Female Scammer Anna Ivaniuk

Anna Ivaniuk

Female Scammer Anna Ivaniuk

E-mail: laviestebel@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Anna
Location [Address]: Ufa, Russia
Birth Date:

Reports :

-Original Message-
Now to answer your question. As you already know. I have the contract with agency. I need to observe a contract condition. Otherwise the agency will stop work and will terminate with me the contract. On contract conditions. I should have two flight-tickets! Therefore as travel agency. Is responsible for my safety! Therefore i need to buy the second ticket. The ticket back to Russia. This condition of the contract! But when I will be in your country. And if... I will become your wife. (Very much it would be desirable it) :-))) Then I can tear the ticket and remain with you on much longer. Than it is expected!!! Hello my sweet one. At me good news. Several days ago, I called home. And again asked the help my daddy. Today I have again called back home, and spoke with the father. My father said to me, that has found 790 usd dollars. But he had to sell the old car. And he very much hopes that this money will help us, For our meeting. Today he promised to send money to me. It is necessary to find 2160 usd dollars. Probably now you will have enough money, for our meeting. I ask you, to check up still time. If suddenly there is no money. My darling try to borrow money at friends or to take to court in bank. Only for some days. After all as soon as I will arrive to you. I will return at once you money. And you can return money to the friends or in bank. I ask you to try all variants. Because now you last my hope. Now I hope only for you!!! We should be together! You my destiny. I wish to be only with you. I'm thinking about you, thinking about you much, sweetheart. You are always on my mind and you are with me in my thoughts. I dream about us being together, how wonderful it could be, I know that these are only my dreams at this moment, but this is what I want, what I really want. And I hope, we soon will together! Please write soon my honey.



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