Female Scammer Elizaveta Tirekhina
E-mail: lizamel@yandex.ru
★★★★☆ 10 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Elizaveta |
Location [Address]: | unknown Lvov (Ukraine) |
Age: | 27 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Beth, Elezaweta, Elizabeth, El |
Reports :
Letter 1
Hello,my name is - Ksenia, the woman from Russia. To me of 28 years. I have two supreme educations: the nurse, the economist. Now I search the partner in life for serious the attitude. For this purpose I have decided to take advantage of services of the Internet and a site of acquaintances. And among men from this site, I would like to get acquainted with you more close. As I have very much become interested in your biographical particulars. And I very much would want, that we became close friends and probably good married couple in the future. I trust, I hope and I shall wait for your reciprocal letter. With greater respect, Ksenia P.S Write to me please on mine email: ks1024@rambler.ru The same photos are also used by scammer Elizaveta Chirkova who claims to be from St.Petersburg (but her IP shows it's Mariy El). Letters by "Elizaveta Chirkova" Letter #1 Hello my new friend **** I am glad to dialogue with you. I want to tell to you about myself My name is Liza, me 28 years, my growth 175 cm. I from Russia, live in city Saint Petersburg, My parents live near to St.-Petersburg, In small settlement. I go to them on a visit when I am not borrowed with work I have finished university of economy, I have higher education, I work as the secretary in firm Articles of food. I respect kind decent people, validity Also I hate lie and treachery. I have hobby, I like to prepare, and to think out something new, The truth not always turns out well. I very much love music, music calms or amuses, I like singer Madonna, Also I like to go to cinema with friends, My favourite film Titanic when I looked it for the first time, I cried, and not only I one, was very good film. Also I go in for sports, track and field athletics, but I never was not professional Sportsgirl. I very much love plentiful girl, was easy to offend me, I am able to love, but why that till now, I did not have serious relations, At me one was Boyfriend with which at us were very much Strong relations, I loved him all heart, IHe too spoke that loves me, but I have seen him with another, I did not begin to do sharp conclusions, I have talked to him, He has told that it is his old schoolmate, But I saw him next time when he kissed her, I have begun to cry and did not want to talk to him more, I had depression, I two weeks could not recover from sincere Traumas, then the pain began to abate, and now I do not think of him at all. It was 2 years ago. Can be to you it was not necessary to tell it, But I think you should know that with me happened. Then I had some novels with guys, But it was for a week and no more, I was absolutely disappointed in men, my girlfriend all time Calmed me and spoke that sometime I shall find the the man. Recently she has advised to find to me the man on the Internet, I have tried, and to me to like to write to you, I found you in Russian service of acquaintances, I badly understand in computers. Is to whom to tell about the feelings, in fact friends not always beside, I have an own computer of a house so I can To write to you when I shall want. Write now you about itself. I too shall send you the photo. I shall wait for your letter Liza Hello my friend **** I am glad that you have paid to me attention, For me it was pleasant to receive from you the letter. I apologize for English - language, I understand that it at me broken, I studied it at school and at university. I once again want to tell. I live in the city of Saint Petersburg, In a small apartment, I have own Computer of a house so I can write to you letters, Only you I should understand that to write at leisure, I have no house phone, because an apartment old, But I have cable through which I can to leave in the Internet. I want to explain to you where I have found you. I badly understand in computers, I have gone on a site lubov ' za granicey There is at us such site, I came On it has few times found your structure Also has decided to write to you, now I any more do not remember How to get on this site. You the unique person to which I write. I spoke you that I never was marrige I have no any children. You understand, I already adult girl Years go, and I still one, At me it has turned out nothing till 28 years So I have decided to try to find the destiny through the Internet, I hope to find all this, I have real purpose, I want to find second half, I want that I had family, the husband and children. Tell to me that you want to find in our acquaintance? Tell a little more about itself? I shall wait for your answer Liza Hi ****, So it is pleasant for me to see your letter. When I see that I have written to me think Well also I smile. I would like to speak you at once, That I am not going to play game, and to do correspondence for entertainment, I want to search really for the man for serious attitudes and that To have the joint future with it. I think that you also serious the man. I could not find before serious attitudes. When I visited In city of cafe young people got acquainted with us, but for them all this was not serious, they vanished next day and we with the girlfriend never saw them. Therefore I have understood that such acquaintances not well for me. But I once again I repeat that I search only serious attitudes. I cannot carry out much Time on the Internet. When I learned about such phenomenon as the Internet. I wanted to buy at once to myself a computer. I have found not so new, but it worked Normally. When to me have brought it home I wanted to do the Internet, But I have no phone in an apartment which I remove. The owner of an apartment speaks that phone to do it is not necessary. Then I have decided to carry out to myself the cable Internet. It costs for me normally not cheaply but if economically to use. I do not try to search on the Internet of entertainment, I only for serious attitudes. I ask you to speak me at once on how many you are serious with me. You should understand that here to me I am very lonely also want to search for the close person on spirit, only to be with him happiness. I think that each person searches for happiness. How you consider ****? I think that when there is beside a person which always will support and will help In something it is very fine. If all this on the nature where is a lot of Beautiful voices of birds, but it is absolutely romantic. I like that in letters I can be frank with you and will not be constrained it. I probably spoke you it already, that in the letter it is possible to write much that You will not tell words. But always people could understand each other without words, on a sight. How you think? Write to me about the sights more? My **** Now I should finish, but I shall write to you still necessarily. I wait for your letters. Yours I like that in letters I can be frank with you and will not be constrained it. I probably spoke you it already, that in the letter it is possible to write much that You will not tell words. But always people could understand each other without words, on a sight. How you think? Write to me about the sights more? My Now I should finish, but I shall write to you still necessarily. I wait for your letters. Yours Liza Hi ****, Today I receive your letter and it is interesting to me to read new about you And about a life. When I read your letter I started to think that I need it every day. I have got used to that that I have your mails everyone Day I have got used to you already. You for me become very much the close person. With each letter we learn about us more. I thought that the Internet is a fine thing. We are far apart, but all the same we know about our life and we write each other about occuring with us. Today when I have woken up I had a smile on the person of that I live. I looked in my window and there there was a sun and all is beautiful. I thought as all this perfectly. It is possible to tell that I flied to a bath to wash and put into itself the order. I washed included a computer and went to do a small breakfast. I checked the mail and saw your letter. I have decided to write to you back, But I had to run for work when I looked at hours. I have decided to answer you hardly later during the lunchtime if I shall have time or in the evening. On work I had no a lot of weariness. In as though new force has appeared. I do not know whence such in me, all this can that I have met you. My day has passed normally. When I return home I found the letter from my parents. They wrote That all is good me and at them. My sister has summer vacations and perfectly spends time there. In the letter they spoke that at my sister has appeared The young man who looks after her. I was very much pleased for her. At her young age and I think that she is happy, when young people show attention to her. I know it when to you 19 years it very well and cheerfully, you think that all life ahead. In a word it is a youth. I recollected the youngly when we with girlfriends visited a beach in the summer To sunbathe, played beach volleyball with our friends. It was cheerful. But then I leaved from native city, and all here varied. The adult life began. Problems in study which should be solved itself, payment of habitation. I sometimes worked in the summer, when studied in institute to pay my apartment which I remove. Now I am glad lives and a smile on my person almost always. I do not know whence it with me. Still the some people time back it was not. I now I fly in clouds. I think of you and as you there live. Me it is very interesting. We have met you and my life has appeared New step forward. If you understand me. My **** now I should finish the letter and go to do small cleaning in my house. I wait for your answer my lovely Liza Hello **** This morning for me is fine. The sun shines in eyes and I wake up. I did not expect that the first idea to my head will be about you, and that as you there. It is very strange, and I cannot understand that it in me? How are you doing? Mine it is normal. I wrote to you about my fine mood Constantly and it does not vary till now. I am glad to this. My morning began as well as all others than not differing. I think that I should tell to you about some vital sights. I think that if you will write to me about the same we can better know each other and we shall understand better. I have understood you..... That you are adjusted seriously and it very much is pleasant to me. Gravity of people I think that they search for the person with which it is possible to build family. I as well as any woman probably dream of the kind and fair person. Which understands me, and I understand him almost in all. Attitudes between the man and the woman this most important in a life probably and consequently I think that in attitudes the woman is the keeper of a house and she looks after him, and to men provides it with all necessary. How you think? You agree with me ****? You have asked where I work, I work as the secretary in small firm, Which is engaged in sale of technics. Basically my work with documents. To conduct reports for each worker and all events to write down documentary. My **** It can good that I could not find anybody here, and have met you. I should think of it well. Also I ask to think of it you. I think of you every day and I ask you that you remembered that there is such girl as I which counts you the fine person. How I already spoke that I have no children, but I think that it can sometime will? I love children and when I come back from works in mine a court yard is The children's playground on which is a lot of children to play. Some from them live in my entrance. I sometimes treat their chocolate or a sweet. I have at myself almost always a small bar chocolate. It is small female weakness in me. I like to bakee a pie or pies itself. The pie of me was learned with a furnace my mum and I think that at me turns out normally. My mum certainly does it better, but I all the same its schoolgirl. I would be glad to treat you........ It sometime if you have desire To try. You have such desire? My **** I should finish the letter today, I think that our attitudes will successfully proceed. I wait for your letters and today I send you a small kiss. I think that to you it very pleasantly. Hello ****, Mine dear **** You remember that I spoke about interesting in me, I understand that it you bring it to me. With your letters I already am glad every day that you are also we have met. I do not present already if I do not receive your letter. For me it will be very bad. I am glad to that people have thought up a computer and the Internet. For me it is fine therefore as we can have letters from each other every day. Today all in me is joyful. I as many girls dream, it can is silly, but I try to write to you about The dreams. I very much frequently present our house. To me I would be very desirable to have in my apartment or the house Old fireplace and set of colors. As would like to have an aquarium With exotic fishes and sea turtles. What do you think of it? What house Would dream to have you? It would be very interesting for knowing to me Your dream. Certainly I shall create comfort in my house. I think that it for the girl that in the house was a cosiness. My work today was normally I hardly is tired, but when I saw your letter overlooked about it. In my head all has got mixed up work and ideas About you. I think that it seriously I with you. But I would not like to hurry events. I want that all was good and correct. I understand that in a life a little that can be ideal, but all the same Close to this. Dreams of the house and family. It can all fairy tales, and it can once will. But now I know one in is at me, and I am you. I can speak sincerely to you that you is important for me and your letters. One of important in a life is honesty between loving people. You think also ****,? Today I should visit in the evening one of my girlfriends and now stop the letter, I shall look forward to hearing from you. Yours Liza Hello dear ******, I ran from work today more soon to write to you. When I included a computer Also I saw your letter had the big pleasure and a smile on my person. It admired me and my heart was pleased to your letter. To me bring force your letters I receive additional energy together with your letters. I think that my letters to you also very much please you. Our attitudes are fine also they have growth up. It is wonderful. With each letter our hearts become more close to each other. I spoke you about change in my behaviour. Now intonation of my voice became more more joyful. Today I received the letter from my mum I already wrote to it about us and she is glad for me. She speaks that it perfectly when I have found to myself the good person. Dreams of a meeting and how we could spend time start to visit me. We could go on the river and take a boat. To take with itself wine and to be floating along beautiful coast. Silently to talk not frightening the nature which lives around of us and to sip wine. It is very a pity that we not together now. We could stop on coast and do meat if beforehand have prepared for all for this purpose. To sit at a fire and you gently embraced and kissed me. As it is fine. You also think? You had dreams? We would look at a fire and it conjured us the beauty of a flame. You love meat a shish kebab on a fire? I think what yes. But if do not like, it is not important. It can sometime happen with us. You the finest person in my life **** yours Liza hi dear **** I today very much was delighted when approached to a computer received your letter. With each your letter my heart is pleased and filled with love to you. I feel the same feelings, as you. I feel inflow of forces and which you bring pleasures with your letters to me. I feel as ours with you feelings and attitudes grow and we gain in strength which so for a long time waited and hoped. Your letters force me to be pleased lives. I changed are surrounding and my friends on work noticed. My sister Anna sends the regards to you. She is glad, that we got acquainted with you. She is glad for me. She noticed, that I became joyful and at me in eyes fire of desire and happiness appeared. I write to you post cards, I all am open before you as the book which you can read. As it is a pity, that we with you now not together, we with you approach each other, we with you think and we speak equally. At us with you much in common, that I would like to discuss. I want, that we with you sometime had appointment that we with you sat near a fireplace with candles, light is muffled. Candles create to us with you romantic mood. We with you sit on a floor and at us in hands glasses with wine. I prepared us with you for a supper, it will be the chopped meat. We enjoy ours with you romantic conditions. We enjoy the friend the friend. To us it is well simple that we with you together, that we with you can touch the friend the friend. We can embrace each other. You gently embrace me for a shoulder and kiss me. We look at a flame in a fireplace and it bewitches us. As though I wanted, that it once happened with us. That we would be together. Now at us there comes autumn is very beautiful season. You would see as beautifully at us in the autumn in park. Trees yellow, leaves slowly fall on the ground. I think, that at you too beautiful autumn and we with you, we can walk under trees in park. I very much would want to go once with you on the nature and to fry shish kebabs, I love a shish kebab. You love a shish kebab from mutton? It is very tasty. First you process meat in mayonnaise, and then you fry on a ramrod. It is very tasty. Sometime I shall make it for you. You changed my life. I love you. Your Liza. My loved ****, today when I saw your letter and read it. I thought of that much that has taken place for this week between us. Your letters Give my smile a life. I am glad him every day. I thought that much Occurs in me for this week and I have understood that all this only because of you, You have made me joyful and happy, only when I read your letters I had fine mood when I recollected you within day. I not a haze to understand it earlier, but thought much and have understood that I love you. I dared to write it and I hope that all this mutually. I thought of it. It is a lot of, these words mean for me much, I never spoke them simply. It is big step for me to recognize it to you, but it so. These words Speak when cannot suffer and wait already still. I cannot wait more Also I want to shout to you it. I think that ' I you love shout ' your soul hears. These are the most simple words for expression of the strong feelings. Many poets found fine words for expression of love. But All the same simply I always was pleasant to hear love you. I hope that we can With you to be together once. Our correspondence has very much approached you to me. Our meeting on the Internet not casually, I think that it is destiny for us. As you think Paul? You trust what all is not casual in this world? I think so, that all that occurs means so it is necessary, it is necessary to someone. You heard about a word-combination ' if stars light up at night it means to somebody it is necessary '. Our feelings should not vanish, I think so my lovely ****. It is a pity that I am able to write as poets, I very much would like to express the feelings to you somehow unusually. But I cannot do it well. I think that the main thing that feelings are also you it know now. I never met in Russia such as you, I am glad to this. I am glad to our meeting. Your occurrence In my life has let.