Female Scammer Amanda Rose
E-mail: roseamanda98@gmail.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Amanda |
Location [Address]: | United state |
Age: | 28 |
Birth Date: | 12/3/1994 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
---Original Message---
Letter 1
Hi my dear Stewart,
I’m so glad to hear from you! Your letters make me happier each time I read them. I find myself needing them more and more as they bring so much joy to my days. If you don’t mind, I’d love to tell you a little bit about my family.
My mother didn’t have any siblings, so I don’t have cousins. Sometimes it feels a bit lonely, but I’m thankful for my friends Marina and Anastasia, who are always there for me.
I’ve also made some decisions about my career. I’m working as a children’s therapist at a clinic, and soon I’ll have a promotion to senior therapist, which is the role I’ve always wanted! I’m excited about it, and I hope you’re happy for me.
Today, I was late for work because of a small issue. My neighbor, an older woman named Nina, came over in the morning. She’s a very kind person, and we help each other out whenever needed. Her door broke, and she couldn’t close it. She lives alone now since her husband passed away five years ago. She doesn’t have anyone to help her, so I went over to try and fix the door. Unfortunately, I’m not great with carpentry (smiles), and the problem turned out to be with the lock. We both realized it was best to get a professional to help.
Nina wasn’t feeling well, and I did my best to calm her down since it’s not good for her health to be stressed. She refused to go to the hospital, but she’s getting injections every day for her condition. I promised to find a carpenter to help her. I know a man at my clinic who does repairs, though he has a bit of a reputation for drinking. Despite that, he’s incredibly skilled with his hands, and I hope he’ll help Nina. I also want him to take a look at my roof, though I’m not sure if he’ll agree to it. I’ll ask him when I see him.
It’s so important to help the elderly, especially here, where the government doesn’t do much for them. Pensions are very small, and there’s no social assistance. Our healthcare isn’t free, so older people have to spend everything they have on medicine. It’s not fair, and it makes me sad.
By the way, I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a European-standard medical diploma. This allows me to work as a doctor in your country, should I ever move there.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Amanda Rose
Letter 2
Hi my dear Stewart,
Thank you so much for your letter! I always look forward to reading your words, and they never fail to put a smile on my face. I think about you often, and I really enjoy our conversations. I’m so grateful that you understand me and are such a thoughtful person.
I’ve been thinking a lot about something, and I’d like to share it with you. I believe that friendship is a key part of any successful relationship. Passion and affection are important, of course, but two people who choose to be together need to know how to navigate everyday life together. Does that make sense? I think the foundation of a relationship should be built on a strong friendship, and that’s what I’m looking for in a soulmate.
For me, emotional connection is everything. It’s essential for two people to feel comfortable with each other, and I think that’s where true happiness lies. What do you think?
Stewart, when I read your letters, I feel like you’re being honest and sincere with me. You share so much about yourself, and I want to do the same for you. I have a dream, and it’s to find true love—someone special who will love me and take care of me, just as I would do the same for him. I want our love to last forever, and when I meet that special person, I’ll give him all my tenderness, care, and love.
What about you, Stewart? What’s your dream? What do you want most out of life? I’d love to know what you’re thinking and dreaming about.
I have to say, I never thought it would be possible to find such a good friend, someone special, through the Internet. But here I am, having met you, and it feels like I’ve known you for much longer, even though we’ve exchanged only a few letters. I feel like you’re the person who truly understands me, my life, and my dreams.
Please know that you’re very dear to my heart. I’ll always be here to listen, to understand, and to help if you ever need anything.
I can’t wait to hear from you soon!
With tender hugs and kisses,
Amanda Rose
Letter 3
Hi my dear Stewart,
I’m writing this letter to you with a happy heart. It’s such a pleasure to have someone as close to me as you. It’s a bit sad that we’re far apart, but I’m hopeful that one day we’ll meet in person. I’m sure we’ll be happy to see each other once we get to know each other better.
Marina asks about you every day. I tell her I’m always thinking of you.
I finally managed to find the carpenter today! I saw him in the morning and asked if he could help with Nina’s door. In the afternoon, he came back and said he had replaced the lock and fixed the door. I thanked him, but he insisted it was no big deal. He said he’s always happy to help elderly people. Nina came by later and told me he refused to take any money for the work! She tried to pay him, but he said he’d be offended if she insisted. It made me smile, but Nina was so touched by his kindness. He’s also agreed to help me with my roof, so I’m very grateful.
I wanted to tell you that it’s common here in Kazakhstan for people to help others without expecting payment, especially if they know the person is in need. It’s one of the best qualities of the Kazakh people. Sadly, though, many Kazakh men have developed bad habits, like drinking too much.
I remember years ago, my mother and I had to build a fence around our house. One day, when my mother went to buy nails, three men asked what she needed them for. After she explained, they started laughing when they realized we were doing the work ourselves. But they ended up coming over and finishing the job for us, and wouldn’t take any money for it. We could only offer them pancakes as a thank you, which became my favorite dish!
Yesterday evening, I was reflecting on my career and the possibility of advancing in my position at the clinic. I’m happy to know that I can pursue my passion as a doctor anywhere in the world with my European-standard medical diploma.
As for this month, I don’t want to waste time, but I’m not sure how to spend it. I’ll continue writing letters to you, but I feel like I need to find something else to do with my time as well. I’ll think about it more.
I hope you’re not tired of my letters—I just have so much to share with you. I consider you to be the closest man to my heart, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Please don’t forget to write back!
With warm hugs,
Amanda Rose