Female Scammer alvin ashley

alvin ashley

Female Scammer alvin ashley

E-mail: alvinashley57@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: alvin
Location [Address]:
Age: 45
Birth Date: 11/1/1975
alvin ashley

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Hello sweety!!! How are you today? How is your week-end. I hope everything is ok. By the way Happy Easter! I am very happy to read all your letters for me. Your letters makes my day. And my friends are also happy to see that we are in our correspondence. I have to tell you that you make my life full of happiness. And now I know that there is somebody who is thinking about me and now I am not alone. Thank you for that. And I dont want to put my profile on yahoo again since I dont want to see other emails, just want to corespond with you only. I dont know why but I liked your profile at the first sight, I can't explain it, its difficult to explane for me. Anyway I am really happy that we can talk with each other and share our thoughts, it makes us closer for each other. We were going with my friends to go outside for BBQ but two fo my friends got flue and we didn't have BBQ. I wish you could be here with me right now because I don't like walk alone. That is why I am in internet cafe now and writing this letter. I dont know what else I can tell you about me. I fill that you have already know all things about me. I have fillings as if I know you for a very long time. By the way yesterday my friends and I went to the cinema it was "National Treasure". You should see it, cause its very good movie. As for me I want to hear your voice very much, but I dont have a phone at home and you can't call me but if you want you can give me your number (please inlcude country code and zone area) and I will try to find a way to call you as soon as I can, it will be great, but I don't know how it will be because I have never spoken to anyone in English before . Speaking about our time difference, I am +5 GMT. Its very difficult to use messenger because of time diffrence, and I told you that I don't have computer at home. You know , when I stay alone evening Ii am thinking about our first meeting, how it can be, I imagine when you see me in the airport and give me flowers, take my hand and kiss me and we go to your home to celebrate my birthday. It will be the best gift on my birthday in the world.Or you can visit me and we will celebrate it here alone, only you and me.I am thinking about it all the time. Can you imagine it or not?. What do think about it? By the way what is the closest airport to your place? Mine is located in Orenburg. . I cant stop writing this letter cause I like it very much, but I have to do some housework and need to go unfortunately. I hope you are thinking of me as much as I am thinking of you and sending pictures for you. One of them is my favourite and two others are pictures of me and the kids who were ill and who were my clients in the hospital.



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