Female Scammer Anna Rulsadnova

Anna Rulsadnova

Female Scammer Anna Rulsadnova

E-mail: smilegrl@postgates.net
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Anna
Location [Address]: unknown Simferopol (Ukraine); Yoshkar
Age: 29
Birth Date:
Aliases: Alenka, Ana, Anechka, Aneshka,

Reports :

Hi my love.. Today I went to a travel agency to inquire about how I can visit your country. I wondered how much it would cost me to get a visa. They said that the visa exam alone would cost me 45 euro. This money will not be refunded even if the application is rejected. To get a visa, I have to go to Moscow, where the embassy is located. I will be visiting many agencies, offices and organizations in Kolomna and Moscow. (this is the usual way to get a visa) I was told that it can take up to several months !!! I told them I can't wait long! I said that I will have a vacation soon! I was offered to solve the problem... I was told that it would take less time if I use the full package of services, which includes additional payments for the visa category, consular services and preparation for the interview at the embassy. The full package of services costs 360 euro. The visa agency eliminates all problems and thus increases the likelihood of obtaining a visa without undue delays. If all goes well, I should be able to get my visa in 5-7 days! I thought for a long time and came to the conclusion that this option is the only one for me. I do not know if I did the right thing by paying that kind of money ??? I guess I needed to consult with you over and over again. But I thought there was no other way out. I agreed, and registered, the visa application, hoping that you will be happy to meet me.. Can you imagine that we will be together for several weeks or even our whole life! What will happen next? Didn't you think? These are long days before we meet. It lasts so long now ... Seconds seem like an eternity .. Now this is the meaning of my whole life. I can't stop thinking about it. For me there is nothing more important than our meeting! There is no one dearer than you Edwin!



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