Female Scammer Darina Markyanova
E-mail: darinamarkyanova@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 10 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Darina |
Location [Address]: | United States |
Age: | 32 |
Birth Date: | 15.06.1992 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
---Original Message---
Letter 1
Hello Henry, I'm very glad that you decided to continue our communication. I was thinking of what I can write more about me. But I did not write to you about my family. I think that you should know about it. I was born in a small town of Saransk (Russia). My city is located in 650 kilometers from Moscow to the southeast. I live here.
I do not remember my father because he did not live with us. I was grown only by my mother. We were the best friends. But my mum had a cancer of a stomach, and she has died in 2006. Year was horrendous for me. It was awful and incredible. I could not understand it for long time. I was empty. Even now I remember my mum very much frequently.
You know, that I had very happy childhood. Only then, several years I started to understand, that she felt, because I had no father with me. But I have received news from other people, that it was no mistake of my mother.
My father (I cannot name his "daddy") never loved my mum. He has left her lonely, because my mum was the pregnant woman. It was very difficult for her to bring up me. Buy to me of a dress and toy. We lived only her little earnings. But we never complained of our life - we have solved all problems together.
My mum always spoke me, I should marry the person which I shall real love. I hope you understand, that memory of my mum very important for me. After death of my mum I feel very much lonely, because I have no native sisters and brothers. but I have my best friend Marina and Anastasiya. oooh I will send you a photo.
They are remarkable girl. We can name us sisters because we are friends more than 15 years, and we help each other. Do you have a best friend?I want to tell you about my hobbies. Summer for entertainment I work in my small garden. I raise flowers. Roses, orchids, tulips, an aster. Do you have any favorite hobbies?I can describe my individuality as sunny, active, open-hearted sincere person with stable moral standards.
.I want to know you much better because you are attracting me in what you say. How much time are you in search of women?What do you think of my character? Do you like my personality. What you do not like in me?
Darina Markyanova
Letter 2
Hello dear Henry, How you? What is the weather today in your country? I hope all is well. Today I have had a difficult day, but now I’m free and I can write the letter you. I'm sorry for my previous letter. It was sad. I did not want to make you disappointed. I hope you did not get offended to my story about the mother.
Well, I want to tell you about my hobbies. I like listening to different music. It depends on my mood and feelings.
I like Joe Satriane as well. I suppose he is a magnificent guitar player. I hope you agree with me. I like the group “Dire Straits” very much. I like “Pink Floyd”. They are not similar to any others.
There are a great number of popular musicians abroad. But I remember Russians as well. May be you heard about the Russian group "Spleen"
or "Chaif." But I think the most famous Russian group abroad is “Gorky Park”. Probably you've heard about it.
They had a great success at the beginning of 90s. I like going to the cinema very much. Now days a lot of foreign films are on the screen in Russia. Foreign cinema is widely spread in Russia. I like such old American films as Gladiator, Brave Heart. Mel Gibson is a good actor. My health is the most important thing for me. I do not boast. My health is really good, and I always try to be in a good form. I every morning, try to spend as much times as possible in the open air. I have no car and I take a bus. I have been living in the conditions of rather cold winters and damp autumn since my childhood. Such of climate helps to toughen my health. I do not smoke and do not take alcoholic drinks. I prefer a healthy way of life and I'm proud of it. Sewing and knitting are my hobbies if it's possible to say so. I also like to spend my free time gardening collect berries. I love to ski and to skate in winter. I can speak about my hobbies for a long time. But I also want to say that I do not like some things. I do not like artful and envious people. I hate when somebody deceives. I do not love cruelty and roughness. I'm not interested in people, who prefer to spend their time drinking alcohol. I also do not like bad untasty meal and cloudy days.
I shall be glad, if you tell about you many various things for me. I want to know about you more and more. Because you my Friend. You agree? Friends always should know well each other.
Darina Markyanova...
Letter 3
Hi my dear Henry, Thank you very much for your letter. It brightens my day. I hope that you have the same feeling when you receive my letter. And of course, I enjoy our correspondence and I am serious.
I consider you to be my friend, I think that you understand me in lots of things it's easy for me to talk to you on many topics. You can ask me any questions you want.
I think that trust is very important for the relationship, if both of the partners want the relationship to grow. No relationship can be strong without it. Thank you for being honest with me and from my side I can say that I will be honest with you also.
I think we should try to tell each other as much as we can. I would like to know you better from inside, because you seem very interesting to me, so I have a question for you: What qualities do you appreciate in people the most? In my opinion, honesty, faithfulness, kindness, sincere and understanding are very important in people.
I also think that in every relationship trust plays the main role. That's why I think that 100 trust should be between man and woman, they should be able to say every single thing to each other, share all their joys and sorrows. If they have a problem they should try to find a salvation together. What do you think? What is your opinion? And feel free to ask me anything, I'll answer you with great pleasure. I will be looking forward to your letter!!!!
Darina Markyanova...