Female Scammer Beatrice
E-mail: beatrice388@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
Details |
First Name: | Beatrice |
Location [Address]: | GhanaUnknownUnknown |
Age: | 28 |
Birth Date: | 22/07/1986 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
She is from ghana and also live there now but she say she is born in thailand. her dad thai and mum from ghana.she told me she went to this school - St. Mary's Senior High School, Accra Ghana ? so i wrote to them if they know her.... but no reply yet...
Here some emails from her:
1 Hallo guten Tag und ich danke Ihnen f?r Ihre Zeit und Ihre Bereitschaft, per E-Mail zu lesen. Ich hoffe, Sie sind mit einem gl?ckseligen Tag und alles in Bewegung ist gut mit Ihnen. Mein Name ist Beatrice, single ledig und ohne Kinder. Ich arbeite als Krankenschwester und ich liebe meinen Job. Die beste Belohnung, die ich erhalten, ist das L?cheln aus den Gesichtern der Menschen, wenn sie geheilt werden und zur?ck zu ihren verschiedenen H?usern zu bekommen und sie sagen: Danke, das ist f?r mich von unsch?tzbarem Wert, und das ist der Grund, warum ich aufwache, jede und jeden Tag zur Arbeit zu gehen . Ich stie? auf Ihr Profil und es wirklich interessant klingt. F?r den Anfang w?rde Ich mag, Ihre Bekanntschaft, aufrichtig, f?rsorglich, zuverl?ssig, verantwortlich, gebildete junge Dame mit einem guten Sinn f?r Humor ist eine Reihe von Eigenschaften, die ich pocess zu machen. Ich bin f?r die Liebe und jemand auf der Suche, um den Rest meines Lebens mit zu teilen. Ich bin ehrlich und aufrichtig mit der Absicht, mehr ?ber Sie wissen. Ich habe einen gro?en Sinn f?r Humor und Romantiker, ich dachte, ich w?rde die Menschen, wie ich behandelt werden m?chte, zu behandeln. Vertrauen, Loyalit?t und Respekt sind ein Muss f?r das ewige Gl?ck. Egal, wie sehr du jemanden liebst, wenn Sie diese Zutaten werden Sie nie Erfolg haben. Ich interessiere mich wollen, um ?ber das, was macht Sie das spezielle Person, die Sie heute wissen, Ich m?chte mehr ?ber Ihre Ziele, Tr?ume, Ihre Interessen, und alles, was du mir sagen willst wissen. Ich m?chte ?ber Sie zu erfahren und was macht Ihr Herz und Seele, wie die Freundschaft, die ich m?chte mit Ihnen zu bauen Ich will es wie kein anderer Sie jemals in gemeinsamen oder erlebt haben. Die Freundschaft Ich m?chte mit Ihnen aufzubauen mit Substanz, Qualit?t, Spiritualit?t und potenziellen gef?llt werden. Ich werde diesen Brief zum Abschluss zu bringen, fragen Sie mich nichts und ich werde es ehrlich zu beantworten, ist eine Beziehung, nichts ohne Vertrauen, offener Kommunikation und Engagement. Ich werde gespannt auf Ihre E-Mail. Sie haben einen guten Abend. Ich sende Ihnen meine herzlichen Gr??en. Beatrice
2 Hallo Roland,
Ich hoffe, Sie tun gut und alles in Bewegung ist gut mit Ihnen .. .Ich kam nach ?sterreich auf einem Workshop der Vereinten Nationen gef?rdert und ich war dort f?r 3 Monate, noch bin ich in Ghana und ich komme aus Thailand. Ich bin in Ghana arbeitet als Krankenschwester. Ich m?chte mit Ihnen meine Gedanken und alles, was mit mir zu teilen und gemeinsam mit Ihnen ein paar Bilder von mir, aber ich bin nicht hier, meistens so ist es ziemlich schwer zu tun. Wenn Sie eine E-Mail zu tun, es w?re mir eine Freude, Ihnen zu schreiben und auch Ihnen helfen, mehr ?ber mich wissen. Meine E-Mail ist beatrice.antoinette13@gmail.com Sie senden Sie mir eine kurze Nachricht und ich werde gl?cklich sein zu antworten. Bis dahin erwarte ich, von Ihnen sehr bald zu h?ren. Sie k?mmern und haben Sie einen sch?nen Tag. Beatrice
3 Hello good morning Roland and yes I am fine and i hope it is the same with you as well.. i hope everything is going on well with you. I am not sure if I still remember you but it is very honorable and nice of you writing to me. Currently I am in Ghana and I work as a nurse, being here for some time now. Hope everything is going on well with you.. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Take care
4 Nice to hear from you again. I hope everything is fine with you and you had quite a good weekend. i am sorry for my late reply to your email, work has been pretty busy but everything is back now. To get back to your email honestly speaking I am not certain of coming to Austria sometime soon, it will be very nice meeting you in person as it will go a long way to lighten the intensity of things. I came there for a workshop so I am unsure for now. I do have some holidays i can take when I want to so lets see, for now I would want to know all there is to know about you. As you are aware it has been a while now so it will be very nice to start everything to be able to know all there is to know more about each other. A couple of pictures from you will be equally appreciated by me. I will do the same in my email. next Until then do take care and once again my apologies for my late reply to your email. Take care and have a very good week. Hugs.. Beatrice
5 Hello Roland, nice to hear from you again.it is good to know we have been able to establish communication up until now and yes I can understand sometimes work takes loads of our time but it sure is a nice experience getting to unwind after work.. I hope everything is moving on well with you.. Well with regards to what I have read so far about you I think everything looks pretty good with you, However it would be also very nice getting to chat sometime as we can be able to absorb more talking to each other personally and getting straight answers for questions we asked, anyway I guess that would have to be schedule for another time.
Well to get that past personally I don't really have much to tell about me, I would say I am serious person with serious intentions with regards to looking for love. I would like to state that irrespective of the fact that we are very distant from each other, a very strong and healthy relationship can be established, of course it will depend on our frequency on how well we relate to each other and our seriousness to making things possible for us. My stay there was based on sponsorship that was done by my Uncle, I just want to be very honest with you as much as possible and I hope you equally do same as well..
I work as a nurse. The best reward I get is the smiles from people's faces when they are healed and have to get back to their various homes and they say Thank You, for me that is priceless and that is the reason I wake up each and everyday to go to work. I work in a local clinic, it doesn't pay much but I do it for the love of the job and helping people..
I am passionate about life and I would really like to share all emotions with someone special. I want us both to plant our special chemistry and attraction, things that will grow bigger each day.. I want to love and to see in the happiness of another person my own happiness. All dreams will come true if you keep peace of mind and do not see everything only in a gloomy light! It is nice to know you have a passion for music, and I can see you are pretty good at it. And for the records I think I am going to enjoy listening to you play sometime, I am pretty confident about it..
So with that I will end my email here with a couple of questions and look forward to hearing from you very soon..
What are you passionate about and how has it being for you finding love on the internet ?
OK, what's your favourite song at the moment if you have one? Why do you like it..?
Are you a forgive and forget person or you believe something of that sort doesn't exist ?
I will end here and look forward to hearing from you soon. I have attached a couple of pictures of myself as well. Until then my hugs to you.. Take care. Beatrice
P.s what is the name of your son and daughter and how old are they ?
6 Hi There Roland,Always a pleasure hearing from you as always and equally writing to you as well. I hope everything is calm and nice with you and your kids as well. Once again my apologies for not replying your email sooner than you expected, I will try my possible best to make up for the lost time and yes I think meeting in the real life would certainly be quite something to look forward to.. My skype address is beatrice.antoinette, looking forward to talking more with you over there.. And equally like yourself I also like to go on Holidays especially living the hustle and bustle of work and being somewhere quiet and nice, somewhere you can enjoy the breeze and freedom of nature without worrying about anything..
I think we are pretty much looking for the same thing which I believe is a serious relationship that would lead into something meaningful we both can look forward to, well I guess as time progresses we would certainly know if we are compatible with each other.. Well my reason for choosing to find love on the internet is mainly driven by my curiousity to reach out to the outside world and see what is there for me.. I like adventure and also like to do things that are not within my comfort zone, so in a nutshell I like to try new things however I am looking forward to finding that special one to share everything with..
With the song it was really thrilling to listen to and yes of course I know them. they are quite popular.. With my favorite song would be Sinead O Connor song, nothing compares to you. I just love the lyrics and I love Sinead as well. I think she is a great musician. I have found a new favourite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1x8DMfbYN4 I think you might like it, all the same I am a big fan of Sia and also of many alternative music genre of music. I like to be introduced to different genre of musics as that broadens my horizon and taste in music.
I think the names of your kids are quite lovely, very nice knowing them, it would sure be a pleasure meeting them sometime.. And to answer your kids I am never married and with no kids and yes I sure do love kids and hopefully one day I can be able to have my own with which I can nurture with much love and affection..
I am from Thailand, I am in Ghana mainly because of family inheritance as I found out that my father left some properties for me before he died and also I work here in Ghana because I wanted to try something completely different. And no I don't have a visa to travel to Europe any time.. So quite a lot goes into me preparing to come to Austria but hopefully as time goes on we will see what happens..
I will end my email here wishing you a very Happy Valentines day and a beautiful Sunday with loads of happiness and so much more. Looking forward to hearing from you soon and also talking to you via Skype as well. Until then take care and hugs to you..
7 Good morning, it sure is a beautiful day here today and I couldn't hesitate to reply your email that sure is refreshing and very heartwarming to me, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, I hope today goes very well for you and that everything you endeavor moves on very well for you, I want you to know a woman here in Ghana does sure think about you..
I read your email with stern attention, I would be totally blunt and very honest with you about everything so you will know my stand about everything and also know my current situation as well. I am very much aware of the critics and problems associated with the internet dating, I know it is very hard getting to do something for someone especially when you haven't met the person but I want you to know that the heart knows with whom it feels very comfortable and happy with. My intention is not to write long and lengthy email, however my true intention is to find love on here and to let the person know how I feel deep within myself, that is the more reason I am totally opened and honest with you about everything, in a nutshell you can say I am an open book ready to be explored by the reader who finds me interesting and I will also give the reader much to look forward to as well hahahahaha..
Well with your question, I haven't been able to find out how I will be able to get a visa to travel to Austria, I know it would be quite less tedious and easy on my end when I have the funds but honestly speaking currently I don't think my funds will be enough to cater for all these things. I am saying this because I have some things on my hands that I need to sort out, I can be able to renew my passport and also take care of some of the bills but honestly speaking I can not be able to cater for everything, eventually I will help but right now I am not certain. I am saying this because I work in a local clinic and it doesn't pay me much, but it helps me go through the day and also puts food on my table and also helps me to pay the bills and also support my mother.. That is the more reason why I wasn't sure when I will be back, I wouldn't want this to be a burden on you that you have to carry, I know it is important meeting each other as it will make things much easier on our ends but facing reality I have to be honest with you as it is very important where we have gotten to..
Well with names for my kids I think I have loads, but it all depends on the situation and occurrences which might happen in between when I give birth but for sure I am looking forward to having special names for them, and hey if it is with you we can be able to decide together, that would be fun and with the kids I think three would be ok. preferably two boys and a girl..
With my workshop like I told you it was my uncle who sponsored me through everything, he actually paid for everything for me to come here so you can say he single handedly did everything for me.. But hopefully in the future who knows I would truly love to come there again as I had quite a good time there and who knows to meet you would equally be nice as well..
I am mostly online at Skype at 7 pm on here so I believe that should be 8 pm your time and and I work Monday to Saturday, however Saturdays are half days for me and yes I do get time of, I don't go to work on Sundays though and my free time I spent it pursuing my hobbies like swimming, reading, hanging out with friends and expanding my horizons and also spending time with family.. I don't work in a hospital but a local clinic and the name of the clinic is Holy Trinity Katsomo Clinic. and my dress well I don't wear an official nurse dress like other nurses do as I am a paediatric nurse.. But I will attach a picture of you to see me..
Well with Thailand I live in Pattaya, Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri, quite a place I think you should visit and yes I do miss Thailand, I can reconnect with old friends and also relatives as well and yes you have got that right quite some couple of questions here but I am glad you endeavoured to ask as I had a good time answering them hahahahahaha and yes it sure would be nice meeting soon, I think that would be quite something to look forward to..
Wow my email is getting lengthy now but I do appreciate your effort and also I think your English is fairly ok so no worries with me. I look forward to your reply and hopefully look forward to talk with you soon on Skype, Until then my regards to your kids and to yourself as well. Take care and may the sun shine its lights on you today.. You are in my thoughts. Hugs Beatrice
Today i will get an offer from the travel agency... so maybe i also get some more infos. i also will let her talk on phone by video chat. so then i even know she is for real...
Name of Agency : Safari Oasis Travel and Tour in Accra
Name of Agent: Michael Dakyehene
email: safari.oasis2005@gmail.com
Company Number: 0205083362
(+233) - 0205083362
thank you so much!!