Female Scammer Demeneva Kristina Aleksandrovna
E-mail: smiledem@outlook.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Demeneva |
Location [Address]: | Nizhniy Novgorod |
Age: | 32 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: |
Reports :
---Original Message---
From: kris tinaDate: 5/10/2019 10:43:43 AMTo: Micheal HoppeSubject: Thank you!!! Hello my dear Micheal Many thanks for your photo. To me it is very pleasant. You very attractive man. I am very glad to receive your letter today. It was so pleasant to see yours letter in inbox. Thank you Micheal that you do not forget about me and write me constantly. It's so very pleasant. I celebrated Victory Day well. I watched a military parade in my city. after that she laid flowers at the eternal flame. Then there were a lot of folk festivals in the city. And in the evening I watched the festive fireworks. Thank you Micheal that you are very attentive to me and also attentively read my letters. Thank you Micheal for your attention. The attention and care - is very much high qualities. In our fast life we have no time for all this. But reading your letters, I see that you are not such as all others men... Your letters are filled with good feelings. I read it and I feel myself absolutely in another way. I do not know how explain it to you... I always wait your letters with impatience. It always brings to me so much delightful feelings. I am very glad that have met you Micheal. Warm and tenderness - only thing I need. It is a problem of Russian men. Russian women makes everything for the man, for family. But she does not receive anything from him. Yes, the majority of women devoted to loved favourite man, I am sure, western women same. Only need to woman - some sensitive words and touch of his hands, and... understanding. This thing does not suffice in our life. Micheal , really it is so difficult? I think, that not so difficult present your lady romantic evening and a supper with candles, but in Russia, as a rule, woman gives such gift, not the man... When woman carries heavy bags in the street, any man will not help her, he only will reject his sight and will go further. Why he should help woman? For this reason Russian woman never feels yourself HAPPY LADY in her heart. I don't think I am a beautiful lady, Russian men usually see in women sexual object. They believe, that the woman only should work, prepare and entertain the man when he wants it. Offend the woman - a usual thing for Russian men. Very much frequently meets, that the man beats his wife in house. Any respect, only in dream... Again dreams... Micheal as you know, I like to prepare, but sometimes I would like to receive simple tenderness, love and attention. I do not want to offend all men, there are good men, but not enough. Very difficultly quickly determine, see a internal world of the man. Men very difficult essences. They try to hide their qualities. It is necessary to spend a lot of time... and then becomes known that this person not worthy your attention. I had relations with men of course. In my life were men. They were lovely, cheerful. When I started speak about serious intentions... They gradually leave my life. But only with one person I wanted to create family... This man deceived me. He slept with other women, even when he has suggested me to be his wife. I have found out about it later. It was seemed that he is very serious in his intentions... When he told me, that he could not constantly be with one woman. I could not suffer it anymore. My soul was wounded very much and broken. Since this moment I'm very seriously concern to relations with men. Majority of men which I met, still boys in their soul even in 35 years... I do not want to suffer all my life because of them! Micheal I hope you understand everything I told you. Because I do not want any more come back to this theme... Now I would like to tell you about our beautiful city. As you already know I live in Nizhniy Novgorod. It is located on river Volga, it is the biggest river in Europe. Our city very ancient, it has been based in 1221 year! Our city has Kreml. It is the big stone wall which was constructed around of old city. This construction has been constructed for defense, for protection against enemies. It is very beautiful construction. But in other part of our city absolutely other, is located new city. It is very modern, expensive city. In our city about 1,360,000 inhabitants. I think you understand it is the big city. The big city has the big movement, a fast rhythm of a life, a garland of fires, easy show-windows, high buildings, fountains, cinemas, parks, theatres and temptations. It is wonderful, of course I love it. But we have so good places a zone of rest, a beach, parks. They are very beautiful. If was not any criminal, this place could be as paradise. But alas, criminal in the big cities, and in small - the worse part of our life. Unfortunately the criminal in Russia is located in very high level. But I do not want to tell you about these sad things. I should finish my letter. I want to ask you Micheal, what makes you happy? What was the best gift which you received from the woman? I am timid, but I have kissed you hotly. With the best regard, sincerely yours Kristina. PS. Photo was taken in summer. Me and my friend Masha