I hope this connection continues to grow. I think we have a real chance here to build something beautiful.
It’s not easy for me to express how I feel, but today, I want to be open with you. I like you a lot, Charles. Our correspondence brings me so much comfort, and I think of you often. In this time of war and uncertainty, our connection is a bright spot in my life. I think that’s why I’ve allowed myself to dream about meeting you in real life. I can see you as a kind, caring man, and I know that meeting you would be a wonderful moment.
I hope my feelings are as clear to you as they are to me. I really do like you, Charles. You make me happy, and I hope that you feel the same way about me.
In the midst of everything happening around me, I’m planning my next trip to the store. It’s strange, but I don’t really know where to go anymore. I want to leave this place, but I’m not sure where to go.
I’ll end my letter here for now, but I want you to know that I’m thinking of you. I’ve attached some new photos, as always. I hope you like them!
I can’t wait to hear from you soon.
Allison Sarahdavies

Letter 3

Hello Charles,
How are you today? I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to ask—may I call you “my dear”? It feels right to express how much you mean to me.
I’m so happy to receive your letter, and my mood just keeps improving when I hear from you. Today is a beautiful day here, sunny and warm, and your letter just adds to that brightness. Thank you for taking the time to write to me, for your attention and your kind words.
In my last letter, I tried to explain how much I like you, and how much I appreciate your attention. It feels so good knowing that we have mutual feelings for each other. I truly believe this could be the start of something wonderful. Don’t you think? We both have similar goals, and that’s what matters most.
You are the most important person in my life right now. It may sound bold, but it’s the truth. Since the war started, I’ve had no one here except you. You’ve become my connection to the world outside, and I find myself looking forward to your letters every day. You came into my life unexpectedly, and I am so grateful for it.
I’ve been thinking about how wonderful it would be to meet you in person. I can only imagine how kind and thoughtful you are in real life, just like in your letters. Your words are a source of strength for me, and they help me get through each day. I feel incredibly lucky to have met you.
I wonder, do you have many friends? I hope that you and I can continue to share our thoughts and dreams.
Right now, life is difficult here. The war and its consequences have made everything uncertain. I need to plan carefully just to go to the store, and every day is a challenge. But the thought of you and our growing connection helps me feel hopeful.
I’ll end this letter now, but I’m sending you some new photos. I always choose the best ones, and I hope you like them.
Looking forward to your response,
Allison Sarahdavies



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