Female Scammer Anastasiya
E-mail: nastyanicegirl@gmail.com
★★★★☆ 10 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Anastasiya |
Location [Address]: | Ufa |
Age: | 32 |
Birth Date: | 25-04-1983 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1
This girl found me through a dating website. We start exchanging e-mails for a few weeks. She said she is from Russia and was coming to my area with a working VISA. Her e-mails were weird because she didn't seem to answer my questions and she wanted to have a relationship with me too fast. She wanted to have someone to be her friend, show her around and pick her at the airport. She live in Roshino and was leaving in a few days to Moscow to finilized her paperwork. When she suppousely arrived to Moscow she foudn out the tickets costed more than what she had and her family gave her already all they could and she needed $1000,00US which she will repay when she started working here. I'm a well educated person so I stall her with an excuse to search scammers websites and I found her in yours as Anastasiya Melnik but she was writing me using the aka Nataliya Ilyushina. All I ask is if you guys could update her information to include also her other aka to prevent other people falling in the trap of this beautiful but misguided young girl. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first letter: Hello!!!! Have good day. I hope, that you remember me because I have written to you recently on a dating site and you answered me. I am sorry, I did not write to you back at once. You see, I live in Russia, and I was busy, organizing all my preparations for travel. You know, it is my first time when I try the correspondence with the man in virtual space. I am not so good user Intenet, but I hope that I shall have chance to meet the good person.I think, that I shall explain to you why I do it. I shall work in the USA approximately three months or more and I wish to meet a good person to be my guide or be the good friend with whom I can spend time together when I am in the USA. I think it is very difficult to live in foreign city without friends and besides I never were abroad. You know, I live in small city in Russia andI am afraid to be lost in your country. I also wish to see a real life (not the TV shows), and it is impossible to see a real life without the person, who knows all parts of a life. Also I do not wish to live in Russia because I have no opportunities here, it is hardly possible to explain in a few words, but I want you to know all mine plans. When being in the USA I shall work in any shop or I shall be the baby sitter in some family. I shall know details later. Except for that I love English language and it will give me chance improve my English.The agency helps me to receive the visa, the permission to work and all travel documents.It is their business, and I shall pay for their Services. One of my friend worked in the USA for three months in the past to year, and she loved it very much, and she wishes to repeat this trip again. She has met the right person in Chicago, and they are good friends now and he will marry her if all will be good between them. In Russia we have special programs for work in the USA and other countries and I think, that itis the right way for me. I feel lost here, and I hope, that I shall be able to change my life. I have many plans and dreams... I send you my pictures, and I hope, that you like me if we meet in real. Please tell to me what you think about this.I finish this letter, and I hope, that you write me very soon. Probably you think, that I am little bit crazy, but I am sure that it is the right way to meet good the man without meeting personally in a real life and besides knowIt is my first try on the Internet. I shall leave my city in some days to fly to Moscow again to finish all things for travel. Agency will arrange this trip for me, and I shall work all the day long and I think, that we can spend evenings together and the know each other better. If you have any interest to meet me I shall be very happy!!! I do not want to be lonely in the evenings, and I want to know for sure if somebody waits for someone me! It is just a woman's wish! I shall tell to you all details about my life and about me later. If you are also lonely, you can be with me for the few Months or so.... Who knows???! With the best regards from Russia Nataliya (this my name) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello XXXX, thank's for your reply so much!!! I hope soon I will be able to come to your area by my birthday and we will meet each other! I'm not sure why I picked you but I feel something special about you! Sorry my profile was not accurate. Honestly I thought it will be just like a joke to post my profile, I just wanted to try if my English is well enough to talk to someone from another country and I wanted to know if I can communicate with foreign people. This time I will write you more about myself. I think you should know more about my life and my hobbies so you will know if we have any common interests. I'm 29 years old, not that young I think? My birthday is 5th of December 1977. I'm 167 cm tall (5.5.) and 51 kg weight (about 120 pounds, I'm not sure how much it is in pound but I'm not fat!). I don't know exactly my bust-waist-hips measurements, I don't have a reason to measure it because I think it's OK and my body is proportionate )) I take care of my body, I do aerobics three times a week and two times a week I go to the swimming pool. I have an older sister, you can see her with me on photos. She is 32 years old now. She recently divorced and she had 4 years old daughter. Her husband cheated on her. We live with our parents in 3 room apartment. Mom is much younger then my father and they are very happy together. My mother is a teacher of music in the school. I can play piano also, she teached me how to play piano. I finished music school and I still play piano about once a week. My father is retired engineer. I like classic music, jazz, rock, lounge. I like music at all! I want to try how to ride a motorcycle someday! I've never tried it! The name of my city is Roshino it's near Surgut city. Roshino is quite small town and Surgut is a large city, the main city in our district. There is no chance for a good life here and it is very hard to find work here. All young people leave small towns and go to big cities in searches of work but unfortunately there is too there is no luck for them in big cities because nobody is waiting them there. Living in Russia is living " all by myself ". It is good but cruel school of a life. I hope that in he future I shall work as fitness trainer because I have the certificate and I am good in it. I worked in last of two years as fitness trainer and it was the best time in my life. I do not smoke, also I drink socially. My preference in alcohol is red wine, but only a glass or two. I tried to smoke when I was younger. Silly me! But I think almost everyone tries to smoke when you are 13 years, right? I try to take care of my body and the face as much as possible. I wasn't born yesterday and I know that almost all men love women " by their eyes ", I mean that this or that way woman's appearance is very important for the man. Speaking about my travel. I know that I shall have all documents to travel very soon and I shall travel to Moscow at the end of this week again to finish all preparations for travel to the USA. I shall get visa and I shall buy the ticket and then I shall fly to the USA. I do not know where exactly I fly because I have not decided yet. I can choose almost any state to stay that is why I need to know a name of the nearest international airport to you. I just wish to have somebody expecting me at the airport and I do not wish to be alone there. I shall fly to the USA directly from Moscow and I hope you will want to meet me at the airport and to be my guide and it would be great to meet you face to face and to spend some time together. I know that it is not an easy thing as it might seem, but there is nothing impossible, right? I shall be more than glad if you understand me and my thoughts and you are with me in this question but if not, then please tell me that you are not interested in me and do not wish to meet me, ok? I think I should close this letter. It is not good that I have no computer at home and I have to send my letters to you from Internet cafe which is far from my house. I would like to talk to you on the phone, but unfortunately we have no opportunity for international calls (I cannot call to you and you cannot call to me because here we have four-digital telephone numbers). It is possible to make international phone calls only from big cities. All right, it is enough for today. If I did not tell you something which is very important for you or I missed something, please do not be angry. Just ask me and I will answer for sure. I think I shall be here in the Internet cafe tomorrow, I have many preparations before travel to Moscow. I hope when I come here, I shall see one more letter from you. Please write me and do not forget me!!! I'm sending few photos for you today! I hope you are not tired to look at my photos? my home address: Russia Surgut region, Roshino, Lenina str. 10 Nataliya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello dear XXXX, Im very glad to see your photo, its very good and nice, i like it very much. I feel so lucky because I have met such a man from the first time and I will do all my best to meet you in real life soon. Ok, this letter is going to be long too, so be ready to read it since I want you to know everything about me. I guess you have a right to know that I am not perfect and I am not an angel, I mean I am just an ordinary girl with all ordinary human problems. Sometimes I can show my character and of course I don't expect you to be an angel too, I just want to meet a kind man. I am an easy-going person and can forgive almost everything, but there is one thing. I hate drunkers and rude men. I love water and my favourite thing is swimming. I wish I could live near some sea or a ocean. You know, I have a dream. I want to see an ocean. I was always dreaming about it, sometimes I even think that I was a fish in my previous life (hopefully some dolphin but not a shark). I also love warm weather and I hate winters. Here in Russia winters are long and very cold. I have graduated the Surgut State Univercity and I have a high degree or a license in trainers faculty and I can work as a fitness trainer or dance trainer. I like my profession and I wish I could work on this subject in some fitness club. I think it is very important to have a job which can give you not only a good salary but also good mood and get a pleasure from your job. What do you think? Unfortunately it is very hard to find such kind of job here becquse we have only a couple of such clubs and there is no vacancy. Ok, some things wich I also like and don't like to do: I think I didn't write you I like to cook. I will cook Russian cuisine for you! Pelmeni, vareniki, blini, borsch, okroshka! You will like it! Besides Russian cuisine I like Italian and Mexican. I love spaghetti and pizzza!!!!! mmmmmmm ! I can't live without it! I like Mexican food because it's very spicy, although I don't cook Mexican dishes too often. I've been told my cooking is very tasty! I like to cook cakes. My favorite is cheese-cake with raspberry! You know... when I talk about food I'm getting hungry ))) I eat everything and I'm not on any diets but usually I don't eat after 7 pm. This helps me not to be fat! I have never been married but I hope someday, I also don't have kids though I already have an experience of a baby sitter. Sometime ago I had to stay at home because I couldn't find a job and I was helping my sister with her little daughter. I hope one day to find that special one and it is impossible here in Russia because men are real drunkers and very rude. You know for me age difference deosn't matter. I think it is better that you are older then me because older men are more experienced and they know what they want to get from life. I hate evil people and I hate politics. Last few years I associate politics with wars and as you can see from my letter I hate violance and wars. What I like in a man? Faithfulness and honesty. He has to be open-minded and kind-hearted, also easy-going. And I believe that there cannot be any games in relationship between a man and a woman. It is very important for a man to be a kind man. Maybe you think I am naive but I do belive that love and kindness makes our world still alive. Are you a kind man??? I do believe you are, because soon I am flying to the USA and meet you there. When I am in the USA I will rent some room near my future work and hopefully we shall spend free time together. I have a question. Is it ok for you if we live together. I mean if we like each other or maybe if there will be something more then just be friends. I think I will improve my English with your help and it will give us a chance to get to now each other better, who knows... We'll see. I have a driving license but I am not sure if I am able to drive there in the USA, maybe you will give me a few good lessons. My head is full of plans and ideas... I am sorry for a long letter but I just wanted you to know me better. I am flying from Surgut's airport to Moscow in a few hours. So it is several hours from Surgut to Moscow. When I come to Moscow and settle down I will write you an email. I will write you as soon as I can!!! I will have to find a hotel or rent a room to live in before my flight to the USA. I was told it will take about two more days to complete all my travel arrangements and I do hope to see you in a few days already!!! Even don't think to look at other girls since I am the best one for you!(joke) Your Nataliya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, hello my dear XXXX!!! It is me again. I cannot belive I am in Moscow already. It was a wonderful flight for me and everything went well. You know even though Moscow is a capital of our big country, it is just like some country. Different people, life and the prices are very very high. People are very rude and angry, they always rush in a hurry and always trying to be cautious. When I got off the plane and was waiting for baggage a policeman came up to me and asked me to show my passport. They are all crazy here because of the terrorism. I understand that they are cautious but still I think it is humiliating. From the Airport I went by bus... it was so long way... about 1 hour and 30 minutes. I've seen so many nice places in Moscow while going by bus! Everything here is very expensive, not like in my city... and everywhere are big crowds of people! Everywhere is so many people! I'm still uncomfortable about it but I feel soon it will be OK. I've been to few shops here today and I see goods are much more expensive here then in my native city. I found a place to stay, I rent a room from an old woman. She is about 70 years old. She said her husband died 2 years ago and she has two grown up children but they are already married and don't come to visit her very often so she is alone and she has not much money so she give in rent rooms in her apartment. She is very nice woman )) She said I have to be very careful. You know... she said many girls from small cities come to big cities... or even abroad... they are looking for a better future and fortune but because they are from small cities they didn't imagine their way to find the happiness can be not as easy as they thought... and some of them can end up as prostitutes or something like that. She said I should be careful when I meet you!! But I don't worry about you! I feel with all my heart you are really nice man! And I think I'm enough educated not to end up as a prostitute and I will find my happiness! Sorry I wrote you about my worries.. I have nobody to write about it. My parents and my sister are worried enough about me and I don't want to make them worry more. I think that's really good I've met you! I can write you about everything. I miss my parents... but I'm getting better with every hour )) Now I'm very hungry and I will go and eat something. Please confirm the name of airport and be sure you wrote it right. Please confirm me your full name and telephone number. Please don't be mad! I just want to be sure I have your contacts! This way I will feel more confident. I am afraid to make any mistake... I hope everything will be fine. My last name is Ilyushina. So you already know my full name. I will write you with all the information about my trip when I get it. Excited??? Me too!!! Well, I will cose this letter. Please write me as soon as possible.