Female Scammer Daniela Smith

Daniela Smith

Female Scammer Daniela Smith

E-mail: ella00_06@yahoo.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Daniela
Location [Address]: unknown Lagos (Nigeria)
Age: 25
Birth Date:
Aliases: Dani, Daniella, Danni

Reports :

28 years old • Born in the city Teplichnoe, Ukrainian • Graduated University studied to become a designer • PR-manager. It means that the job consists in that have to advertise clothes of local producers. • I was born on the 29th of November in 1980 We started changing eMails every day, since 18/09/2009 Here are the eMails she sent me: Salute, my Dear! First of all I would like to tell you that I am really grateful to you for letting us the chance to get to know each other better. Of course I understand that there are a lot of merits and demerits of such way of communication, but what to do if we live in two different countries and the same way we have one purpose of our communication in common! So I am glad that we are able to talk to each other and that we start our communication with such positive feeling. I do hope that it is the same for you.


I can tell you that unfortunately for me it is not easy to start writing to you by myself, but the same time I understand that someone should start and let it be me! I do not know what is interesting for you to get to know about me and I will be more than happy to have your questions and to answer them. The main thing that I would like to tell you today is that I am here with serious purpose to find the man I would be able to have serious relations. I wish you to know that it was not one day decision to start my searches for my second half like that and I thought about it before, so I came to the conclusion that I should try. I take it seriously and I expect that for you it is not a game as well. I hope that you will write me back soon and we will go on. So if you still have your wish to be acquainted with me I will wait for your letter here at this e-mail address that I write from: lyudachkachudachka@ukr.net I will hope for the best! Cordially yours, Lyuda Salute to you, ...!



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