Female Scammer Barbara Hatcher
E-mail: hatchersden10c@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Barbara |
Location [Address]: | unknown Lagos (Nigeria) |
Age: | 27 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Babara, Barbarra, Barbra |
Reports :
After I found your new letter today in my mailbox, my mood became really good. By your answer and your attention to our communication you showed me that it's interesting for you to communicate with me, learn me and share something from your life with me, your thoughts. It's really interesting to me also all this, how we began our communication and I hope we will continue it the same nice way. Thank you for the time, that you spend on it Richard! I was glad to see your picture also in your brother's garden, it helps me to imagine more better you as a person. I was interesting to know about your previous life, some events in it and so on. Now I know that when you was young you relocated, learned new language and I think it's interesting life experience you got. Last time when I was sleeping under the tent, it was in my childhood, when we went to the lake with all our family and spent there 2 days. I think it's one of the most bright memories, which I have from child hood. Maybe later in my life I be able to make such camping more times, but here my friends are not interested in such things. So, how are you this days there? How is your mood if the weather is nice? I'm fine here, the same life routine, work, fitness, doing cleaning at home and cooking when I have time. This time of year the weather is without dramatically changes and enough nice. And I like it. I think I like any type of weather, because there is some beauty even in bad weather, when it's strong rain or wind. When the weather is bad I like to be at home and just look at the window and think about something personal and important. I suppose that in modern world many people can't admire some nice, beautiful things that surround us. They don't notice how may be beautiful the color of sky in the evening, how many colors are in it. They don't see trees and flowers in the park. By the way, my favorite flowers are white roses. I think people act this way, since they have too many problems and worries in their lives and it's really sad fact. Do you agree with me in it? When the last time you looked at the sky in the evening and thought "how beautiful, how nice and calm is the sky in the moment of sunset"?
I promised to tell you about my marriage and how terrible it was. I think just 1 year ago, I couldn't even discuss such things with anybody. But now I feel that I'm ready to do it and those sad emotions and memories don't have any power above me anymore. That's why now I'm absolute ready for new relations. As I told you in previous letter, my father found for me a husband after I return father's house from Baku where I learned in university. That man was 25 years older, than me. But our age difference never scared me or was important as I wrote in previous letter. Before marriage I had some hopes that he could be smart, wised and tolerant to woman. But all this hopes disappeared very fast after I became his wife. When we went outside everybody thought that he is very nice and carrying man. But when we were just together at home it was a real monster. He could yelling at me for no real reason, just because he was in a bad mood or had some problems at work. He constantly beat me, finding absolutely fictitious reasons for this. He could drink alcohol 2-3 days in a row and then not remember what he was doing. If he beat me too hard and these marks were visible on my face, then he forbade me to go outside for several days until these bruises disappeared. I tried to tell my father about it, but he didn't want to listen to me. He always said that if my husband has such behavior with me, then it is entirely my fault, and I must be patient and try to please him in everything. It was really a waking nightmare for me, all the years of my life with this man. The point when I stopped tolerating and decided to get a divorce was the most terrible situation in my life. My ex-husband came home from work already *****, said that his boss promised to fire him for a serious offense. Then he drank more alcohol and started beating me severely. We had a glass table, my husband hit me in the face and I flew into this table. The table was shattered, leaving many glass cuts on my arms and legs. Some of these cuts on my arms still have marks. Because it was very strong and deep. This is a constant reminder of those years of life with my husband. After that, I got divorced and started an independent life. And I believe that I did everything right. Now I know for sure that I never be able to build a relationship with a man who has such a terrible attitude towards a woman. And a man who drinks a lot of alcohol. I rarely drink alcohol myself. And 1-2 glasses of wine are enough for me to have a somewhat relaxed state. I wanted to share this part of my life with you so that you understand why I don't see a future in this country. And why I don't want to have relationships with local men. As I said in the last letter, in order to "protect myself from this" I got a tattoo and a piercing. There are a lot of men as my husband in my country. I know that and I don't even want to try to make a new relationship attempt here. I hope that now you understand all this better and more correctly. Also since then I have no communication with my father. I can't come to his house and visit my mother. Therefore, I communicate with my mother very rarely, sometimes she comes to visit me here. Oh, I have interesting question about it for you here. Do you have such members of your family with whom you don't have any communication because of some conflict in the past or some misunderstanding? So now, after all that troubles which were in my past life, after I came to some kind of relief and got some normal life, I decided that I need to develop it. I understood that in fact my life is some kind of monotonous, work, home, cooking, walks, fitness, meeting with friends. I understood that there is absent the most necessary for any person thing – love and close person, with whom I would like to spend the rest of my life. That's why I decided to look for such man in internet and now communicate with you. And time will show us, where it may bring us to. Maybe we just become a good friends or maybe we become a love couple. So now I just want to continue learning you better and sharing with you my life, view on it and plans. At the work my opportunity to use internet very limited. All social networks and other things for on line chat are banned by system administrator. It was our boss decision for people don't spend their work time for internet. Internet speed also very slaw. But it's enough to use email. I work 5 or 6 days a week depending of volume of work, that I need to do. So if you don't get my letters couple of days, please don't worry. I will write you as soon as I have first opportunity for it, I promise!
I also forgot to tell you that in the past, I had a smart phone and all my life during was there. To get internet on it, I visited local library, where is a wi-fi and spent many hours there every week. But it's also was very slow internet. I had all that social network as instagram and even tik-tok, but 6 months ago my smart phone was stolen by one of client of our post office, when I wasn't attentive. I addressed in police, they tried to track this phone, but it appeared that this already was in another country and they couldn't return it to me. I took it as a sign, and decided that I also should left it all in my past. I don't want any more to spend much time with it, since in fact it just time killing. Now I want to concentrate on my personal life, my health, fitness and find my destiny. I think it much more useful and may bring me real happiness, instead of fake virtual life. In previous letter I wrote you, that I like reading when I have time, watch movies and listen to the music. In this letter I would like to write in more details about it. I have 2 types of book, which I like to read. First – it's romantic novels about beautiful stories of love with happy end. Second – is historical books about some ancient events, old countries, knights and some famous historical peoples. I find it really interesting. Movies, I like to see some dramas and comedies. In first there is real strong feelings emotions and second one just to get some fun and relax. My most favorite are "The Notebook", "Dear John", «P.S. I Love You» and comedies "Dogma", «Senseless» « Ace Ventura» . Of music I like to listen to Elton John, Sting and Madonna. And for me will be interesting also what kind of movies do you like to see and what kind of music to listen to? I should go and finish my letter now as I see it again appeared very big (smile). Whish you all the best. p.s. I could find just one picture from my younger ages. It's my last year of studying in university. I just wanted to show you how happy I looked that times and what type of body I want to return if I be able to do it.