Female Scammer Anna Khodova
E-mail: anna-meli@hotmail.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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First Name: | Anna |
Location [Address]: | Mariupol' |
Age: | 27 |
Birth Date: | 3/4/1988 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1November14/06 Hello,my dear Francois!I had a terrible day today from the morning! First, pipes in my flat were broken and scoop dried water and twist pipes round with rags. I looked through my window and shout SOS. Thanks God, my neighbor (who lives one storey lower), called plumbers. I was home alone, feeling water on my feet and feeling tired and shocked about everything. For a few hours plumbers tried to solve the problem and finally did. They told it's happened because of starting heating. I thought I won't be able to write you today even a letter because of all these problems. But then I wanted to let you know about everything. You know, my neighbor one storey lower wants to go to law for damage because of the water from my storey. I really don't know, what can I do, her wooden doors are got soaked and wall papers as well. :( I feel sorry, that people suffered because of me. Another problem - I have to solve the problem with pipes in my flat, they are rusty. I hoped that they can survive one more heating season, because we had no money for it. Unfortunately it's happened sooner that I thought. Honey, I'm sorry for these terrible news. I don't know if I can write you a letter tomorrow, because anything may happens. I wished you were here to solve all these problems together. I feel so lonely. Ok, now I have to back home, to dry my clothes and think how to solve this problem sooner. I know you are surprised to hear it from me, because probable there are special services do this work in your country. Unfortunately life in Ukraine is different. Please don't worry, I'm strong enough to find a way out! I feel your support even through the distance between us. I feel you worry about me! I love you so much and hate to make you feel worry about me, honey! I wish the same problems will never happen with you. Please be careful. Believe me, I'll do my best to write you tomorrow! I love you so much! I'll answer all of your questions tomorrow. Kissing you. Yours Yulia. Nove,mber15/06 Hello,my dear Francois! Sorry, but this letter will be short. I'm happy to tell you, that I solved yesterday problem! The warden of a hostel will take responsibility for it. You are right, it's happened the second time. But I already have another flat (not that one, where I lived earlier). Unfortunately it's even worse than previous one, needs to be repaired. In half an hour, plumbers will come to my flat to repair pipes. I'm so happy, I can live in warmth and comfort with you for a month! I love you. Kissing you. Yours Yulia. November16/06 Hello,my dear Francois! Today I feel myself tired, the problem with pipes still on and I have no idea how to solve it. You know, there are many people who afraid to have the same problem, like me. It's unpredictable situation. There are many articles in newspapers about these problems, people are complain about government and they can't do anything to help people. The flat I live in now looks like a terrible dream, everything became damp and no warmth. If I think about it all the time, it'll drive me crazy! Sorry, that I didn't tell you more about my feelings to you because of all these problems. I always keep you in my mind. I think about you all the time, last night I woke up because I had a feeling you are talking to me. Though it was just a dream, it raised my high spirits. I understood, that my problem with flat isn't global and there are thousand people, who have more serious problems. The most important for me to see us both healthy! All my prayers about it! Today is already Thursday, I wish this unlucky week will end soon. I hope there was just a run of bad luck. I try to think less about bad things, because even if they happen - I can't change them! Something tells me, that everything will be great! Your support means so much to me. You always find the right words to tell me. I even think, that you have a talent of doctor! If you choose this profession, you'll achieve success! Didn't you think about it? :) You know, people in our country always try to find a way out even of difficult situation. I have a book "Woman's advices". I never thought I can find advice even about my situation in this book, honey. The chapter called "How to help your flat after flood". Are you surprised? I was surprised as well. They say "After flood, if you have no heating, you need to born the gas rings and open the doors. The gas will dry walls and give you warmth. I thought to try it today. What do you think about it? I'm ready to do everything to back my flat to normal life. My neighbor this morning didn't feel well and I understand her pretty well. But I can't understand why am I guilty. Surely all of my family will take responsibility for it. I hope, there are no hopeless situations. Please don't leave me alone with these problems. I need to feel you by my side, need to know that you love me and accept me the way I am. Together we'll overcome the difficulties! With you I have nothing to fear! Francois, I'll help you with pleasure to choose coat for you! Maybe here it'll be cheaper. I promise to find someone, who can help us with English. Kissing you. Yours Yulia. November17/06 Hello,my dear Francois! This morning my mom back and and we went to my neighbor. We didn't quarrel with her, tried to talk calmly. She said she was not going to bring an action against us, because she understand it's not our fault. But she asked us to pay her damage. Me and my mom took her conditions and promised to improve the situation. I'm not talking about our flat, probably we'll throw out the carpet. We have to do many things to have heating again. My mom found one of her friends, who work as plumber. He promised to weld pipes for free. In past my mom helped his family as well. As you can see, my mom solved the problem. We won't feel cold in the winter! Plumber will come tomorrow. If you only knew, honey, how I tried to follow that advice from the book about the way to dry flat with a help of gas after flood. Of course, it got warmer as soon as I turn on gas, but it was harder to breathe and I decided to turn off it at once. I even tried to dry my carpet with hair-drier, but no result. Now I know, it's impossible to improve the situation after that flood, because it's cold outside. Everything will be easier, if it's summer time. Thanks God, wall papers are safe, only my clothes and carpet got wet. I feel sorry about jeans and two sweaters which impossible to dry. Surely I can't throw these clothes. Sunshine, I'm so thankful for your wish to help me. I know I may always count on you. You are the person, who can never leave me. I wish to kiss you right now for your words and acts. I'm so lucky to have you, honey! There is only one problem left to solve, to help my neighbor to make her repair. I said to my mom, that I'm ready to glue wall-papers, glaze etc. to save some money. But we need to buy materials and they are expensive. We made up an estimate and it materials will cost 1200 Ukrainian grivnas, which equals to 240 US dollars. Where can we get these money? Unfortunately can't find a way out. I pray God to find a way out and ready to ask for some help each person, who want to help. Nor me neither my mom can't sleep because of this problem. Hope you'll understand me, sweetheart! My roommate today left the hostel because can't accept these conditions. But I have no other way out, but to continue to live here. I can't wait when we'll finally meet!!! Kissing you. Yours Yulia. Nevember18/06 Hello,my dear Francois! I'm not asking you for a help now, I know our meeting is waiting for us ahead. My mom promised to solve this problem soon. Today is already Saturday, the week was not the best in my life, but I didn't give up. Thanks to your support all the time, sweetheart! If not you, I don't know how am I going to pass this terrible week. You are my light always, don't forget about it. You are the most important person in my life. I'm sure, any girl in Ukraine dream to have a man like you. Every day my love for you is more and more. You always prove me your love via your deeds, but not only words. I don't want to remember about what's happened this week anymore, but to relax. I don't have any plans for the week-end, because still have so much work at home. Today plumbers will come to repair pipes. It's very difficult to survive without warmth at home. My poor heater already tired of warming us days and nights. Ha-ha-ha. But you know, when I listen to other people's stories, I realize that some feel have even more serious problems, than me. Unfortunately life in Ukraine is very difficult and when people face the problems, they should solve them by themselves. Though there are miles between us, honey, I always feel you so close to me. If you have even a little pain, I can feel it no matter the distance between us, honey! Please take care of your body, hands, legs and your bright intellect! I'm not only your beloved girl, but also your schoolgirl. :) In every letter you write me, it's like a new lesson to me! Your advices are the best and I can't find them in any book or magazine. Please keep all your knowledges and life experience for me and our future family! You'll be the head of our family and you have to be wise man! I'll be always your love mate and a woman, who can be with you in happiness and sorrow. I wish we will never have a run of bad luck in our life. Have more rest during the week-end, honey. Waiting for your letter impatiently. See you on Monday! Kissing you. Yours Yulia. Nevember20/06 Hello,my dear Francois! I'm so happy it's Monday and I can write you again! This morning I woke up early because I missed you on the week-end and wanted to see you sooner! I wished to tell you sooner how much I missed you, honey! I can't describe my feeling to you with a help of few words only. I love you, my sweetheart, and it's the most deep feeling I ever felt. The problem with pipes still on, the plumbers came, but couldn't solve it. They promised to come today and try to solve it again. It's cold at home, I wear warm sweater and warm socks. I already caught cold in the head and cough. Last night I took a steam bath for my feet. Then I put dry mustard into my socks and slept all night long this way. To tell you the truth, I feel much better today, but not all 100% yet! How are you doing, sweetheart? Reading your letter I feel something makes you worry. Tell me, am I right? I worry about you! It's almost winter time here, I even saw icicles in some roofs. It's cold, but I'm not afraid of cold weather. I love winter! :) In the winter I always feel the burst of energy. I don't want to sleep in the mornings. Usually in the winter I miss love more than ever! What a wonderful girl you have! Ha-ha-ha. I love you so much no matter the seasons. On Sunday I met one of my old friends. She has two children and waiting for a third baby now. I was very surprised, but she said she'll have as many children as God wants to send her! She and her husband love each other so much! They already have two beautiful daughters. Her husband dreaming to have a son now. :) We spent an hour talking to each other and since she got children, she looks much better. Of course she asked me about you. I told her, that you are the most caring and loving man in the world. I don't know why, honey, but today I want to dance so much. I wish you were here with me now. I wish we could have a romantic evening under the candles and then you'll ask me for a dance! I want to hug you and dance a waltz with me, holding your hand! I don't want to go to disco, sauna and even movie with you. I don't care about all these things without you! When we are together, we'll make up for lost time! All romantic evenings and waltz are waiting for us ahead! I dream about it and wish all of our dreams will come true. I'll try to make you happy, honey! I know we'll be happy together! It's very nice you think about our future. I can't wait when you'll share all of your thoughts with me. Soon we'll meet!!! Kissing you. Yours Yulia. November21/06 Hello,my dear Francois! Today is a real winter, the temperature -5C. and it's snowing. Everywhere I can see Christmas and New Year's advertisements. I have to enjoy life and be happy, but I'm not feel calm, because still have two problems I have to solve. The first problem - repair pipes in my flat. Plumbers promised to solve this problem yesterday, but still. They said it's not comfortable for them to come only because of our flat. This way they try to get some money from us. I asked them how much do they want, but they didn't reply. How to understand them? In neighbor's flat we finished preliminary work: plaster, cleaning. Tonight we need to clearcole walls and discuss questions about repair of her flat. She realize that financial position of our family is very poor and we can't afford to buy expensive materials. By the most conservative estimate, we need to pay 240$. Our neighbor asked to hasten to pay it, because she'll have 60 years jubilee in November,30 and she is going to receive her guests. Sweetheart, I don't want to give a lot of trouble to you. You are the only man in this world to me and I want you to have only positive emotions when you communicate with me. I want you to be proud of me and our relations, even if you cry - let them be only tears of happiness. I appreciate every little thing you do for us. I'm thankful for the best present in my life - our first meeting. My relatives love and respect you, they know I'm lucky woman to have you in my life. When all these problems are over, I can finally back to my normal life and enjoy life like I did it before. But I'm happy, that anyway these problems will be over sooner or later and everything will be ok! Honey, if you decide to change your profession, I won't stop you. I know that you are clever enough to take the right decision. I need to complete medical practice because it's a question of our future as well. Maybe some day I'll take care of our family. :) Ok, now I have to back to my work. Kissing you. Yours Yulia. November22/06 Hello,my dear Francois! Sorry for my yesterday letter. I understood, that my neighbor wanted to fool me and push me to make repair in her flat for my money. That's why I called for my mom's help. My mom came in the morning and solved everything and she found, that neighbor had friendship with warden of a hostel. Francois, now I live in the hostel for doctors, who work in our University. Young doctors live in the hostel too. Honey, you shouldn't send me any money. Me and my mom will solve it! Ok, now I have to back home, my mom is waiting for me. See you tomorrow. I love you. Yours Yulia. November23/06 Hello,my dear Francois! Thanks God, my mom helped me to solve the problems. I had a good chance to tell her about your coming. She's happy for us!!! I'm happy to realize that situation with repairing pipes at my neighbor's flat is clear up. I'm sure I can never forget the situation and fear I went through. For the first time I fell asleep without soporific, though I went to sleep around 11 p.m. Before going to bed I tried to think about some positive moments, think about only one man who brings me happiness. For the first time lately I saw your face and smile in my dreams. I've seen in my dreams, that I fell asleep and tomorrow is my birthday. I've seen early morning and house I never been in during my sleep. This house looked like a castle with a big fireplace in the middle of the room. I jump out of my bed in light silk pink colored night-dress, came to this fireplace and saw so many flowers in vases and pottles near it. There were my favorite wildflowers, cornflowers and camomiles, lilies and chrysanthemums. In the middle of fireplace there was a small vase with rare flower edelweiss, which can grow only in the top of mountains. I remember that in my childhood, granny told me parable about one man who was in love with one woman, who went to the top of the highest mountains to find edelweiss and win her heart. Later she agreed to be his wife. As soon as I take this edelweiss in my hands in my dream, I saw you in the room. You looked like an angel dressed in white clothes. You smiled to me with sincere and loving smile. You came to me, hugged me and said: "My love, everything is for you!" Then I heard the music and the sound of fireworks over the window. I was in the seventh heaven in my dream, my angel! I felt like your lips touching my body, like your strong arms hugging my waist. But the most important, I remembered every single word you told me in details. You told me only about love. I was your queen and bondwoman of your passion. You know, honey, this sweet dream was like turning-point between my tiredness and happiness which is waiting for me ahead. I imagine our future like I saw it in my dreams! I know you'll take care of me and respect me always! I'll always inspire you for good things. I'm a woman and many things depend on me, honey! Are you agree with me? Please try to stop feeling nervous, you mean the world to me! The most important - you love me and give me love I could only dream about. You drive me crazy and make me forget about all the problems I had. I want to thank you for everything you do for me! I'll give you all my love and will tell you the words of love every single day! I'll never let even one sly woman to come close to you. Please let me do it, my sweetheart! I don't want someone will ever separate us! I know it wasn't only my dream, but incarnation of my thoughts and feelings to you, my sweetheart! You are the knight of my heart and if it needs to climb on the highest mountain and pick edelweiss to prove my love for you, I'll do it! Kissing you. Yours Yulia. As you can see, she was relentless, and the only reason why she stopped pestering me for money was because I threaten not to go see her this Christmas. Everyday I was asking her why she was responsible for repairs to a building she didn't own? When I finallly went to see her this December01/06, I realize that she didn't need any translation services, she was quite capable of reading and writing in english, all this time I was sending her money to be able to communicate. And to end this story, she used the old, get into an argument so she can dump you, real cold... I was left in Lugansk with no means of communication and had to fend for myself to get back home.... never again. Mr.F.Charbonneau