Female Scammer Ekaterina Rozhentsova
E-mail: krovrina@yahoo.de
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
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First Name: | Ekaterina |
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-Original Message-
Hello my love! How are you doing today? Hope everything is fine.I think that all people are lunatics in love. They depand on theirsecond halves completely. Love makes them behave like crazy people.Perhaps that's not bad. It causes strange actions sometimes. If loveis a poison I would prefer be given this poison every day. Only theperson who is in love can fullfill a bath with champagne for thelover, only he can give his beloved hundreds of roses and spend thewhole night singing songa for his love. That's the most wonderfulthing in the world. To feel that you need someone so badly that youcan't help thinking of Him every minute. To feel that someone need youto be able to breathe. Your letters are so tender and warm! I neverheard such words from anyone. I think that russian men simply don'tknow these word. Your words're so pleasant for me that it brings me tothe sky! Sometimes I feel so lonely here during weekends. I have gotsome friends but they're not you. Since I met you they are not enoughfor me. I can't emagine how I could live without you. You showed mewhat real life is, filled with emotions and expectations. I'm so happyI found you Patrice! I thought A person can live without love as I did. Ithought it's better not to love than feel hurt and humiliation oneday. But now I know that love can avoid disappointment. You tought mehow to be pleased with your life, to be satisfied with every day.Every morning when I wake up I think of you Patrice. And I know that noonecan hurt me because there's you in my life - so understanding andtender. I've been searching for a person who'll be worth trusting. AndI've found you finally. This person may be my second half I thinksometimes. I'll fill the emptiness in his soul, And in he'll be theone in my heart. Person needs several things to be happy and now Iknow that Love is the most important. I tried to find love here butiwas given only roughness and disrespect. It hurt me horribly.But inthe end I met a person who I can dream about future with. That's youhoney. Lie spoilts relationships. That's why I ask you not to deceiveme. You know - bitter true is better then sweet lie. I'm sure you'rean honest person and you'r not going to deceive me. Am I right? I hopeI am. I'm afraid of my heart being broken again. I really want to cometo you and to try to create serious relationships with you. This isessential now for me. I talked to the menager of the travel agency andtomorrow he is going to tell me all the details of my trip. He saidit's possible for them to organise my coming to you. They've alreadyexperienced such trips. I hope we'll come to agreement. This agencyseems to be very reliable. I'll write you tomorrow or the day aftertomorrow about our contract.It so is unexpected for me, that you would want that I became yourwife, I am simply happy, I do not have words, I in delight!!!!! MyANSWER: CERTAINLY I AGREE TO BECOME YOUR WIFE!!!!!!!!!! If love is rain, I'm looking for thunderIf soul is a ray, Im searching for sunIf loving heart is happiness, I waiting for you... Lots of kisses to you!