Female Scammer Elena 


Female Scammer Elena 

E-mail: 'Elena'
 10 ratings     

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First Name: Elena
Location [Address]: None as of yet, won't let it get that far
Birth Date:

Reports :

-Original Message-
How are you today? I hope, that everything is good! We have good our exchange of and I think, that now I can make some opinion of your character. You seem to me very interesting person :-) I hope you feel the same about me. If you do I'am the happiest person. I know it seems difficult enough to learn people through letters. But when, we will have personal meeting. I think, that we will enough have time. Study each other much more close. You agree with me? I very cheerful person also I think out various entertainments for itself and the friends. I like to help them to make life interesting. It can be different things: dances, cinema, parties or entertainments on the nature. I already informed you, I the hopeless romanticist lol :-))))) But if to speak frankly in last time these entertainments give less pleasure. I frequently dream about romantic evening with the favourite person, it can be a supper or simply walk. I think, that in it there is a lot of charm. Do you think, sometimes, of such things ? I think, that you are good man and many women see you as good man too. Write to me more about your feelings and desires, I like always to read, when you tell about yourself. Today I wished to send you a photo. But I do not have photos on this computer in internet cafe so I will send some photos later. Well... Now I still have some news. Yesterday my daddy has informed the friend that I have received the visa. These days the daddy's friend should send means addressed to my daddy. We will receive means and I will buy air tickets. Well I finish my letter now. With thoughts of you!



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