Female Scammer Anna Efimova
E-mail: looona_mars@mail.ru
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Anna |
Location [Address]: | Russia, 424000, Yoshkar Ola, r Yoshkar-Ola (Russia) |
Age: | 28 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Ana, Anechka, Aneshka, Ania, A |
Reports :
Letter 1Hello Dear! How your mood? Today I wish to try to do any your mood even better. This morning I did not go to my work because this morning I flied to my work. I have understood for a long time, but was afraid to admit myself which I have found to you feeling which did not feel before. I wish to understand that in my heart. I wish to feel your breath. I do not know, that happens with me. Possibly I can be named strange lady, but I grew loving your soul and heart. The rest is not important for me. Only the world of calmness, fidelity and pure heart.I very closely read yours tragic history. I very much it is grateful for your openness. I am so touched by your letter. That some times read your sad, but truthful history Frank. I am so much suffering did not see for a long time, you so have shared the feelings with me. All this causes admiration you Frank, I am convinced that you present and sensual the person, believe I is very touched by your words. Your history, about unsuccessful attitudes with the former wife, your own children, children which to hate own native father. This all is awful, I do not know as how to tell correctly. But I perfectly understand you, your second failure with Diana, all this is sad for me. I feel that you the good person, you the person of the conscience. You there is nothing are guilty. And even that circumstance that you have left the term punishment in prison, it was unfair to you. As such could occur. To me till now it is not trusted that it could happen actually. But a life complex what completely to learn it. I very much sympathize with you about your experiences about happened. You wished to terminate a life suicide, it is the sad fact in your history. I cannot easy write to you, not constraining the experiences. I perfectly know that you have gone through actually a hell on the ground, all your flours of suffering, not each soul of the person can sustain all these horrors which were sustained by you Frank. I feel in some confusion now as you have entrusted me the sad history. It has brought me in a shock. But I am grateful to you for that that you so are opened for me. You the fair and decent person, is not enough to find such good people on the ground as you.
Frank you there is nothing are not guilty, yours sufferings on hard destiny. All this has touched my heart. I looked at your photo, I saw on it the fine person, you showed your eyes to me what beauty possess. Only now it became clear to me. Why having looked at you for the first time, I have felt something is sad in your person (now I can read through your sufferings and flours on your person, it was printed on your eyes). Your pictures, now are represented me opened. As you know that in a picture not the most important that is represented, main what exactly the artist has enclosed in the works, the soul. Your pictures are visible now for me, I can understand now much looking on them. Frank will not lose Anna, Frank has found the good friend. Weather solar today. The sun brings pleasure. I am happy, that I have the friend, and the friend has Anna. Tell to me about your ideas and dreams. I wish to know all about you. Absolutely all! (Smile). Yesterday my boss informed me, that I shall have a vacation approximately in a week can through 2. But I was not happy. I did not expect, that I shall receive a vacation. But the schedule made by accounts department does not change. I have started to cry, because it means, that I cannot write to you. I cannot use a computer. Then I have learned, that lady, which gives me to use its computer, will probably receive a vacation directly after me and if it will take place, I cannot use a computer. I have imagined, that I should spend my vacation in my apartment, between four walls.
I shall sit without an opportunity to read your letters, I shall sit in loneliness and to think of you. I shall aimlessly wander in streets and every night to sleep with tears on eyes. I waited my vacation the, and now I receive them, but it does not bring to me pleasure. I have imagined, that I should spend some months withot you, and in my heart have appeared awful emptiness. All world around became uninteresting for me. And I have told to me directly: " is not present! It not for me! " Last night I thought of us. About you and about me. About us together. I could not fall asleep. I thought, that I can make to see you. I have decided to spend this vacation with you. I thought, that I can do to meet you. Easier to meet. It is everything, that I want now. Today I have addressed to agency of visas. I was asked by a question, how many it will cost for me to do the visa. To me to tell that visas costs 40-80 USD.
They have told, that I should visit a set of various departments, state and medical institutions. It is necessary to wait during long time turn. It is a usual way to receive the visa, and procedure of reception can be delayed within several weeks or even months. I have told, that I cannot wait so long. To me have told, which is possible to avoid a set of problems and to do all in faster terms, if to use a full package of service). The full package of service includes additional payments for a category of the visa, consular services, preparation for Interview to the commission, interview. The full package of service costs 130 USD, but the agency of visas deletes all problems, and thus increases chance of reception of the visa without excessive delays. I have asked, as long it will take time to receive the visa, if to use a full package of service. They have answered, that one week will be approximately required. Probably 2 weeks if will be a few troubles. I have told, that this variant satisfies me, and I agree. I have asked, whether there will be troubles with the visa. To me answered, that they will request the information on me in police. And if in police to them will answer, that I the legislative citizen, I shall receive the visa. I never broke the law. And I never did anything illegal. I shall have preparation for interview. It will help me to receive the visa. And I have really registered the reference behind the visa with the big belief and with the big hope, that you will be happy to meet me, with belief and with hope, that you wish to meet me. I really wish to give you a gift - our meeting though I am not assured, whether you wish to meet really me. You can imagine, what if all will be good, in two weeks we can meet? You would be happy, if we could spend some days together? I have wild desire to meet you, to cover you. I have some savings. I do not wish to cause you monetary and credit costs. I shall do all directly. I know, that you, id do not expect, that I shall tell all this. But probably to wait eternally. But actually nobody knows, that waits for us tomorrow. Probably such opportunity will not be presented more. I have opened to you my heart and soul. I speak that I feel. I am not confused by my feelings. I speak directly and openly. The loneliness has made me brave.
You can think, that I hasten events. But I have found new feeling which never had. I am happy right now. I seem, that I have found that searched for long time. In Russia speak: " Under a laying stone water does not flow ". It means, that it is necessary to make a step forward to reach something. I am afraid to lose an opportunity to contact you because I cannot eternally use a computer of office. But I shall receive soon a vacation. During all my life I spent my vacation in my City. But now I can spend my vacation with my friend, with you! It is the big happiness. I should use this opportunity. In my heart never there was such belief and feeling. And I am afraid to lose it. There can be I hasten events, but I am afraid, that everyone will be finished, and then I shall go mad. You the my dear friend, and friends meet sometimes. I shall receive a vacation, these are my vacation, and I wish to spend it with the my dear friend. I think, that it will be remarkable. I am sorry, if have offended you. I hope, that you do not regard my words as impudence. I simply wish to meet and spend some happy days with you. That will be after, I do not know. But all people meet. Te distance does not frighten me. But without a meeting there can not be a continuation. I hope, that your feelings to me have not changed after that. But I wish to see you a few to calm my stirred up heart. Tell to me please, you can meet me? Tell to me please, you will be happy to meet me? You will be happy, if I shall arrive to you? I trust, and I hope, that I have not revolted and have not offended you. I trust, and I hope, that you have feelings to me. I trust, and I hope, that you wish to meet me. It can be allocated in advance by destiny. I sincerely hope, that my letter has brought pleasure to you. And I sincerely hope, that you wish to meet me to spend some time together. And I sincerely hope, that you would be happy to meet me. You would be happy? It is a lot of tenderness from Anna!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello my dear I write to you the letter, and I smile. I am so happy.I thank you for your care, it was valid not it is pleasant my falling. But now with me all is good. I am grateful for your attention to me, it is pleasant. I am glad that you could so correctly to answer my question. I not the jealous woman. So there are no problems. Really it serious a case, explosion on surburb of your city, I heard it in news. Do not worry all will be good for us. You the fine person, I am very glad that is familiar with you. I have not got a mobile phone, it is pity I too I wish to hear your voice. What international airport is close to you, I would want that I could reach you is better? All time I think of you and I cannot concentrate my attention which to what. I never thought, that the commission will ask such unusual questions. Me asked about my sexual life, they have asked about children, about work, about patriotism, about my attitude to your country, about my acquaintance and understanding of events which have happened in the world and in your country, about my religion and belief. I have told about all my life in detail. I spoke about all fairly as it - is valid. To me have told, that my answers are unexpected, and as a rule applicants do not answer such questions so directly and openly. They have not got used to hear such answers, but they have told, that to hear sincere and truthful answers is much more pleasant than words which arrive not from heart and reason. To me have told, that I the first lady who have such support. Now I should wait the decision. Now I agree with expression: " Expectation of death is worse than death " I cannot concentrate on what. My heart so anxiety, I cannot work. They have told, that the decision will be accepted tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I so worry. I so want, that this small dream has been carried out. I simply wish to see my fine friend. I think, that the God will help me. I simply wish to meet you. I already see us together, and I absorb a pile. I wish to build with you a vessel to float under sails at boundless ocean. I wish to meet with you a dawn and to see off a decline. We shall float on our vessel, and our love will shine our way. We shall look at night at stars, we shall be happy in the afternoon to the sun. If there will be a storm, our love will protect us. If there will be a calmness, our love will be a wind. Our love will be a beacon for us. We shall float at ocean of love and oblivion, and nothing can separate us. We shall name our vessel - Dream. It will be a small vessel, but very strong. As we shall do our vessel of belief, hopes and love. I wish to rise with you in a balloon and to fly in the sky. The balloon is an embodiment of freedom and dream. It is the invaluable gift, sent to us to see the Earth from height. We shall fly the Balloon, I do not know, where, I do not know that for. Under us will float the seas and the countries. And we shall fly at will of a wind at boundless ocean. I wish to find with you beautiful lake, small and unknown to any. Water will be -is clear and transparent. Nobody will be there. Only you and I. We shall remove clothes and we shall enter into water. Water will softly pour us a cool a wave. We shall float and hold our hands. We shall plunge into water and we shall kiss. We shall find a small falls, and we shall stand under a stream of water. We shall enjoy. And above us angels of love will fly up. It is impossible to wait, when your dream will fall to you from the sky. It is necessary to go to dream. It is necessary to clear and build road directly. If in heart there is a belief and dream if in heart there is a love and hope, it is necessary to reach dream by all means. I always go to dream. I do not sit on a place. In my life there were very few easy moments. On it I try to do everything, that my dreams were carried out. I understand, that now it - only dreams. But these dreams decorate my life. I hope that yours also. With tenderness Anna ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank here which I wrote my letter to you, but you could not prohonour it. Now I do not know that to me to do. I shall look forward to hearing from you only. It is more to me that does not remain. Whether so all has occured that now I do not know I want. 14 December : Hello my Lion. There are fine news - I have received the visa. I shall have a vacation in 2 days. Today I have gone to the company which reserves tickets of an air line. I have asked them as I can reach your country and how many it costs. They have answered me, that the ticket costs USD 1098 . I have asked them to find cheaper tickets, because this price road for me. They have answered, that they had cheaper ticket. It costs USD 913 . I have asked them to reserve the ticket. But they have refused, because they have many clients at this time, and they cannot reserve my ticket without advance payment. I spoke with them during long time and have asked to reserve the ticket for me without advance payment, but they disagreed. Then I was asked by a question, whether probably to pay a part of money now and other part later. They disagreed. I spoke with them during long time, and I have managed to convince them. They have agreed. We have agreed, that I shall pay a part of the price today and ther parts later. I have paid USD for 450 $. But it was a little for initial payment. Then I have gone to a pawnshop and have put in pawn my silver and gold ornaments for USD for 170 $. It was my last money. Number flight on which I reserved the ticket 4:10 pm Depart Moscow (SVO) Arrive Birmingham (BHX) 9:05 pm Sat 17-Dec Duration: 7hr 55mn Air France 1945 / 5140 Connect in Paris (CDG) 7:55 pm Depart Birmingham (BHX) Arrive Moscow (SVO) 6:45 am +1 day Thu 5-Jan Duration: 7hr 50mn Air France 5141 / 2944 Connect in Paris (CDG) It is very difficult to tell for me to you about it. But I have made everything, that I could. I have paid the visa. I have paid a part of the ticket. But this money - it is not enough. I did not wish to burden you. I wished to reach you with my own money, but unfortunately I suffered failure. Now I should pay a remaining part. It - USD for 293 . I should pay this money in currents 2 days. If you require me if you trust me and if you wish to see me, please, send money . I understand, that it is the difficult decision for you, but we should trust each other. Any union without trust is impossible, if it is the union of the wife and the husband or the union of the friend and the girlfriend or the union of business partners. I do not wish to be hypocritical. For this reason I wish to tell to you the following: I do not think, that you would like to give love to the woman whom you will not trust. Also I would not like to give my love to the person to which I shall not trust. It is the first check on us. And very much depends on it, there can be all. We should trust each other. For this reason I was the first who has taken the first step. A step to you. Certainly, if you do not want, you cannot help me. It is bad, but not fatal. I shall lose my money. IT is BAD ALSO, BUT NOT FATAL ALSO. I have paid USD for 130 for to do the visa, and I have paid a part of the ticket - USD for 620. These are greater money for me, but I HAVE told to YOU ALREADY, THAT MONEY - NOT the MAIN THING In the LIFE. But I trust you, and I know, that YOU are a PERSON HONOUR, And YOU are a GENTLEMAN. If you can help me, I send you my coordinates. I give you necessary elements to send money by means of the Western Union: TATFONDBANK ADELYA KUTUYA, 50 KAZAN, 420073 For Anna Shadrina To receive money, I should tell to the employee of bank your full name , the full address, the exact sum which I should receive and some confidential numbers the Control Transfers Money . Please forgive to me all my words. I speak so because I am in despair and the disorder. Now, when only one step is separated us, I am afraid. I am afraid, that you will not help, and all my diligence will have is useless. I require you, and I wish to be with you, anda word abuse, your help is necessary for me. I have not calculated my forces. But together we are much stronger. We shall pass through difficulties and a barrier, much easier to make it together. I wish to present you all my infinite love and fidelity. I understand, that it is greater money for yo I did not wish to ask you. I thought, that I can do all directly. The loneliness has made me strong. I was in the habit to live without the help, and to rely only on me directly. I ask someone the help very seldom, but now I ask, that you have helped me. I have made a step forward. Do your step to me. I hope, that I have not offended you something. I require you, and I trust you. I know, that you will not throw me now when there is only one step between us. I look forward to hearing from you. Kiss. Yours Anna ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good afternoon my lion. I do not know why but I did not see the answer from you. Possibly it is caused by any technical malfunctions or still something. I can present that you cannot write to me for this reason. I am not upset and not I am afflicted. Possibly I hurry events, is possible you write to me today. But I would like to see your letter. This such pleasure to see your letters, I receive a lot of pleasant from their reading. I hope all this annoying trouble, will not be long. I do not give to it greater value, I know that I shall necessarily receive the answer from you. Possibly even at once as I shall send this letter. I hope at all of you well, and the reason of a malfunction of work of mail. I shall not be to be upset, I feel in good vigorous mood. And i very much look forward to hearing from you. To me it would be pleasant if in as did not worry, if suddenly it is valid failures in work of mail as it is probable you too do not receive the letter from me? I am right, then in this case we should wait position will not be corrected yet. What disappointment from it, I cannot see your answer, and you cannot see mine. I hope that soon we can to write normally each other. I do not give this accident of gravity. I know that all well. I need only to have patience to wait a little. In that case I patiently wait for messages from you. But I admit fairly, that I would like to see as soon as possible your answer. I apologize if I am mistaken or something I confuse, and simply I take away from you time, I hope it will not force