Female Scammer Bernice Boatemaa

Bernice Boatemaa

Female Scammer Bernice Boatemaa

 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Bernice
Location [Address]:
Age: 44
Birth Date:
Bernice Boatemaa

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Bernice Boatemaa

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Bernice Boatemaa

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Reports :

-Original Message-
I am so tired. I have found money for my visa and for a ticket. I was able to get it. So many times I have proved that I have only serious intentions. It took me so much forces. Please, try to appreciate this! Only one step is left now to see you. Please, try to understand I have no intentions to lie to to you and I am not going to do it. I know that you don't have much money. Try to understaand, please, as soon as I get to your country I will give you all money back. You will not loose any of your money. As soon as you meet me at the airport, I will give you the money back immediately. You will not lose cent. Only will spend a few money to send it. I know, that you have no many money. And you pay many charges on a life. But understand, as soon as I shall cross border at once I shall give you this money. You will meet me at the airport. As soon as I shall see you at once I shall give you your money. I have visa and I have a ticket but I need to have some money to prove it at the customs. I have to prove that I have enough money to support myself in a foreign country. In other case, they will just not allow me to cross the board. I know it is going to be Christmas soon. I have a bought a present for you.



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