Female Scammer Cibina
E-mail: cibinayul@gmail.com
★★★★☆ 10 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Cibina |
Location [Address]: | Ola |
Age: | 34 |
Birth Date: | 5/3/1981 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Hello stranger right now I am even more than sure that first of all you looked at my photo and only then you opened my letter? Honestly, I did not expect so soon received a message from you! This is a pleasant surprise ... Well, let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm Cibina. I'm 31 years old, but I'm still lonely lady, never been married. By character, I am kind, sympathetic girl? Probably you will be surprised , right now I 'm in Russia. I was born in Kazakhstan and I lived in Kazakhstan until I was 16 years old. Then I went to Russia with my family to study there. Everyone said that studying in Russia is more promising, and the level of education there is higher. As a result, I have been living in Russia since the age of 16. I turned to a dating agency to search for a man, and there they gave me the opportunity to get to know you. When I finished Institute in 2013, I traveled to practice in Huron, practiced in English and worked as a waitress. It is a small town in USA.. It was like a fairy tale , I learned a lot about your country for four months stay there! Unfortunately, I had to go back. But I never give up hope to visit your country again and maybe stay there forever. I have a good friend there, to be honest, it is she advised to contact a dating agency? Now I live and work in Tula, although I was born in a small township. Who lives there, my mother and sister, I try as often as possible to visit them. I have friends, hobbies, good job, and I'm not just wasting my time. I miss the time spent in USA, where I was surrounded by friendly people, beautiful places that previously I had only seen on TV. These warm impressions left in my heart. So, I want to find a loved one, to create a strong relationship. This is the most important thing for me. Age difference or nationality - not a problem for me at all. I am interested in what is in his heart, what is in his mind. I just need a single man who is my best friend and faithful partner , to whom I dedicate my life and I will love. It is likely that I'm looking for you and you're the only one I need - who knows? I am looking for a serious relationship, for a nice man, more than just a friend. I hope that you are looking for the same thing. Maybe you want to ask me why in the internet? So there are many reasons. Nowadays with all our daily living needs, wants and problems, with all the twists and turns, to speak figuratively, of today’s world, we often forget about the meaning of our life. We think so much and so deep in our mind about the future that we completely forget about our present. As a result, we are not living in the future as well as in the present. We follow different stereotypes, which were laid down by several generations, which we have never chosen. Probably nobody can say for sure why it should be only this way and no other. I do not know yet if the internet is a good way to find the second half of my heart, but nothing will stop me to try. Why not? Every single moment we dream about happy future which must be full of joy and pleasures at sacrifice of our current time. Certainly, if someone says that nobody can force us to live like this, in any event he will be completely right. So what I am trying to say that our life is in our hands. It is my first letter and hope a lot that it wouldn’t be the last one at the same time. Answer me, I’m not asking too much. Give me a chance to become to be a friend. Let it be…
Do not sit and wait for a miracle, and keep in your mind that everything that happens to us, all is made for the best future. See you Richard. Sending you a big hello from Russia!
Yours Cibina
Hello Richard. You answered me and made my day! It's like a first conversation, our first dialog. In some ways it's much more easier to write - you must agree with it or what are you doing here? here I can be myself. Thanks for your photos, you look very good! You have beautiful ****** features, I like your eyes! I am writing to you from work, I don't have an internet at home. I and my friend are renting apartment so it is unreachable for us. So do not be sad or mad on me if I am not writing to you immediately? I would like to know more about you and of course I will give you some information about myself. I live in Tula already 10 years - it's a very big city and I'm used to this vanity. It's easy to find on a map of our vast Russia. Tula - is the capital city of Tula region, sure you know about it?. Here are many interesting places, restaurants, museums, parks for entertainment, cinemas, galleries. But at the same time, it is a very bustling city, people are always in a hurry somewhere, not paying any attention to anybody. It is hard to get to know someone on the street? Surprisingly, between us such a great distance, but we can communicate, no matter what! I will try to find your city on the map... We live together with my friend Elena in a rented apartment, it allows us to both saving?. I have a cat, I call him Markul. I hope you like my new picture with him?? My mom lives about 25 min from Tula, with my sister. Sometimes I come to visit, but not as often as I would like. I have no car, so I travel by train or by bus. Rarely my Sister picks me up in his car and we move to mom's house. We together chose her the car and therefore, he does not refuse to drive me? My father died when I was a very young girl so I don't really remember him. Mommy says that I am a good copy of him and even our characters are very much the same. I have other relatives but we are not so close to each other. Tell me more about your family and you life. And send me new photos, if you have. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care, bye!
Yours Cibina
Hello again, Richard. How are you today? Thank you for your letter. You should know that your attention means a lot for me. I'm curious to know about you and your life! I keep melting like ice cream from your sweet words :) You know how to choose words and impress a girl! I would give you a massage after work so you can relax! I will also go to my mother's on the weekend and spend time with her! Thanks again for the photo! You're very handsome! Today I finished my work earlier than usually. Today in our country we have a holyday. It is a day of love, devotion and family. Especially at such moments I feel myself so lonely. My best friend Elena already has two kids and good husband and she is of my age! I love children but I'm not hurrying up. It's not a question of being afraid of any responsibility, I just don't feel myself strong enough for it and also I want my children to have a real father. I won't let myself repeat my own childhood. But enough about this. By the way i did not tell you yet about my job. I work as a administrator in a beauty salon. Sometimes it's hard to work all day long , but i love my job . I like being able to communicate with new people. They often come to our salon to make them beautiful and attractive appearance. This brings me a lot of positive emotions when the customer leaves satisfied. In a particularly busy days i had to work till late. In the evenings when we have a lot of work , we often gossiped with the girls ? . But sometimes i feel very tired of it all. I have to smile when you want to cry , to be polite , even if the visitors are irascible and behave provocatively. I always fashionably dressed , with gorgeous hair and makeup. Daily i try to care for themselves, and look anywhere as a queen , regardless of the situation . I also go to the gym 3-4 times a week . This allows me to feel briskly throughout the week . I used to dream about , to take time off and spend a month on entertainment, travel abroad? I did tell you that i finished Tula Social And Economic Institute, but i liked working in provision beauty services, active employment. So i studied English. I tried to find a job in any way related to my profession, but where i did not address, monotonous work anywhere or i'm not attracted salary. So i'm not complaining, i build my destiny by myself and there is nothing wrong with it. Oh, Richard, I wrote you so much today... now it's your term.
Wish you to have a good day and take care.
Cibina P.S. I think you'll like my new pics =))
i my friend. Thanks thanks thanks for the avalanche of compliments! So it's not in vain that I spend so much time in the gym :) In fact, it's very nice to hear words of admiration from a pleasant man. Thanks again! God bless your mom! I am glad that she was able to live to such an age, I wish her only the best! Hmm, I like the way you start and end the day you're talking about :) Today I was thinking a lot about you. It is so great that I’ve met you! My self phone is not working again. This is a Chinese copy of the iPhone. I have twice broken my phone, it fell. Knowingly succumbed to the low price, i spent more money to repair than it's worth. Now I don’t want to spend any rubles on it! Besides it’s not so necessary for me. Maybe I'll give it to my goddaughter. She likes to play with my phone, maybe it is a hand in this break :) But I'm not angry at her, how could you be angry with the child? So I hope everything is fine with you today. I wanted to ask you did you ever communicate before by the internet? Do you already have an experience? As for me I tried a couple times before but it didn’t work. There was nothing wrong with those people we simply did not understand each other. And it is the most important thing in any relations. Isn’t it? What qualities in a girl for you are the most important? Should it only be attractive or should have some useful skills, such as cooking, to create comfort in the house, to be able to caress a man by nights, etc. ? Overall, I possess the necessary qualities for a girl, it's laid to me in childhood my mother. I'm a good cook (I hope LOL), hardworking and try to take care of themselves, to my man was not ashamed of me. I just do not have enough next to a man for whom I would have tried ... In turn, I expect and hope from my man, he is an defender for me and the most-trusted man in the world, with whom I can do a thousand things together and having fun with him. For which I would have gone to the edge of the world, without hesitation. If we ever meet one nice day, how we spend this day? If you dream of a perfect date? Where would you like to go and what to do with your girlfriend? I have hundreds of choices, what would I like to try together, but I would like to make sure that our thoughts are the same? Richard, I am very sorry but I can not write more today. It’s late and I have to go. Next time I’ll write more. Thinking about you Richard.
Your friend Cibina.
Hello, it’s me again. I'm glad to hear from you! I like our correspondence, I read this as a love story? You never miss a chance to give me new compliments! Attention gestures have always been and will remain attractive to any woman, and if you are also a big romantic, you can charm any woman :) I am pleased that you feel interest in me and distinguish me from most girls, feeling that I am a special lady :) I can tell you this: dreams do come true! You know in Russia we have an expression (not sure that I can translate it correctly, but I’ll try to do my best) so: the distance between people is like a Fire and the wind a the real fire will be even ****** and stronger because of the wind but little light will be blown out by the wind so as any relations…I really hope you can understand what I’m trying to say. You can answer me that there is no relations between us, not yet, and you will be right on one hand, but on the other hand you already came into my life, you already have a place in my mind (all the time), in my heart and even now it’s so hard to imagine next day without you. The most important thing is that I enjoy corresponding WITH you. I feel the same comfort as you are. Never before I could expect such “relations”. We are blind now. Does not matter how many pictures I can send you – you still don’t know me in real situation. I am afraid to disappoint you and be disappointed in you. But who knows. We simply have to use every opportunity in this life. I really believe that it’s better to regret about what you’ve done than to regret that you never tried. Hope that you don’t see it strange, I mean, that I’m writing to you every single day. I’ll try to explain. It’s just my great pleasure to read your answers and I would be very sad if one day you’ll stop writing. Now I know I found a friend and I’m very appreciate you for it. Wish you everything the best. Wait for your letter.